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Everything posted by DuD

  1. Or that's not your power There's too many things against you say the moment for my liking.. If you flip Mafia, we've got a very healthy lead and it clears up the confusion somewhat.. If you flip town, it'll not really clear things up but we'll at least have some better idea about what's going on.
  2. So Diageo is lying by saying you targeted me AND Rummy is lying by saying he had to carry out his yesterday's action again?
  3. Yeah. I've tried changing dead zones, sensitivity, speed. It's so annoying to see the kill cams and see me shooting and then I'm killed instantly with ease.. they just turn round and like 2 rounds later I'm dead. Blade how do I read the message? lol Is multiplayer the only way to gain XP? Surely it would make sense for everyone to have access to the same weapons rather than have the best players running around with the best weapons slaughtering the newbs and stopping them getting the XP needed to get these guns? Seems retarded to me. What happened to picking a weapon set for a particular match and everyone having access to them?
  4. So as it stands Sheikah lied about both his N1 target, his N3 target. There's something dodgy involving him going on with the confirmed alignment investigator. He's trying to crack on Magnus wasn't redirected/tampered with even though he targeted one person and had a result on another. His overall behavior is off. I'll be amazed if your town. And its taking 15 mins so far to write a character a power and 3 targets. Mind it would take a while if you we making it up and had to make sure it was reasonable with what's been said in the thread.
  5. N1 he's a normal cop, but N2 he gets the result of his mother's sisters pets targets dad? or is it even more farfetched than that?
  6. I really need help setting up my controls.. there's that many options that I don't know what to do to get them right. I've probably spent more time changing my controls.. than playing and their still all over the place. I can spot someone from behind and have that much trouble hitting them they can turn round locate me and kill me when I'm the one that had the advantage of them having their back to me. Seriously I'm doing good if I make 6 kills in a game its that bad.
  7. If I target A and end up at B, i'm pretty sure that's redirection.
  8. Magnussaid he targeted Yvonne and got a result on you how is that not redirection / tampering??
  9. If the result on Sheikah is tampered with though any result could be tampered with. We need to figure out what actually went on that night.
  10. I would too, but my vote says what I think.
  11. I didn't send a target, I wanted to read through the thread first but I've been too busy with other things. Hopefully you're referring to me Mr-Paul? Vote: Sheikah
  12. @The Peeps, can I clear something up? Magnus Peterson is dead right? so there are 7 players, Majority 4?
  13. I've got a good feeling about this season.. which means I'll probably get relegated with a record low points tally 'Mon The Baggies
  14. From memory, cube claimed he targeted Yvonne and someone (maybe himself? can't remember without going back) but anyway I'm pretty sure he said Yvonne was protected, so he failed. Admittedly Cubes not the greatest source to quote, but at the time he was trying to stop his lynch, so I reckon he probably told the truth.
  15. My info is from N1:. No mistake:. Not wrong. Sorry ReZ.
  16. By a labyrinth?
  17. But can you confirm flavor of what happened to you to substantiate my info further please.
  18. Let's wait for ReZ to confirm what effect my power had on him and then everyone will see you're a liar.
  19. In fact you might as well lynch me now if my infos gonna be ignored in favor of such a well rounded reply.
  20. You're asking me to believe my own info is false?? YOU CANNOT HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL. THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! That's why I doubt you are a confirmed townie and why I asked about you sending false PMs by day. @Magnus Peterson did your N2 PM mirror the format you received N1 ? @The Peeps have you read my post with character role and targets. Have I really made all that up D3 when I haven't just caught him lying???
  21. Makes up for all those without opinions Shame on the town if you are allowed to just reply shut up rather than explain yourself when something's clearly awry.
  22. The guy who's given his character, pretty much his role and all targets is being shifty..? You know, as opposed to the guy who's given nothing and is hiding behind a lie that he's been caught in and Is refusing to put straight? Vote: Sheikah
  23. Explain how I'm wrangling with logic? rather than state it as fact when it's actually false. Fact.. I'm jareth Fact.. You spent N1 in my Labyrinth which will have stopped you carying out an action. Fact.. You claimed to be successful. Fact.. To couldn't have been. Fact.. You lied. Can you send false PMs by day?
  24. Your suggesting people go for me because I've caught you in a lie? @ReZourceman were you a) caught in a labyrinth last night? & b) able to carry out your night action because of it? The answers to those 2 questions will prove I'm yelling the truth. So @Sheikah do you want to answer post #104
  25. @Sheikah will you please respond to post #104
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