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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. Ah. Pokémon Gold and Silver, those were the days. I literally played my Gold version to death and a friend o' mine played his Silver version to death. Every beautiful summer evening we were having a go at it, trying to CATCH 'EM ALL!!! Very much lookin' forward to these games, I think I'll choose the gold version again....just to re-live those Ho-oH days:zzz:
  2. It's true. It is pretty random stuff, but the function of this prose of mine is to gradually expand into greater stories:D
  3. THAT’S NOT STRANGE!? “Let’s start.†Said the man, trying to unfold a heavily sealed envelope. This particular man was no more than simple pencil sharpener. The fact that he was the only human one, sharpening pencils with his toe and fingernails, made him a rather unwanted guest near the local pencil shop. The woman who works there most certainly has a thing or two to say about her past experiences with the man. Still, it’s Sunday and the poor gal can’t be bothered. And so the man starts. It seems like he just received some very blunt pencils from the Nuukers out in Greenland. South-Greenland that is, anywhere else in the land of green would be a joke! The man usually receives all sorts of unsharpened pencils from all over the world. Obviously his fine craftsmanship is well renowned, but not everywhere mind you. No one ever heard of him further down the street and his neighbors could swear that a woman lives next to them by the name of Joline McMessenger. In fact, I can put it this way: Everyone within a radius of 50 kilometers of the man, denies the existence of a human pencil sharpener. An odd thing when one considers that they all embrace Eddie, the human stapler, as their hero in their staples days. The man starts to put his fingernails to good use, while still soaking his tired feet in a mixture of water and salt. Tired because of his favor for the Italians. I mean we can all agree that pencils from Italy are the real deal, the hard nuts to crack, the stuffed trumpets to blow or even the runny noses to catch up with. Bottom line: those Italians know what they’re doing down in that boot of theirs. The man is still going at those pencils from South-Greenland, but he won’t be for long, because something is about to happen. “Finally finished those nasty little buggers. Off to me cats again.†The man retires into his attic to treat himself to a big-eyed special. His cats never ceased to amaze him and yet he couldn’t help but long for a goldfish. Of course he didn’t go to a pet store to buy one, don’t be silly. If a man has cats, he sticks with them until the bitter end. That’s one of the laws of physics you know (possibly number 42). A knock on the door. Just one sound, but it scared the cats. “Hmpf, stay here my pretties, I’ll go and have a little look see.†His voice was like that of a man kicked square in the groin. Probably to ease the cats’ minds. The man reached for the doorknob and shortly after opened the door itself. The streets were strangely quiet and there was no “knocker†to be found. He did not close the door though. He looked a bit more further down the road and saw a blurry figure coming his way. It came closer and closer it came still. Even more so thereafter. “Kind, uhm…, kind person. Could you tell me what business you have ‘round these parts of town?†The man asked to the U.E.O.* which sort of resembled the shape of a human being. The vague blob stopped. Suddenly it splits up into three bigger things. It were his cats, yet they were all red. “!?†The man shouted “exclamation mark†and “question markâ€, but that most definitely didn’t stop the three big cats from approaching their owner. As startled as the man was, he did manage to knock on his own door. It frightened the huge cats and gave the man just enough time to run away like cops run to a jelly donut factory. In the nick of time he got away, but in the heat of the moment his spectacles had fallen off. Now a nearly blind man was roaming through Affinger Street shouting “My cats are attacking me, I need my spectacles and a pair of eyeglasses to go with that!†What a sight that must’ve been for the people down in Affinger Street. Not much of a sight I tell you. Thing is that this particular man is really God trying to make sense of his creation. A rather odd way of doing so, but hiring some cats, renting an entire street and trying to sharpen pencils with toe and fingernails is just one of many things God does to show himself that there are more bizarre things than planet earth. Next stop, how father time created a subjective concept. ----------------------------- *UEO = Unidentified Eartbound Object ----------------------------- I'm from The Netherlands you see and I would appreciate it, when you've read it of course, if y'all would put up some remarks of anykind. Praise is always welcome too, don't forget that:laughing:
  4. Wow, you guys all take great pictures. Loving it! It fills me with inspiration:bowdown:
  5. Aaaahhh, I'm going nuts. I want this game so bad, but school is being a pain in the ass. C'mon , will power, will power...I'll buy it when the time is right:hmm:
  6. Lol, it's been out for like a year now...Get to it old bloke! I absolutely went nuts on the game and played it on a regular basis. I got all the 120 stars with both Luigi & Mario and of course #121 star aswell. Not real hard to get that one though. It shocked me to hear that Miyamoto said that he didn't really care much about the storyline, he thought that if the gameplay was good, people will love it nontheless. While I do agree with that, Stories in games give it that special, almost literature/movie, feeling to it. I would like to see a more in-depth story and, if possible, METAL GEAR STYLE CUT-SCENES :P
  7. Ganondorf, Vaati, Majora's Mask, General Onox, Veran the Sorceress, Zant & Dark Link An all-star cast of bad-guys teaming up on Link, because of their endless humiliation by the boy with the green sock on his head XD All of them in the O So GORGEOUS cel-shaded style. Let's just say that Ganondorf finds a way to resurrect all these villians, who are lost in darkness.
  8. Why all that talk about Wii HD, .... ? I never heard of it, can I have some references please... Anyways, Sakurai is a very creative genius, and with him being put on a complete new experience, this game should be and interesting piece of art!
  9. This serie is one of the awesome ones, with, according to me, Paper Mario: TTYD being the best! The stories always do it for me, new characters and funny plots at the end of each chapter are a blast. The three games both had great stories and I can't really decide which one is best. I personally think that this serie kind of rotates with the mario&luigi series. Rotates in a ways that when a new mario&luigi game comes out, next year a new paper mario will come out. Could be in the same year though, but way at the end. My favourite chapters in the series: Probably the one in TTYD where you'll strand on a deserted island (or is it) with Favio (lol, such a weak captain) and his crew. I also enjoyed the chapter in Super paper mario with Francis. Y'all know what I'm talking about --> HIGH-TECHNICAAAAAAAAAALLL! Seriously though, the best main villian of the series (and his crew) is definetly COUNT BLECK
  10. COuld everyone in this topic at least have their Mario Kart Code somewhere displayed so we can add one another and kick off some tournaments... Thank you.
  11. A Tourney, ..... Sign me Up...... I'll try to check out this topic daily so we can make arrangements!!!
  12. The cool thing about NINTENDO® is that they always deliver and never let their fans down. No matter how long it takes, their cast of characters/franchises is just something that Sony and Microsoft lack BIG TIME for me.
  13. During E3: We thought why not use paper, lots and lots of paper.... and so, keeping the succes of paper mario in mind, we decided to do a paper legend of zelda :P Pretty funny stuff, but seriously I think that NINTENDO will probably reinvent the whole Zelda experience as what they once did with MM and Windwaker. Eiji Aonuma also said that he really wants to out do himself in order to beat one of the best zelda games ever created (what fans think) = OoT..
  14. Loving it, Just loving it..... Although I hope it's not TOO pikmin-ish, cuz then we wouldn't have something to look forward to....
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