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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. Greetings, dan-likes-trees. I enjoy the expression of souls, so I care if you share your opinion so that I can try to understand your feelings more. :') You don't particularly admire the art style of HZD, yet you acknowledge the fascinating level of the visual graphics. But do you think you could explain exactly mate on why you feel that the world feels unreal, unconvincing and unimaginative? If I magnify on the 'unimaginativity' (in your opinion) aspect of the visuals, are you relating that to the style of the art alone, or other aspects aswell? Have you payed Zelda: Breath of The Wild by any chance? Or have you at least seen in-depth gameplay of it? Does that world appear real, convincing and imaginative in terms of the level of the visual graphics and the level of creativity and excitement in the spontaniety of the openworld and the usefulness and sheer joy of the sidequests (and other random activities/events that can be done), not just doing tasks X, Y and Z just for arrows, food/health and rupees (which are not worthless items)? With regards to the characters, in your view, having the charisma of wilted taraxacums, does that seem quite trivial when recognizing that the physical attention to detail with the character designs aswell as unique persona animations (walking, running, gesturing, posture -- those kinda stuff) are done how you'd expect in this era of grand gaming, rather than the character models taking the identity of electromagnetic NPC's being attracted to their destinative poles? Now as for actual gameplay, which is the main point of importance when playing a game haha no brainer, you applauded that the combat is tight & fun (which should be the fulfilling standard in a combat-based game, like how actual funny jokes should be the fulfilling standard in a comedy movie). And you praised the crafting aspect to be "super well balanced", which is ideal for RPG-like games and openworld-like games (of course full-on RPG's and openworld games too). So it's definitely your own perception that negotiated with your taste for HZD, but I still need your exact explanations on the parts that you mentioned that you dislike so that I can try to get a sense of perspective on this case.
  2. Well you can scratch Metroid Prime 4 off your list mate because the 'Prime' voyage is over. And what does the SX in FZero's subtitle abbreviate? Or was that a handheld version that you want ported? You beat me to it. You must've ran, Flash, you must've ran. I think that if Nintendo are truly confident and genuinely excited about showing jawdropping things off to the public, they'd demonstrate live at E3, in which case I'd be psyched. But when they just have little goofy software to horse around on then they'll do that at pre-recorded shows and the treehouse. I welcome pre-recorded shows and the treehouse in addition to a live demonstration, they offer up close and personal kinda show.
  3. I'm imagining both. They'll lose if they pull a Star Fox Zero though. I wouldn't be so gulible with rumours/speculations bud.
  4. Is there a Splatoon 2 thread by any chance? I didn't see one so I thought I'd just leave my enquiry here as I'm generally speaking about the Switch hardware and only using Splatoon as an example really. Anyhows, I saw a few opinions about the controls in Splatoon and some feel that having the gyroscope on the pro controller is the way forward for Splatoon and shooters in general. Some Splatoon (gyroscrope-based) opinion polls has it that once one goes motion, that said one no longer wishes for controls as it were during the days of olden. My question is: What's the core difference between using motion controls to play Splatoon by means of the pro controller as opposed to motion controls on a controlpad split into two parts (joyconboyz)? And a secondary question is, didn't some of y'all prefer fps's on the Wii than their XB360 & PS3 counterparts, even though the graphics and online functionality was inferior, single-handedly because of the motion controls? Whatever changed with y'all opinions, considering that motion control technology within the joycons are superior to the wiimote's motion+? This bit is totally irrvelant but it must be asked so that if it becomes traditional, then I shall go down in history as the legendary gamer who invented the global celebrations. But since March 10th is Mar10 Day, is it possible that July 19th might be considered as Luj91 Day? Like just reverse the 'JUL' part and thus may aswell reverse the '19.' And the 'j' is just a stylized 'i.' If Mario has a day then his bro should have one too right? And I was also thinking that Winter (December, January and February) could be Douglas J. Falcon Season.
