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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Releasing one new iteration of a series on a console is now not ok? As opposed to other IPs on other formats which do multiple per gen. 3 Uncharted on one console, four Gears of War, four Halo, six Assassin's Creed, ten Call of Duty etc. Yep, one 3D Mario game is just utterly appalling. Nintendo has lost it. Fire Iwata. It's not the same bloody game over and over. Good god man. I now truly believe you're trolling.
  2. Both hilariously taken out
  3. Just had a good few races. On one, a friend and I were vying for first in Cloudtop Cruise, and we both inexplicably got the Super Horn and both used at the exact same time on a jump. I'm still laughing because of it.
  4. I misread the last part of your initial post. My apologies.
  5. Oh boy. So much wrong with your post I was talking about a me too company in regards to them making a console like the others. Next, the Mario games aren't annualised. Yes, there are games each year using the IP, but each game is from a different series. Mario games are typically one per console New Super Mario Bros: 1 per console 3D Mario: 1 per console (aside from Galaxy) Mario Kart: 1 per console Paper Mario: 1 per console Mario Sports: 1 per sport per console (if that) etc. Mario Party is the only exception to this, but even that stopped annualisation back in 2007. When I say annualisation, I mean that those games will become 1 per year, especially 2D, 3D Mario and Mario Kart, since they're the ones that sell. The rest do not. Finally, by yesterdays gimmicks, I didn't mean literally yesterday. I'm talking things like the analog stick, rumble, touch screen gaming etc. Yes, not all gimmicks take off, but others do and it's incredibly shortsighted to just say "no gimmicks". That's how industries stagnate.
  6. Well I personally hope you never get to see. Going third party would be the death of Nintendo.
  7. No proof that it'd happen? It's simple mathematics.
  8. So you want Nintendo to become a "me too" company, or for them to scrap half their workforce and their entire company's mission statement and just develop software across multiple formats meaning the level of polish would likely be diminished, plus having to resort to annualisation in order to stay afloat? Ok. I'm with @Wii. If Nintendo go third party, I'm gone from gaming. Also, have you forgotten that yesterdays gimmicks have become todays standards?
  9. In the grand scheme of things, it is, and you know it.
  10. I'm just saying that just because everyone has a phone does not mean that the smartphone gaming industry isn't at risk of collapse. Everyone had a PC/Laptop in the late 90s/early 00s to now, and that doesn't mean PC gaming is doing amazingly. It was barely a blip on the radar until Steam hit it big, and even now it's rather niche. Smartphone gaming could fold into a similar style. We just don't know, that's my point, and as I said, it's illogical to assume it'll just be here and everyone will flock to it.
  11. No, mobiles won't stop being bought, but the business model for games could very well crash, especially with the EU restrictions on microtransactions that are soon to be in place. It's illogical to just assume it'll always be here as is.
  12. They did say it's an "unexpected" character
  13. Word is that it has sold over 100k in the UK so far. Wii U wasn't at 200k at the end of last year.
  14. A new playable character is to be revealed this week
  15. You know gaming media doesn't ask the questions that need to be asked, just the ones that get the standard PR responses
  16. It's more fun local. Duh :p
  17. Nothing confirmed sadly, but there is the Nintendo Network logo on the box-art. We can but hope.
  18. Agreed. So psyched for this. I may actually have to put down Smash Bros to play it. Man, September is going to be sweet
  19. New trailer
  20. In its 4th week, Mario Kart holds #4 in the UK individual format chart, behind PS4 Watch_Dogs and EA Sports UFC for PS4/XBO. It dropped to 7 on the all format charts, but considering every game above it is on at least 3 platforms, it's not that bad.
  21. Mobile gaming could collapse very easily, considering the model that is used for making money. This is why I want Nintendo to buy Capcom. Treat them as independent like Monolith and The Pokémon Company, but have control and make money. Get Capcom back to their roots.
  22. Things may change. This industry is volatile, you never know what will happen next.
  23. Mario Power Tennis this week
  24. No, I didn't include that because I was dealing with the times after that. It is irrelevant to the point I made, especially as most third parties from those times don't exist anymore. Also, the Wii had a large install base, that's my point. It didn't NEED to run 360/PS3 games. It had a large enough install base for games to be developed on it without the massively increasing budgets and they would have done well and made a decent profit, but it was ignored. Also, see my above post.
  25. I dunno, I could see the quest for the AAA cinematic experience is going to result in losses as expenses go up while returns are the same. We had so many developers fold last gen and I fully expect many to collapse this gen, too. As such, it could be the time for Nintendo and the Japanese industry to jump back in again. But who knows what the future will bring
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