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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Wasn't there the theory that these colours were dulled due to epilepsy constraints implemented since then?
  2. Nintendo need to realise that perhaps we don't NEED it to be authentic if it means we get better visual quality. Sure, go for authenticity in terms of how it played/ran, but not with graphics. Better fidelity is better than adding crappy filters
  3. They'll rotate the modes, like the stages. Hopefully, when friend stuff comes next month, we can decide which mode to play.
  4. Distracting us with shiny things to try and hide a barren lineup :p
  5. Official translated NX questions from Shareholder meeting http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/stock/meeting/150626qa/index.html
  6. Officially translated Q&A about E3
  7. In an investor meeting. I forget which one, probably all of them. He said it wouldn't be a hybrid and as @Goron_3 said, he even mentioned that the form factors could increase rather than be one hybrid.
  8. 100% a game, get £5 eShop credit :p
  9. Games are games. Not every game every publisher puts out is a huge one, but still spacing them out would have alleviated the issues. Would they all have been for everyone? God no, but they would have had no droughts But yeah, the unified architecture is really going to help with examples like Smash. Sharing of engines and assets so easily will free up so much development time it's insane.
  10. Well I disagree that Nintendo can't support two consoles effectively. They can if they bloody space the games out. As I have said before, from 2011 through to the end of this year, Nintendo have published 159 titles across four formats. Retail wise, it has been an average of 1 retail title a month for the Wii U and 1 retail title a month for the 3DS, too. If they spaced them out a bit, then there wouldn't be as many issues in regards to droughts.
  11. There's a difference between saying "No we're not doing this" to not damage sales of the product they have in place at the moment, and saying "We're not doing that but we're doing this with it" and then doing the initial thing they said wouldn't happen. If he didn't provide details on what they're doing then you may have had a point that it was possible, but the fact he said no hybrid and then explained what it would be is a massive indicator to there being no hybrid.
  12. He compared the handheld and home console to be like the iPhone and iPad. Different devices with similar architecture and the same OS but do different things. It won't be a hybrid. He has said this. Just because he has been "misleading" does not mean that this will suddenly happen. That logic is specious.
  13. Iwata has outright said that a hybrid isn't the plan.
  14. I'm not buying that report as legit. That said, Nintendo are batshit crazy enough to think they'd shift 20 million in the first year
  15. Eh? That's well weird.
  16. I just use it when I need to hit something but am without Wool :p
  17. GAF mocks me about a heatwave comment I made two years ago (that was taken out of context a bit), so it's all good :p
  18. Moltres used Heat Wave It's Super Effective Serebii fainted.
  19. 8 for me. Decent game, needs a few more modes but still the mechanics are sound and it's fun as hell.
  20. Finished the final stage. Have all Flowers and all the non-Boss Tent Wonder Wool. Just have to finish that and then go back to 100%ing the standard stages
  21. Anything that makes Miiverse less of a mess is fine by me. Yesterday, before I messaged you, I was trying to see if Miiverse had anyone with the same Yoshi issues but it was impossible to find
  22. I think it's to stop people turning posts into massive arguments etc. A lot of Miiverse is actually trash and I guess Nintendo want to stop that
  23. https://miiverse.nintendo.net/special/redesign_announcement Lots of cool stuff in here, but also some not-so-cool stuff What the frak, Nintendo?
  24. Yeah...I can do that though There's that "everyone" moniker again. Once again you're mistaking the vocal minority for the majority And again, I agreed that a spin-off akin to that would be awesome.
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