  5. Who, me? If so, I'd much rather 'genius poet' over "abnormally specific" but there we are. Dwarf, do you use SKYPE by any chance? Up for a phone call? We could schedule a meetup and have a few conversations with cans of relentless in hand. What do ya say mate? Do you know in the Nintendo Switch settings yeah? Is there a setting about "controlling communications with players online"? What exact communications please? Voice chat? Friend requests? Messaging? And is there a player history list to see some of the recent gamers you played against? Or is that setting mainly for the Switch Online mobile application that is scheduled for release?
  6. Dwarf do you love me? Like in the humane way, do you love me dude? I love you bro (no homo). I think where you're disturbing yourself is that you're being overly presumptuous. From presuming that I'm exhausting myself with speaking in my native language, to over-compensating for my insecurities (I presume that you may mean that my pompous character that you perceive is an egotistical mask to hide possible low self-esteem?) or pointlessly trolling, to that presumptuous illustration (how do you know that when the spouse requested the gamer to come to bed, the gamer didn't switch the computer from pc mode to laptop mode, similar to the Switch, and take it to the bed for him and the spouse to giggle together at conversations by gamers as the couple share their views, within a digital space [labelled as the internet] for ease of communication regardless of location in the space of this planet which be encompassed from the outer-space of the Universe, for game developers to see for a chance to influence the style of video games? That could be the reason why they "bother to post"). You appear to not be focusing on my message and being engaged in the conversation, instead you seem to be occupied with irrelevant detail such as studying the quack out of characteristics, leading you to conspire about things that you doubt you even see, which can drive you pretty bonkers. You actually also lost me with some of your presumptions haha I was like "I think that he must be suggesting this, but he cant actually be suggessting that?" Social experimenting is just a bit of fun and quite informative, so I just do that whilst leaving messages for game developers to potentially see. Of course genuine human to human interaction is ideal, but if human error prevents that then I alternatively take almost the same amount of pleasure in examining such error instead.
  7. Haha Dwarf I promise that my haughty demeanour isn't intentional. There's little reason to put on a show if zero iris' have me within their focal point. Unless my showiness is playful bait for the so-called ignorers to bite. :wink: Your challenge ought to be redirected to the likes of Clown, though, because I don't disagree with you. I just used one of his own examples, one which he found most ridiculous ("it'd be another thing if someone just heard others say that a game sucks") to point out that things in life aren't so black or white, you cant set bold statements in stone like "one cant have an opinion if one hasn't experienced." And the basis of your challenge to me is exactly that, cute little Dwarf. As a side note, the purpose of trailers and previews are advertization. It's unwise to judge a book by it's cover, even if the pictures on the front cover be in motion for a brief moment. Reviews are merely other people's opinions, we can consider their opinion without being sheep. Anyhows, I must powerdown now. I hope you have a good night and please have a sweet dream okay pudding.
  8. Ashley, it isn't wise for anyone to base their decision to like or dislike something upon somebody else's. Such lost souls are sheep. Followers rather than leaders. However, in that scenario (let's use the one about someone hearing passersby criticizing a game), one could hear something fundamentally distasteful within a mere second, such as a Microsoft gamer hearing that the next Halo will be played only with motion remotes. Upon hearing such shocking news, such a gamer, who is more attached to the conventional controlpad, may regroup with his amigos and vent "Yo, I heard that the new iteration of our game will be motion-controlled! If this is true, a good game will be wasted. Please, Heavens, don't make this be true!" This is an exaggeration, but the point is that sometimes even a simple piece of worded news is enough to give reasons to be concerned. But of course in that case, I'd still advise the person to try it out if it's a brand new experience for them, it's possible that their minds could be changed. It's a bit, ... complicated... to try to change one's mind if the experience is not quite so new and have more or less been previously experienced.
