I'm a bit disappointed by Sony's
No Man's Sky <3 Good god that looks good
LittleBigPlanet 3 looks pretty ace
I lol'd when Vita TV was announced as Playstation TV.
Bloodborne looks pretty cool
Like with Microsoft's, it was ridiculous in that games were announced and shown with no gameplay. Seriously, get it together.
Too many third party titles for show
They have destroyed their momentum by only really having cross-gen ports
They spent too much time on Destiny and LittleBigPlanet 3
The amount of time spent on TV/Movies etc. Urgh
And, like Debug Mode said, there was too much self congratulatory. Tread carefully, Sony, this sort of arrogance is what caused you to screw up with the PS3's first four years.
Still no massive desire to run out and buy a PS4. Will get one eventually, but nothing seen here (except No Man's Sky, but that's coming to PC too, isn't it?) is making me rush out to get one.