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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Very few games get out of development hell unscathed
  2. Mine are on the way from NUK
  3. This week: PokéPark Wii Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
  4. Fantastic tribute top banner @RedShell or whoever it was who did it (I think it's RedShell who does it. Sorry if I got it wrong)
  5. Really, thinking about the last year since he returned to work, he has put so much into motion. With the 15% survival rate even if caught early of this type of cancer, it really looks like he was planning everything to try and get Nintendo back on top form while he could. He put NX into motion. Unified hardware is a huge thing. The DeNA deal for mobile and to help bring Nintendo's online into the modern times with a whole new account system. The shift in Club Nintendo to a more modern, global system. The deal with Universal and other companies to bring Nintendo IP into a wider range of things including theme parks. Increased R&D for games. QoL being developed for additional revenue Introducing Morimoto as a new host for the Nintendo Directs. This stuff was all so rapid, and the latter one made people question what is going on. Now, we can see that it does look like Iwata was putting plans in place. Maybe I'm just overthinking it and trying to make sense out of this. I hate things like this. Hate.
  6. Some people did a Splat Gun salute in memory of him
  7. I want them to do a memorial Iwata Mii amiibo With this pose, of course.
  8. They need to add in a last minute tribute to him in Mario Maker. Somewhat fitting seeing as he was one of the greatest game programmers to hit the industry.
  9. This one got me So many tributes going around the net. Times like this, it shows me why this industry is amazing.
  10. I believe the T-Shirt is NUK Store exclusive.
  11. This is horrible
  12. I totally misread that r as an f in that boxart :p
  13. [tweet]619916072884420609[/tweet] The plot thickens
  14. Clearly the Rani :p
  15. I don't think it's a "massive oversight". I think it's intentional to block friend play in order to make it as fair a competition as possible. Just like Ranked
  16. I'd argue that our choices are best haha
  17. The next Splatfest will take place on 18th July at 18:00 UK time. This time the choice is Eating or Sleeping.
  18. Promo art Some more levels including one with Bowser amiibo skin
  19. Different parts of the company making different decisions based on local gaming tastes. Contrary to belief, Nintendo Japan doesn't decide everything for each region.
  20. I've seen the world https://www.google.com/earth/ :p
  21. I thought it was Japan that had its retail exclusive to Amazon?
  22. Doesn't really relate to us but in the US, Nintendo has decided not to publish it, meaning if someone is to they'd have to get like XSeed etc. It's interesting considering Nintendo paid for development
  23. Nintendo UK have the bundle up (as well as standalone) with this T-Shirt http://store.nintendo.co.uk/wii-u/super-mario-maker.list?utm_source=2015July08-SuperMarioMakerv2&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2015July08-SuperMarioMakerv2&affil=thgemail
  24. We do it on a point scale from infractions over at my forums So maybe something like that using a points system rather than 3 reds and you're out is logical. It's all done based on the weight of the infraction and as infractions can expire, you'd have to do a lot of bad shit to get permabanned.
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