  9. The aggression is real y'all. Clown, let's presumptuously follow the presumptuous presumption that a gamer hasn't played a game from a family member, friend's or colleague's place of residence -- if a sincere gamer watched in-depth reviews of a game, be that via the media of at someone-whom-he-or-she-know's-house, in your own meek opinion do you believe that the gamer has seen enough to formulate his (or, or 'her') own view of that game? Would it be similar to watching half of a movie and then deciding that the movie does not provide succulent flavours for his/her own tongue? In my opinion, you make a reasonable point Jamba. A big question is why does gamers like Clown become venomously in denial? I thought gamers like him simply ignore opinions that they make rub them the wrong way.
  10. In every conversation, not every word uttered need be relevant to the topic. Tis enjoyable and relaxing to periodically swing off topic a little. I've spent the past 10 years of my gaming life campaigning against popular opinion hoping to prevail at altering the annual E3 agenda, and I at times felt like a patron saint of a lost cause. But self-obligation to successfully accomplish my mission of empowering to encourage the normal little gamers to galiantly contend against the big gaming elites and the big gaming establishments, who dominate on the world stage at a multi-national level, influencing the popular opinion so as to milk the masses with minimum effort, such as getting everybody excited to re-purchase the same old virtual console game for the sixth time, I'm challenging such industry leaders by leading the small gamers to stand up against them and demand better, because we deserve better for our longtime faithful support of the industry. And do you know what?.. My campaigning voice is being heard. But my campaigning army needs huger numbers to roar a louder protest. So I'll go on critiquing Nintendo for better or worse regardless of the ratio of the good and bad, I'll be the wind that causes the windmill of this optimistic rebellion to spin, causing the gusts of tornados to be a big enough issue of concern to make the gaming elites stop the immorality and provide faultless results from hard work for gamers' hard earned salaries. Mark the words within my end-note: I am watching Nintendo like a hawk, one of the points of concerns is their online service, so if the online service of the Switch is not upto modern-day standards, then there will be an exodus of biblical proportions by E3 2018. Gamers has simply had enough and will no longer put up with the disrespect, they will retaliate and bring about a great revolutionary storm. As always I thank you all here at N-Europe for being tolerant for all to have a voice. I am eternally indebted to you for this privilege. Thank you.
  11. I'll re-offer my proposal: Feel free to check out the gaming youtuber SuperMetalDave64, he provides a morally enriching speech on this behaviour. : peace:
  12. I could've sworn that Nintendo said that SSB4 will be ported over to the Switch and will be the port with the least additions? I always had it that Super Smash Bros was the title that was king at customization haha from items, player vs player (with cpu) like 1 vs 3/2 vs 2/etc etc. But I dunno, Nintendo seem to not know how to improve the series (without changing the series into something that prob wont be admired as much). I heard Sakurai speak similar words. But for goodness sake, ..... MODES! For a simple starter, add lots of FUN modes! So say you hop online, you can do singles (a seperate mode), free for all (its own mode), teams (its own mode), tag switch style (its own mode) and so on. These could be played with randoms, friends (same console and online friends) with randoms) and so on. A tourney mode could be similar; singles tourney, team tourney and so on -- friends enter together, with randoms (whom you can communicate with for great teamwork and make friends with naturally!) etc etc etc. Just nail the basics and make it a sincere joy to play! Actual gameplay could see cool things like tag attacks when switching out (perhaps only if you accomplish landing a certain type of hit before switching, as it may be annoying if people keep switching just to try to get cheap switch attacks). Awesome magical attacks from characters with magical swords/weapons (magical systems similar to Lucario's ↓+B teleportation/agility attack when he 'catches' an attack and 'throws it back' in a way) which really could switch gameplay up in all kinds of creative ways. Mario could have new attacks like throwing his hat like in Odessy and maybe even using it to jump onto like Sonic jumps on his thing to propel himself higher/further distances. Just go all out with insane moves and characters. Like you could include character like