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Everything posted by DuD

  1. Votes No Lynch: Jamba, Jimbob, The Peeps, Magnus Peterson, ReZourceman (5) Mr Noisy: Yvonne (1) To give people the chance to come online and because it is most votes I will allow until 5pm tomorrow for votes. [countdown=11/20/2013 5:00 PM;NIGHT 1]Count down:[/countdown] There would have been lots of little misses.... but they aint playing anymore You may send your targets in as soon as you're ready to do so.
  2. EVERYONE MUST READ THE SPOILERED RULES Particularly the part about "You are all disguised.. You therefore can't tell who is beneath each costume!.. And so you must vote and target using Character Names. Not Forum Names."
  3. All PMs should be out now.. If you've not recieved one, I have fucked up. @Yvonne.. re-read the rules
  4. @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Rummy @Sheikah @Sméagol @The Peeps @Yvonne Welcome to Misterland's annual celebrations. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .
  5. I have special scales? that's my thing I wasnt revealing.. its not me though.. is it?
  6. Gonna hopefully get this up and going for 8pm (at the latest) tomorrow.
  7. I lie detected that last post.. ITS ALL TRUE VOTEZ: JONCUBEEP
  8. Yes.......
  9. Yeah, something pretty shit from my perspective.
  10. Does everyone have a power?
  11. There's something a little different to make things a little more difficult and slightly more random.
  12. I don't have a power.. i'm reliant on the gems that I keep missing Track me someone if you don't believe me.. it'll be a waste though.
  13. 15 Replies.. ReZ Cube Mr-Paul Sheikah Jamba Smeagol Magnus Peterson Jimbob Jonnas The Peeps EEVILMURRAY Dedede Rummy Yvonne Diageo
  14. I called you as a lie detecter as soon as you posted, hence no straight answer :p
  15. Sign Ups will be up at some point today (when I get back home)
  16. Think I definitely require proof :p Photos or it didn't happen. I believe you really Yvonne =)
  17. They work on the Wii U browser
  18. Interesting that the out of action Yvonne is most definitely in action as soon as something's up for grabs?
  19. I also got an injury and a red card Fuck you X11
  20. Honestly, I was hoping to try and grab a gem today as I was hoping for a power to use tonight.
  21. I did not target anyone, I therefore have nothing that I can add to the discussion at this point. I will add that the reason I didn't target anyone is because I don't have a power whereby you would target people each night (or day).
  22. You knew before ReZ?
  23. He must have worked it out, every one of his targets was dying.
  24. ReZ.. at what point did you realise you were mafia? i'd like to figure out how soon after i figured you out.Cube was obviously Mafia from the day Sheikah got lynched, can't belive the town fucked that up at the end! If only i'd known not to target ReZ Good game Peeps. I really enjoyed it. Thank you.
  25. I dont know if i've played for long enough yet to have a fair impression of this, but so far i'm sad to say it just feels dissapointing I've only had a few games online, but tennis feels about as responsive as swinging a cricket bat would feel. The number of times i've swung and not returned a serve when its right there for hitting?I thought with motion plus it would be fairly accurate to what you're doing, but swinging and twisting your wrist forwards or backwards for shot selection just feels (for lack of a better word) naf. What happened to actually slicing the ball when you want a drop shot? or whipping your arm over the ball for topspin? Surely these movements would have been possible? Half the time it cant even recognise whether i'm positioned for a forehand or backhand? and considering i'm square infront of the sensor bar thats pretty shocking.
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