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Everything posted by DuD

  1. I thought you were mafia days ago, there just wasnt any 100% information that the rest of the town always seems to require to rally a lynch.
  2. There's that much back and forth that I don't have the time to go through it all and do my own analysis. Back to my gut.. Vote: Sheikah
  3. Sheikah are you suggesting you asked Eevil to do nothing last night, because that's what you did.. that's the only thing you could have had success doing during the night.
  4. Magnus said he tried to target Yvonne and got a result on Sheikah? So we (i) thought he was redirected. If he was protected, and Esequiel tells the truth that he couldn't teach him (which Yvonne seems to have confirmed) how was he redirected? Sheikah.. is your power day use?
  5. So how was Magnus redirected? I also know that Sheikah out right lied yesterday because he was in my labyrinth N1, so definitely was not successful.. I couldn't understand the lie at the time so let it slide but now the plot thickens.
  6. It's not that uneventful, if we're confirmed its 2 people that aren't mafia. Which narrows the pool of potential candidates and gives us 2 people who we can trust to be yelling the truth. telling. I'm on my phone and it thinks it knows better than me.
  7. I was successful again last night. Peeps.. I hardly think that comments fair considering majority was reached before I even entered the thread yesterday, but whatever. Do me tonight Magnus. Then Peeps tomorrow please. Amazeing ReZ
  8. Just had a go on squads using the Gamepad and I was utterly shite. Gonna go back on in a bit and try it out using the Wii-mote. I've never played COD before, but the 2 levels I played on seemed pretty big as I spent alot of time searching for people I cannot believe how bad I am at this? I can not hit shit!
  9. Right, well I tracked Moogle to see what he's actually up to in this game. He was protected, I can't see a townie protector protecting him given he's done nothing all game. Vote: Moogle
  10. @Cube you claim protector? I find it very odd that my target last night would be protected. Can you state your Target? I will be voting for my target today anyway.
  11. You've avoided the question I asked you. You are the only person to have voted to not confirm your success or failure last night. I can assume you weren't successful from your comment of having nothing of use, but I could also assume you just don't want to share what you do have. A simple I was (un)successful will suffice just as everyone else on the vote has done.
  12. @Mr\-Paul as far as I can see you are the only person to vote and not at least say whether you were successful? @Sheikah.. you claim to have nothing, is that because you were roleblocked, or after you're question to Rummy did you choose not to act??
  13. Don't base someone's usefulness on power alone What's majority, it can't be far off if we haven't reached it already? I would prefer other people to say things rather than just vote, it's a waste of a day. At least say whether you were successful or not. I was successful last night. If the day hasn't already been ended prematurely, I'll hammer once everyone has spoken. It's that a shut up now pay Eevil? or can we carry on talking?
  14. Does everyone use headsets? Any recommendations for a cheap one?
  15. I'm playing footy after work tomorrow, and its my dad's birthday, and I'll be shit, so I probably won't be online tomorrow. Hopefully Wednesday though. Does anyone have any tips to get me started so I'm not just a burden on who-ever I play with.
  16. I'll explain my reasons later
  17. Changevote: Smeagol
  18. I thought yous said it earlier, but okay.. I can't be bothered to check atm so I'll take your word
  19. I didn't reveal my N1 info until D3 though?
  20. Im just gonna ignore you Sheikah so that the thread doesn't end up as another argument between us.. I've stated my opinion. I'm entitled to it. Deal with it. Something else that's bugging me is that Mr-P who must be a roleblocker seems to have more info than his role would allow.. what makes you so sure that Diageo is good AND what amazing power can Diageo possibly have? considering Cube claims protector and Yvonne was the cop.
  21. Exactly, Cube straight away admits to out then Sheikah jumps on the bandwagon. Then to draw attention away from himself brings up things that are completely irrelevant. Like a different game entirely. Or the fact I made a mistake which I pointed out straight away, corrected and apologised. But you know whatever gets the heat off.
  22. For once you're correct. Only one on that list is my claim and that's.. "DuD.. Tracker" Unfortunately I can't claim for other people Though I have dropped in brackets that Mr-P is likely a roleblocker seeing as he's been not so subtlety hinting at it for a while. I'm thinking I'll Vote: Sheikah again. 1. I still think he's dodgy. 2. He has a useless power. 3. His alignment flip upon his death will be more cooperative than the live counter part.
  23. I'm willing to vote off Moogle became he hasn't contributed anything in ages. Vote: Moogle Thank god someone else has a voice. Scap that change of vote Peeps.. I'll remove vote for now.
  24. Incase I die... Claims Cube.. Protector Diageo.. ? DuD.. Tracker Jimbob.. Rev Tracker Magnus.. Tracker Moogle.. ? Mr-Paul.. Roleblocker (not claimed, but that's what I think) ReZ.. ? (must have an info role because he said he knew I was telling the truth) Sheikah.. Dumb Cop / Paranoid Cop Smeagol.. Redirects anyone targetting him to someone else.
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