So a friend has changed the date of their wedding to be October rather than next year and another friend has said that he and I need to have +1s to the wedding.
So, #MissionSerebii is on! Just over 2 months to find someone.
Actually had someone message past the first response recently too! Only took three bloody years haha
My issue is just getting to that point. I have to unlock many of the games, but each time I go in to try, I get hit by the mediocre games and I have to go through them and it feels like such a slog
Nintendo is partnering with Facebook to celebrate the launch of #SuperMarioMaker! (1/2)
Facebook employees will design levels in the game, w/ one level available to download for free after launch. (2/2)
Press release
GAF links to prove Wii U was always a core factor
They claim it is, but they say it's a six pack.
What they may mean is that it's a box of six boosters.
In other Argos amiibo news...we have our first UK exclusive
The Captain Toad amiibo bundle coming soon is exclusive to Argos
The reason people are pissed is because of how they're saying "It was always a maybe" now when they were pushing it like crazy, insisting it was happening.
They were touting Wii U version as a huge thing, long before PS4/XBO versions, promising it, backing Nintendo when the Wii U pre-release stuff was going on, made posts about Wii U progress etc.