the Turtles with their cool weapons, the No More Heroes dude with his weapon, Fire Emblem characters with their weapons, Link with his weapon, the Xenoblade fella with his weapon and the Final Fantasy bozo with his weapon... basically making characters with weapons have a kinda game changing aspect. Heck you could do a Smash Bros where it's like Nintendo vs Marvel, so you see the likes of Captain America with his shield that has increased defense and awesome boomerang-like attacks. Thor with his mighty happer. Ironman with all sorts of insane abilities (suited characters like Samus, Ironman, Megaman etc could all have suit-based abilities like momentary forcefields and such). Dudes.... there is sooooo much to experiment with and to me everything at current just seems kinda meh but still fun of course coz Smash Bros is epic in nature haha. Stages can be much more creative, like consider removing the 'platforms' and makes the players HulkSmash eachother actually on/in the level (some stages do this already), but make it more epic such as the 'space' stages you could be fighting on a huge meteor that is shooting across the universe, or you could be hopping from asteroid to asteroid similar to the Fzero stage when fighting upon racing vehicles. You can smash each other into different areas, so in space you can smash em to surrounding planets (with epic transitions) and take the battle there (apply this to lots of stages). And please..... make the visuals look breathtaking! Cartoony of course but just incredibly fluent and alive and spectacularly detailed. With 8 player matches, possibly have the tv showing the whole stage but on your Switch screen be more zoomed in to your area. Each Smash game would vary because individual games would change a character's move set, attire, stage and so on. The game would still be Smash but with that breath of fresh air added to it. Oh yeah and a more interesting story mode for sure. I quite liked the idea of Sub-space Emissary, but I dunno, a better story mode would be appreciated. As ever, brainstorm cool ideas thoroughly with a team and make something epic happen. Whipping up cheap story mode just isn't on. Oh yeah and make fun challenges like target smash and the make-it-to-the-end challenge (the one where you kinda run through a mazey stage and I cant remember if there's a timer), you could do modes on those and online like a bunch of players competing (including friends, same console players and randoms) as individuals or teams. Just go full throttle haha. So so so much that could be done.
  13. Bros I've noticed the toxicity of this here union of european Nintendo fans since the days I was just casually checking out info and feedback and all that good stuff before I actually joined, so I knew not to be emotionally attached with regards of hoping that others would value my opinion, I just viewed it -- and still view it -- as a place to share info (opinions and ideas) do that Nintendo can see popular opinion or even unique genius ideas to implement into their games. Of course, it's nice and inevitable even that you will become emotionally attached with a couple humane beings herr N there whom value your opinion whether they disagree or agree, because that's what loving families do. They enjoy to discover each other's souls; what their minds like and dislike, what fills their heart with joy or hatred, what colours their spirit like the rainbow and what makes it as grey as a stormy sky. Knowing these things make us know each other, enable us to offer touching recommendations and gifts, and even combine our differing likes and dislikes compromisingly so as to craft something revolutionary which satisfies all. This, my children, is the essence of socializing. Please feel free to watch this video from my boy Dave, he posted this hours after we conversed about this a little. Apply this logic to everything. If everyone says everything is A-okay just by fashion following or frightened to conflict with popular opinion, then the the thing that everyone is lying about will never improve as the provider will think that they're fans are satisfied (or that they can continue being rewarded for low-effort art), and worst of all, everyone may subconsciously delude themselves that they really are satisfied but experience never-ending disappointment to some degree as that true part of themself really is not as satisfied as much as they hope. Just my 2pence for y'all to consider. Take it or leave it. ^^
