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Everything posted by DuD

  1. I'm pretty stable with money, however I'm looking at leaving my (very secure) job in the next couple of years to do something I will enjoy more. I like to sit on an emergency fund, which was depleted (in an emergency) last year. I've nearly built it back up, and was planning to start pushing the extra money into the mortgage. A recent illness in the family has changed my outlook though and I feel we should enjoy the extra money now. I'm interested in your monthly budgeting as my approach is not organised at all. I just chuck everything left over at the end of the month into the emergency fund and then annual payments throughout the year (MOTs, Insurances etc) all come from that fund. Do you use seperate accounts to save for different things? or everything in one account and the money accounted for on a spreadsheet or something? In regards to no 6 (investing), would you prioritise extra mortgage payments or other investments?
  2. Is anyone playing this still? I'm looking for sparring partners? I used to be alright on the many SF2 variants, but looking to get into Alpha or SF3.
  3. I still have my Mega Drive, N64, PS1 and all their games, and I re-bought a SNES (my bro sold his) and some choice games. I haven't considered selling them. I sold my PS3 and all games, I sold all my Wii games and sold everything I have completed on Wii U (I still have the consoles). I've started selling GC games too. I sold Paper Mario for £100 recently as figured we'll get to the point where I can pick it up digitally for peanuts in the not too distant future. I used to be dead against selling my gaming stuff, I'm not sure what changed?
  4. Says it will ship in June. Was this already known or do we have a release window?
  5. I can see the business logic... It's the worth they're providing to customers that I'm missing. There is no actual cost for them but they're charging anyway? One guy hacked the system to be top of all 4 leaderboards, changing his username so it read "please add anti cheat". Nintendo's response.. ban the guy proving a point. I just think it should be done properly or not at all. Regardless of price. Would you choose to have the brakes on your car fixed on the cheap knowing they'd make an half arsed effort? I'll pick the service up eventually when it has some worth to me, but at the moment I see it as an additional paywall, which whilst inexpensive, I choose not to support.
  6. I don't understand how they made the decision not to make all games require a subscription and yet then decide Splatoon 2 (P2P) requires the subscription? The service literally provides nothing. They haven't even implemented anti-cheat systems. Just decided that you must pay now for your switch to connect with someone else's with no server in the middle?
  7. I got digital which is £60, but you get double gold points, so works out effectively as £54. £4 extra to always have it on the system
  8. So I just chanced buying it on the eshop.. it's pre-loading right now
  9. Physical won't be out before I go and I don't know as there'll be a shop for it where I'm going. Does anyone know how the piranha plant dlc works? Would I still get it if I pre-bought off eshop but ended up downloading the game in March 19?
  10. I'll take it with me but not sure about internet for download?
  11. Don't worry Jonnas, I'm away with work for 4 months in a few weeks time 😒
  12. When you play the elite mode or whatever it was called, I'd wager 99% of people's preference will be simple 1v1 no items final destination. I'm on the fence whether to buy this. The Wii U version killed it for me. I barely played it. I didn't know half the roster, and with no decent single player I had no enjoyable reason to try them out, which meant I had no clue what they were capable of online. Spirits and the adventure mode look to have fixed my issues, but I don't know if I'm just burned out with the series.
  13. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    My little man is not well, so I'm with him. Sorry guys.
  14. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    If it's Privates I'm in. I'm not much of a fan of Salmon Run. Or League if there's only 4
  15. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Normal online will still work. You can play only turf war for one weekend a month in honour of splatfests if needs be
  16. DuD

    Indie Games

    Just seen that. It looks great. Loved Lizardcube's work on Wonderboy. Hope there's more details soon.
  17. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Yous all doing salmon run? I'll be playing ranked in that case, let me know if anyone wants to private or league after you've finished?
  18. I love Mariel Cartwright's work. The game looks gorgeous. It's is a great fighting game to, with a smaller (but plenty) sized, varied roster. I'll definitely be getting this.
  19. DuD

    Indie Games

    Only liked because theres not a "fucking love" button. Can't wait for this. Pocket Rumble is great for the interim.
  20. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Is anyone still on?
  21. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I'm not able to get on yet, possibly looking 22:30 if anyone is still around
  22. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I'm at work, but 21:45 is looking good for me, so I could join at the same time as smeagol
  23. DuD

    Indie Games

    I've just had a few online games with Tenchi. It felt very responsive (ggpo 👍). As for the controls in general, I feel you should have to hold the button a little longer to get a special. I was popping out an inappropriate special sometimes instead of a crouching kick. Something to get used to I guess. Fun game though. Have to arrange some fights.
  24. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I'm meant to be covering the airfield, but if that changes im well up for trying out the new bambi with (on) you guys.
  25. Managed to pick up the gold version (dlc included) for £33 on the US eshop if anyone's looking to get this
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