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Everything posted by DuD

  1. I'll defend my cup Nice win today.. conceded 3, but with our usual standards we just scored more Theres only bob whos scored more than us, but to be fair he's bob.
  2. Vote: MudKipz After Jimbobs hey I'm mafia btw post we were fucked
  3. This is my favourite ridiculous post of the game.
  4. Basically, lies. In please
  5. Basically, lies.
  6. I'm lynched if I've counted right.. there's no trying I just wish I could see your face in a minute or so lol. SEALS s l o w __ c l a p __ phone.
  7. I bet your fighting the most fearsome crystal warriors too? god dam phone.. WITH.. the most fearsome warriors. I'm lynched now anyway.. which also sells Sheikah's fate. s l o w __ c l a p __ town
  8. Moogles result is correct and Esequiel cannot comment further.. so someone has done something dodgy and obviously won't be coming forward to clear me. Apparently the Red Mage is classed as a jack of all trades because they can cast white and black magic.. that's why I do a move I apparently can't. its not odd we are all lordesequiel
  9. Woah @Esequiel don't leave without responding.. at least pm me. is moogles track a mistake?
  10. I can't believe how fast people have acted on this without even giving me chance to respond.. if Rummy could have voted I'd have been lynched without even seeding the day. Even the speed has mafia lynch train written all over it Surely someone targeted Sheikah? please post. I don't know about Final Fantasy flavor but my picture isn't even red? I'm green and black? Nothing more I can say. If I get lynched.. go for moogle or Yvonne next. I think Sheikah is a dumb cop or some variant, can't see him being mafia after yesterday.
  11. Yes I can.
  12. I have also pm'd esequiel find out if moogles result is a balls up. Can we at least await a response please.. I cannot have targeted Mr-Paul last night our he'd still be alive.
  13. I will add that I can only do spiked on odds and meterorite on evens. That is everything I have now. Will people remove votes please.
  14. It works by stunning the people targeting my target. I am the red mage, I redirected you with spiked flail.. disorientating you N1. You seriously need to check your own alignment before throwing accusations in thread. Probably doesn't matter now anyway.. you've managed to out a (if not the) protector, so we'll probably both be dead soon anyway now. As I said.. well done.
  15. Wish WTF I get in from work to find ion one from majority??! Lets not give me a chance to respond.. I did not target Mr-Paul and I am not Mafia! I targetted Sheikah and I know for a fact that no-one will have been successful in targeting him because I used meteorite to protect him.. well Fucking played. Can people remove votes so I'm not trained this is ridiculous! No 10 char
  16. Just started playing this yesterday and am absolutely loving it. Had a go at both the weekly and daily challenges before I went to bed, so gonna start adding some of you guys to see how I fair against yous.
  17. I wouldn't say you instigated the lynch? you dropped the first inactivity vote. Me and Sheikah were the ones that actually pointed out Jimbob's lie (im assuming moogle hasn't popped in to sign his own death warrant for tomorrow)... and its the lie I'm voting for, not inactivity. I would have agreed with Sheikah that your behaviour was that of a conscientious townie.. but now I'm edging the other way seeing as your claiming something that really isn't true to make you look better. Your card is marked. Oh and following on from last game where I was killed off because I pegged half the mafia on day 2.. please don't ignore me again if the same happens.
  18. Lol at Magnus. My vote stays.
  19. I can confirm that I am not the geomancer.
  20. Limits him considerably?? Im pretty sure there's no one in the write up doing nothing.. So thats a pretty severe limitation :p
  21. Sheikah.. I pretty much posted that above you, but without the drip feed. I was gonna wait for a response but you know what.. fuck it. Vote: Jimbob If you flip town, you've only yourself to blame.
  22. You didn't send a target.. but your in the write up?
  23. Is that mine Yvonne.
  24. My character is there, but I'd rather not reveal this early.
  25. I was counting on yoooouu!
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