  14. Just sharing exploration and combat ideas to see if gamers who are not so satisfied with BoTW would've been more satisfied with the following ideas, and even to see if the gamers who are satisfied with BoTW would be more satisfied or not with the following ideas. But most importantly, hopefully if NINTENDO sees this comment and likes any of the ideas to add into their future game or not. ^^ Oh and everything I say are just simple top of the hat ideas, and could be also used for puzzles in the game to work around, as in have puzzles in dungeons that require you to use the skills of these techniques, not necessarily having these techniques just to make playing a joy (which stilo would be cool!). Imagine in an openworld Zelda game where magical techniques could be just another cool thing to also discover during exploration. Whether it be various masters whom you spontaneously stumble across to teach you (similar to that old fella in Wind Waker who teaches you useful combat techniques), or whether you discover ancient magic technique scrolls in treasure chests, or whether you even find hieroglyphics on the walls in ancient caves.*You learn simple shapes to gesture with your sword whilst holding the magic button (simiar to Skyward Sword when sealing that enormous black monster [which transforms into Demise?]), which'd then enable you to do all kinds of magical techniques such as sealing magical projectiles from enemies to fire back at a later time (optional) through a magical summoning technique, sealing beasts or even some enemies to summon at a later time to assist you in combat (optional), shoot magic like fire or ice or electric or other elements etc etc. This could open up a new dimension of puzzle ideas also. And the sword (and weapons in general) combat could be motion control -- with 100% accuracy! (Since the joycons are apparently way more advanced than motion+)The more advanced enemy will have more combos (and more puzzling) for us to remember how to defend against, whereas the weaker enemy will have about 2 combos and simple at that (like one basic combo could be 3 horizontal sword swings, so we just defend with a vertical positioned sword 3 times and even interupt their combo or parry or whatever). As aforemrntioned, just imagine an enemy parrying us with electrical charged swords like in Skyward Sword and the HD rumble in the joycons shock us to throw our concentration out of balance lol! And with the increased A.I (by means of the powerful system), simple attack combos wont work well against the enemies, similar to how amiibos in Super Smash Bros 4 learn to get around simple and repetitive attacks, or the A.I opponents in recent Fifa games. So the player would benefit from being a master with the sword, varying each combo with thrusts, vertical, horizontal and diagonal slices, fake attacks followed by real attacks etc etc.* And..... realism with the physics!.. So mindless spamming would not work haha. If someone swings repetitively like a nutter like in Wii Sports sword duel haha then when the opponent simply blocks in the correct angle and kinda parries with force (by means of the accelerometre and gyroscope technology), the spammer's sword/arm would naturally deflect away leaving them vulnerable to fatal wounds.... So it would be in the player's interest to play skillfully like in real life. xD What do you think about this my dude? Would that be more fun and engaging and skillful to play? You could use swords, staffs, spears, double daggers, bow & arrow, two sticks if the staff breaks in half etc haha. Games like Assasin's Creed, Star Wars, No More Heroes etc etc could all benefit from such evolution. I honestly feel the gaming industry would totally advance if lots of different games made creative use of precise motion controls. I dont think every game should be controlled by motion though, such as some 2D fighters for example. And some games perhaps could partially use motion controls, such as football games (the one on Wii was so bob-ombs at making us be more in control over our entire team rather than relying on the failed A.I to keep up with our play intentions), driving games and so on.
  15. My prophecies bloomed flourishingly to fruition with precision yet again. As with the 3DS and the Wiiu, I don't feel as if I'm missing out on too much because I never nose-dived into day 1 pickup. Nope, contrary to my jedi boi, Obe1, I'm most certainly not itchin' for some Switchin'. Zelda: Breath of The Wild was being hypity hyped on the madness, and what got me was the reasons why BoTW rocked everyone's hype to rock it like a rocket, and it was for simple things such as merely being an openworld game, that you can readily steadily cook like Goron Ramsay, that you can try dungeons in any order (like the original Zelda did and Skyward Sword attempted), that you can hunt animals (similar to the bugs/birds hunting mechanics in Skyward Sword) etc etc. Virtually nothing is new, just perhaps a bit more established. If anything, true innovative elements which opens up a new dimension of gameplay possibilities that is more fun and immersive (such as full on motion controls