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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Pic of the day. PAC-MAN makes an appearance on the PictoChat 2 stage. We've included this as an element from Pac-Pix, which was released in 2005. It was quite revolutionary. There are a lot of new elements in the PictoChat 2 stage. In this screenshot, it looks like there is depth to the stage…or like there isn't. The illusory nature of the drawing is meant to challenge your perspective.
  2. Some of the Adventure Mode levels...yeesh, I must be horrifically underlevelled. Just did one with Midna and whenever I took a base, I lost one. Pain in the arse.
  3. Mario Kart DS's popular vehicle, "B Dasher" will be available on DLC Pack 1. 4 vehicles will be included in the DLC Pack 1, and "B Dasher" will be one of them. "B Dasher" is a top speed oriented vehicle for circuit. Have fun! https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAAYUKloPLXLIA
  4. Pic of the day. Master Hand's glove rips open, and a mysterious substance we're calling the swarm, er, swarms out. The amount of this substance determines the shape of your final opponent, and you will have to launch it away in small clusters at a time. The higher your intensity, the denser the substance will be.
  5. Actually just died on a stage...that's a first.
  6. Pic of the day. Here are the results for Conquest mode for players in Japan that are playing the Japanese 3DS version. Their next challenge is to battle each other with fighters they've trained up and fighters made of metal!!
  7. Three new characters aren't Cia, Wizzro and Volga. They come in a free patch separate to the DLC Also, Link should not be voiced. Let other characters have voices sure, but Link should forever be a silent hero.
  8. Good thing we have Super Smash Bros. coming this year
  9. Wasn't Nintendoy enough for my liking, but they had some great choices. The Halo stuff always makes me smile, so epic.
  10. And they brought the original Mario medley on <3 Just had Runescape and Command & Conquer too
  11. Yeah a couple of times. It is weird. Sometimes a game is automatically updated, other times it's not. Could be a deal in that it only does it for patches issued since automatic updates began. Think the last W101 patch predates it.
  12. You do it and you'll likely return with one less kidney...or for some reason, an extra ear grafted onto your neck.
  13. You're a bad person
  14. Good, I've got a lot to do today :p
  15. Do you need me to write out my essay? :p
  16. Dude, you forgot to check for the crazy eyes.
  17. Yeah, my friends are also noticing that I'm acting a bit more confident and sure of myself these days. Just have to have a situation where I could actually put this confidence to use, but all my friends are boring in relationships now, watching Grey's Anatomy and buying lamps, so social excursions are rare. Next one I'm sure of is Halloween, but it'll mostly be people I know.
  18. Haha oh dear. We'll never choose the right option haha.
  19. I thought she was just trying to mooch a drink off me
  20. I didn't even get it wrong -_-
  21. Erm no. They run 64 bit x86 processors. My statement is correct. Once again your attempt to attack me is flawed due to your lack of research and/or knowledge. It was in the NPDs, mostly for Lego titles though. I may have been mistaken for Disney Infinity, but it is a very decent seller on Wii U. Really goes to show. People say I derail threads, sometimes I do, but what usually happens is someone takes what I say and makes a mountain out of a molecule, often by reading things into what I said which aren't there, or attempting to attack me with flawed "facts". It really is getting trying.
  22. It wasn't snide or childish. It was a quick description of the other two based upon their hardware architecture. It's actually quite a common term used around the Internet. It appears you are the one who has issue with it and thus are seeing things that aren't there.
  23. Technically it's x86-64
  24. Indeed. Irony is that I sort of had a thing for her at the time, too. Recently, she only really messaged and met up when things weren't so great too. I'm more oblivious than a Numel
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