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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Saw this post on GAF. It truly explains the entire third party issue and why it'll never change
  2. Pic of the day. Is this a match made in heaven? Remember, no matter how big you may be, there is always someone bigger.
  3. Well you're entitled to your opinion, but it is wrong :p You must have skimmed my post. Which is what I was saying, yes. People seem to be jumping on me as if I was saying "oh it's not Nintendo's fault, it's everyone else's and they all suck", which is not what I said or even implied. -_-
  4. I dunno, there was considerable overlap for the first 3 or so years. A decent Wii exclusive version of these core games would have mopped up very well.
  5. All this furthers my initial point that their statement that they'll come when there's an install base is utter bull.
  6. Which is especially noteworthy with the Wii (before it died early), and the 3DS which has been the top selling console worldwide in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
  7. That could explain the Wii U, yes, but not the lack of support of the Nintendo consoles that did well/are doing well, which gives the possibility that there's something larger here.
  8. Didn't Ubisoft say that it was incredibly easy and cheap to port to the Wii U, though? I also don't think it's an issue with the online infrastructure, at least not for DLC. If I'm not mistaken, it has been said that DLC is very easy for developers to put up, and many do. I believe the issue is with developers thinking it's not worth it because of the userbase
  9. I don't believe anything I said in that post was crap. It's all observational.
  10. I have no idea what that means...
  11. See, they're right. It's annoyingly about specs and that's all they care for. They say they won't until the userbase is there, but that's utter bull. The Wii had a fantastic userbase, the 3DS has a decent userbase and they were both practically ignored by the core publishers and the Wii was mostly limited to mini-game collections and other such titles. People say "well the market for the Wii wasn't right for those games", and to an extent, sure, but if there were enough games, there would have been a market for it. Call of Duty on the Wii always sold pretty well, despite being less graphically capable. Hell, specs isn't the entire issue at all either, else we'd have got all the multiplatform games over the past year or so for 360/PS3 like Tomb Raider and so forth. There's also the factor of financial incentives. Practically every third party game these days has exclusive content on one platform or another. Nintendo typically doesn't deal with these financial incentives and are less likely to throw money at publishers in order to secure a title on the platform, or even just for exclusive content. They're showing a shift in that again though, like with the Gamecube, where they're paying third parties to develop exclusive games, but it's not enough. Nintendo devices, since the SNES, have never had strong third party releases. It's unfortunately been the case for almost 20 years now, and it's never going to change.
  12. Yeah, definitely. I was just in first by a large margin, looked at the gamepad and saw that every other character had some form of Mushroom or a star.
  13. Yes, that's what I meant :p
  14. I wouldn't say "very early". It's pegged for an Early 2015 release, so will be out around August.
  15. I had a race where all I was getting was coins. I still won :p
  16. Maybe as a limited edition with the movie
  17. :p This game really does need voice chat, though. Even I won't defend the lack of it if that comes to pass.
  18. Link trailer
  19. Didn't one of the developers say it will have voice chat?
  20. I worded that sentence poorly then. My apologies. It was not my intent.
  21. Hey hey...you're spinning now. I never said he had a major issue with Nintendo. All I said was: Yes I was paraphrasing, but that is essentially what he said, that Nintendo shouldn't do games rated over T. True enough, but that doesn't mean that they should stop funding those titles. It's not a situation where it's one or the other.
  22. It's how it sounded to me. Like a backhanded compliment.
  23. Because, after years of Nintendo being painted as kiddy, Nintendo is funding games that aren't in order to fill gaps, now people are having a go at them for it.
  24. I was agreeing with your point to an extent, you pillock :p Except the mini-game part because with that logic, all demos are just showing "mini-games".
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