as a random top of a VR-headset example), has bleeding well been removed! Like I said, the RPG element of BoTW is just an elaboration from SS and others like WW and so forth. It's Zelda, so of course it stands a good chance of being a generally good-to-very good game, and yeah it's most likely gonna be better than previous iterations within its series as it's simply more new with new tech and ammendments and such. But at least from my opinion, like Esequiel and Grazza said, this doesn't necessarily make something automatically become the greatest. OoT accomplished much more in terms of pushing the powerful hardware (N64) -- at the time -- to its limits, setting standards, demonstrating originality (not using previous games as templates to build upon), and just being filled with genuine magical charm. Of course it was far from perfect, but it was bleeding well satisfying enough, so much so as sparkles of its magic still glisten my mind with fond memories. Will BoTW do that for me 2 decades away from now? Bwahahaha I think not somehow. No other Zelda has. Wind Waker for me has been closest! So this misguided belief that BoTW has surpassed OoT is just sheer hype. Or just simple minds expressing their bedazzle haha. All of the details of BoTW are most definitely welcome and contribute to the overall art, but in my opinion such details would be more appreciated in a genuinely fantastic game, not just an alright or pretty good game. I mean, even if the battle mechanics were 'at least' like that of Horizon: Zero Dawn's or For Honour's -- technical, passionate, engaging, destructive, methodic, thrilling.... BoTW's combat to me just looks underwhelming like Windwaker. Even as a kid I remember I took a second to realize that I wasn't really having fun with WW's combat as much as I know I potentially could, but I just didn't know exactly how it could be improved (I wasn't much of a bright kid ), then the Wii dropped and I instantly knew. Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction! And now with the joyconboiz which are miles ahead of m+, and powerful console for improved A.I, Zelda could have outstanding combat with all sorts of weaponry (just imagine the HD rumble shocking us with the electricity from the enemy swords that parry us like in SS ), shield control, magical summonings/sealings (by means of gesturing simple shapes similar to the one in SS) -- an 'openworld within combat' if you get me (each player flows around the enemy in their own heroic way with the vast catalogue of battle possibilities). Online could've been elaborated on with players joining worlds, trading, messages in bottles via Miiverse.... basically put the minds of the team together to brainstorm mindboggling ideas. And preferably make the level of the visuals breathtaking, not just the artstyle. Dont even get me started with the Switch itself. So far dudes, can you open like a player history list online to see whom you've played? Can you send friend requests to dem players on a quickting? No more Miiverse?.. I was hoping that would be taken to new heights. Still no voice chats or party chats at least among friends regardless of individual activities? Ugh... me and my peeps occassionally discuss the potential of lots of Nintendo games like FZero, Star Fox / Lylat Wars, Metroid, Mario Kart, Smash Boiz, new types of games etc, and I just dont feel Nintendo will bring them in the form that we'd like (as in just pull a Star Fox Zero kinda thing). Even this Mario Odessy is looking kinda meh. Kart & Smash are just ports, as is BoTW. Arms, 1-2 Switch, Splatoon 2 and Snipper Clips and just fun little minigames that should not be sold as full-fledged, full priced individual titles, they should be cheap downloadables. I dont know, I just feel very underwhelmed and I knew this underwhelming feeling would hit home to the dayoners, I see some honest reactions/feedback here N there. I dunno Nintendo, I feel like the Switch has insane potential but unsure if it will ever be reached. If Nintendo nailed implementing motion controls magnificently into their games and crossplat 3rd party games, then Nintendo would be the console that consumers mat aswell purchase and then Sony and MS would step up their game thus Nintendo making their evolved innovation an industry standard which'd be so Bob-ombs for bulletbilling the advancement of the gaming industry, instead of just freaking chilling within this unfuturistic era of dated tech which limits gaming and prevents the industry from advancing. One more thing: Did Nintendo not say that the novelty of switching from home console to handheld console not the selling concept of the system (especially as it's been done before)? Was the selling concept revealed, or is it still yet to be seen (or even cancelled)? Been waiting like mad for that.
