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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Following on from http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1726608&postcount=7976 It wasn't skin cancer, thankfully...just an abnormal wart which makes me wonder how the hell did I get that? I barely leave the house and people don't touch me. Got liquid nitrogened so it should hopefully be gone in two weeks
  2. Anxiously awaiting the postman Will probably be tomorrow, though
  3. Humanity :p You're allowed to get feelings for anyone...unless we're talking family as that's just wrong. Don't worry, just take it step by step
  4. All 721 Pokémon and 50 Mega Evolutions. I'm in. That'll only cost me £10k :p
  5. I too hope the Captain Toad game goes into a series like Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi, Wario etc.
  6. It's determined by size, budget etc.
  7. Captain Toad is a fully functional and fully viable retail release. Why should it be an "eShop" game?
  8. North America gets Duck Hunt next week
  9. That's weird, I heard this early release was GAME exclusive
  10. My Captain Falcon arrived. ShopTo are back in my good books
  11. You're really reaching
  12. I heard another theory. Recently, Nintendo of Europe has been changing warehouses etc. and they planned these later release dates because they thought they wouldn't have stuff ready by then, but they're actually ahead of their plans and that's why Smash got moved up, amiibo Wave 2 showed up early, and now this
  13. Actually they can. If Nintendo gave the ok here, it's fine. End of. Someone contacted ShopTo about this
  14. I'd say it'd have been arguably fine if it was just in retail stores, but the fact the online was allowed to do it means it could be detrimental.
  15. Contemplating wrapping it up and not opening it until Christmas. I doubt I'll last though :p
  16. I'll let you know how it is. Mine should arrive tomorrow or Saturday
  17. In spite of me? You do realise that there are tens of thousands of Pokémon sites. My site isn't popular in spite of me, it's popular because of the work I put in. How dare you It's no use arguing with him. He's very stubborn
  18. You do realise that, unlike you and your sarcasm, there is basis for my statement. I run one of the top 50 video game related websites in the world. Deal with it man.
  19. Forgive me for being blunt, but I have contacts in the industry and you do not. Deal with it.
  20. Monday from what I saw on Twitter
  21. Not a clue. It's so odd.
  22. You can directly in the online feature in Smash, strangely
  23. Can see this pissing off other retailers tbh :/
  24. Word is that the game is getting a soft launch on Monday in GAME. eShop etc. have to wait until the 2nd
  25. New Years Eve Party in another town with a few friends but lots of people I haven't met. It is on. #MissionSerebii
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