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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Technically it is it's own game that is packaged with another game :p
  2. No, but the fact many have informed me in private about it implies otherwise.
  3. To be fair, it's mostly the vocal minority who have issues with me. Never mistake the vocal minority for the majority.
  4. I wasn't rubbing it in people's faces.
  5. For Pokémon, it truly is.
  6. Issue is partly because people kept forgetting/ignoring the fact that these aren't discs that can be reprinted in a day. Production of these figures takes months and so restock plans take months
  7. Japanese sites and Twitters use it as reference all the time. It's the most popular fansite in the world.
  8. Yeah, and I was agreeing with those, stating they'd be a spin-off and I was all for it...
  9. Not really. Considering many aren't Pokémon fans and others proclaim they haven't touched a Pokémon game in quite a while because of it being samey, then proceed to state they want a main game on a home console. It's hypocrisy and wouldn't work. Also, it's not just "PR Stunts". Read what was actually said. I keep a close eye on EVERYTHING Pokémon. Including demographics, polls etc. So yes, I am fully capable of knowing what I'm talking about and how a home console game would go down. Exactly. I was bringing up the topic to be "What justification could there be which would warrant a home console game?" Basically getting a talking point as to what cool stuff they can do on a home console that can potentially offset the demographic loss. However, and @Sheikah is evidence of this right here, people just jump on me because it's me and think "Serebii knows nothing. He is wrong, I am right" and then attack me, forgetting the context of my knowledge here and then try to talk down my knowledge, as can be seen in his posts in this very thread.
  10. Or it means I know about how the franchise actually is and so knows if things work and/or will not work. It's not based on "how I feel", I make sure to disassociate emotion from this. Do you not realise how arrogant you are being by implying that you are the majority and I am not just because we have differing opinions? Difference is, my view of the series is based on fact whereas yours is not. Dispute with me on Nintendo if you must, but arguing with me about Pokémon is futile. The hostility I have now received because of my comments is ridiculous and stands as evidence to the vitriol that is aimed at me just because I am me. Yes, I am arrogant (and in regards to Pokémon there is ample reason), but I was trying to shift that thread to discuss plausible home console Pokémon arrangements and that's where the excitement comes...from the speculation of what is actually possible, not pipe dreams. I was trying to use the knowledge I have so the discussion would go on and be fun, yet once again I get toxicity just because I deviate from the N-Europe hivemindset that Nintendo/Game Freak don't know what they're doing.
  11. It's a fact though. Has nothing to do with ego and the insinuation and implication that I don't know what I'm talking about in regards to Pokémon was a bit off. I was trying to turn that thread into one of positivity by essentially saying "Well a straight translation of the Pokémon wouldn't really work, so there'd need to be a justification. What would it be?" It was the implication that I was stubborn and blunt that pushed me over the edge with this. People can trash me for my views on Nintendo, that's fine. But don't question my knowledge of Pokémon. I do not react well to people trying to talk down to me in regards to that.
  12. All I was saying was that the games as they are wouldn't work on a home console so there would have to be a justification and was trying to steer the discussion as to what could be that justification And yes, the following is arrogant (fair warning), yet true. It's not me being blunt or anything but I am the foremost knowledgeable person about Pokémon in the world. I know what I'm on about. Therefore, the attempts to shut me down, saying I'm stubborn and insinuating that I don't know what I'm on about was out of line. All I was doing was trying to make the discussion as to how we could make it so it could work and be a feasible thing. I made sure I wasn't saying "OH MY GOD, this will never happen." and was trying to further the topic so we could discuss awesome feasible ideas for it.
  13. Yeah it was one of the first titles for the GBA if memory serves.
  14. Stock really seems to be improving. GAME and Toys R Us had all of last week's new wave and GAME had a craptonne of Little Mac.
  15. Well yeah, it has to be awesome for it to happen/
  16. The value for figures is just going to get better and better as more games come, though new lines will also come. I personally won't be getting the same character twice, even if it's in a different series.
  17. Na I'm still on it. They really keep interest alive with new events etc. weekly and new main stages monthly
  18. Nicely done. Really struggling to find the second flower in 6-8. Looking everywhere...even turned the Hidden Items badge on. Nothing Edit: Never mind. Yeesh.
  19. That wouldn't be why. Nintendo follow Gunpei Yokoi's philosophy, which he set forth with the GameBoy. He called it "lateral thinking of withered technology". That basically means they think of cool ways to use older tech to make it profitable and desirable.
  20. The fact it exists for one :p
  21. @Hero\-of\-Time 6000 Stars http://stars.nintendo-europe.com/?locale=en_GB
  22. Yay it's batshit crazy bullshit rumour time again
  23. I did. But I think I hit the top of one balloon and missed the heart ;;
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