  16. Nintendo, I know you're reading this as Mr Fils-Aime reminded us that y'all read every comment on big gaming websites. So I tell you that you almost executed glory with the Switch, but your infinite present box within a present box business strategy kept your Switch off of the glorious mark (like how Mrs.What'sHerFace? confessed at one of the E3's whilst representing you that you'll intentionally never satisfy your consumers in order to stay in business milking yo cows). Subjects of concern include Zelda's graphics and it's 2 fold generational leap into the past by forsaking motion control (which you said you cant imagine ever doing after the experiment that be Skyward Sword). Though Breath of The Wild still comes across as pretty good which Zelda's usually are more or less, and it was originally purposed for the Wii U. So I'll keep my eyes peeled for the true Switch Zelda like how Twilight Princess was originally for the Gamecube but ported over to the Wii and later getting SS. Mario Oddesy's concept of him being in locations that he doesn't fit in is a kawaii idea, but again the visuals look a bit empty/bland for my liking. My problem with this and Zelda is that, yes, it's all well & good with the illusions of minor additions to gameplay mechanics (some not welcomed, such as the ridiculously OP slowmo in BoTW which diminishes any taijutsu/strategic challenge), but lack of artistic effort in visuals with a console as powerful as the Switch makes me question genuine creativity in puzzles and sheer adventure. That voice acting in Zelda though! Splatoon and Arms seem like big mini games that should perhaps be squeezed into one game or multiple big minigames. The title, character designs, character names, stages etc etc appear extremely basic. Online servers has costs? Like the Wii and Wiiu? So we must pay for a few basic additions like texting, voice chat, game invites etc etc (quite like what messaging apps offer freely nowadays), but we'll need to download a seperate app presumably for a Wii-Speak-Channel-like experience.... from a seperate device? This app better be available to download via the Switch tablet, smartphones etc and operate more sophisticatedly than it sounds. Just to mention a few. Look, the Switch looks good but I just have a few concerns. I'll hold out until E3 -- or even later -- to see what Switch-kun is all about. Temptations would be an artistic F-Zero, Star Fox / Lylat Wars, Metroid and, new & improved Zelda, Smash Bros (mainly modes like tagging switch style! Multiple types of tournies etc), Mario Kart, new creative IP's, third party games Switchified to demonstrate how motion controlled gaming enriches gaming thus making it the freaking norm cross platform, and a Conduit 3 would be quite the treat. Until then, the Switch can join 3DS and Wiiu in the skip.
  17. @kav82 aw cool! I'm still frozen in The Condweet days as I never gamed on COD on ze Vii and I never got U. Nah I mean I get YOU but I didn't buy the Wiiu. Ah great so it should be a done-did deal den. Possibly similar dudes who cares what video game consoles are called, such as the Wii and Wiiu. xD
  18. If they had done then eet would've bin fantasteek. I have a genuine enquiry, though. Might we at long last see FPS's which offer a motion controlled option aswell as a conventional controlpad option? I think such options would be more welcoming to a wider variety. And we could also see if conventional controlpad delusioners would make the switch to the hopefully refined wiimote+ nunchuck style control option.
  19. I thought as much we were right, dazzy. Wiimote + nunchuk style play. Hook them on to a bridge for conventional control pad style play. And also hook them back onto the screen for conventional control pad style play.
  20. Does a drizzle of actual bubblegum-flavoured predictive news count? For I behold the official mame of NINTENDO's new gaming device which is currently codenamed NX -- NINTENDO HD. The NINTENDO Handheld Dashboard needs to be impressive game-wise. Basics really, 4 players per console online. Go utterly bonkers with options and game modes, 'tag' matches in say Smash Bros for one small example.
  21. Keeping things simple for the time being, I'd say that when NINTENDO said that they want to break away from the Wii and Wiiu brand, I'm guessing that they mean the 'Wii' name. So no Wii 2, WiiMii or Wii US or anything. It will be a new name, similar to the NX codename. If, for example, MicroSoft said that they want to break away from the XBoX brand with a new console, yet they kept the design of the conventional/classic controller, that everyone's misguidingingly stuck to by an abstract emotional attachment, I'm pretty certain that nobody would wail that MS had lied and not broke away from the XBoX brand just because of a coventional design of a controlpad. There is a possibility that NINTENDO had merely traversed back to the future with motion controlled gaming, similar to the mote & chuck (a conventional controlpad split into two with added motion input) but improved. I dont think that the detachable controllers are 2 seperate controllers for multiplayer gaming, because some games are 4 players, so more controllers would need to be bought anyways. It'd be a true gimmick. Besides, in this day and age players should be able to bring their controllers along and sync to the home console part to increase the player count, similar to how the Wii could sync multiple wiimotes, and like how I imagined the Wii u would've done for games such as Mario Kart, Smash, FPS and any suitable game really. Perhaps the stand for the screen is for playing the home console games away from the TV (but perhaps not on-the-go like the handheld part). And potentially attaching the motion controllers together for a conventional controlpad for certain games (such as Smash, where control styles are optional). For the most part, I'd perfer not to have heaps and heaps of controllers like the Wii & U, just one exclusive and innovative controller that says "I am my own brand" like how MS's and Sony's controllers do. The handheld screen won't be a powerhouse, but possibly (yet exponentially improbable) pretty decent for playing the home console games on-the-go with handheld/conventional controlpad controls. The home console graphical capablities may be fairly more powerful than the Wiiu yet not quite PS4/XBO level. If this detachable-motion-motes-from-a-screen is a controlled leak from NINTENDO, then I believe that it's logical to presume that they're showing us nothing overly out of the ordinary just to whet our appetites and they'll dive more into the "brand new gaming concept" be that from what they've already shown us, or be it another element to the formula altogether. But I for one am thoroughly pleased if they've refined an advanced controller to improvement for ultimate gaming within this future where the the world is closing to an end and ought to do so with a bang. All I hope is that the games come; a good Mario, a good Star Fox / Lylat Wars, Metroid, F-Zero, a good Mario Party (like number 4 but huger and online), a good Mario & Sonic (like the first one but huger and online) etc etc etc. If third party games come, like say, Assasins Creed, keep it exactly the same but with full support of motion controls so that the misguided gamer can see the greater fun to be had and buy the NINTENDO version thus NINTENDO cashing in and growing their audience. I most certainly dont have high hopes at all, but the possibiliteis that I've seen so far seems like a road that I'd finally like to walk up, so I'll just being watching with a little curiosity, which I haven't been doing for aeons. So it's quite a hopeful sign I'd say. NINTENDO, are you listening to your fans with consideration? As a gamer, I do hope so.
  22. I'd really appeeciate that if that were to be the case, because the tension of the suspension is leaving me with dehydration. But September would suffice too.
  23. So Reggie says that details bout the NX will come later this year, do y'all have any idea as to when and where? Does Tokyo Game Show still happen nowadays (and does Nintendo attend there to reveal their news)? Or might Nintendo just casually do so on their UTube channel on their whim?
  24. Believe me I'm with you on that one bud, I dont want no backward compatibility at all. I'm talking all new and improved exclusive NX stuff. In my fantasy world anyhows haha. I'd like the remotes to be charge & play, none of this wired stuff like how the mote & chuck is. Analog sticks on both motes. All of it mate. Literally like a controlpad split in two -- motion remote style.
  25. Ok yeah I hear you. Especially the recycled routines of the same temple types and even puzzles, seeing clones of Mario puzzles in Zelda was truly sickening for sure. But I noticed no outcry about returning to the controlpad, that's partly why I had to return here to seek some educated opinions on it haha. But I wasn't saying to remake SS or the Wii or anything, I more meant have built-in motion+ in the new & improved motion remote, sensor bar with the NX and all the tech greatly refined so as to improve previous inaccuracies that caused nuisances to gameplay. And just need to get it out there that I didn't mean to imply that SS was great haha, OoT and WW are my darlings. xD I just remember Aonuma (and I think Iwata-san) saying a while back that it feels odd for them to downgrade from motion controlled gaming for Zelda down to the controlpad. And I know they share my fondness for OoT, especially for teh various originalities within that there game. xD They are a money-making business afterall which is why the Blue Ocean audience is important to them which excessively compromises their games and such. But yeah ok no worries, I see I'm on me own on this one.
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