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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Make the gif, ask an admin to put it up for you.
  2. No, dabookerman's more like what a spammer evolves into when it reaches level 20.
  3. If only that were true for me... I have hours of chemistry coursework, and I also have to revise for 13 modules in January...
  4. Isn't that called Suzumiya Hahiru no yuutsu, to make otakus buy it as a joke?
  5. Yes... you're back again, for the third time or something! Unfortunately I think Goomba is long gone...
  6. Is it non-authentic ka na?
  7. I tried it, and got the email when I checked a couple of hours later.
  8. Well, kind of... But I bet most of the people who refuse to eat raw fish would eat it.
  9. Rena made a face I hadn't seen before in Minagoroshi-hen: This is after telling her dad to get a life and stop sleeping with prostitutes... Then she takes all his money and puts it in her own account and gives him pocket money... She certainly is harsh.
  10. Sushi doesn't have to be raw fish... I made it with smoked salmon.
  11. 'tis my sister's 20th today. She doesn't really seem that old...
  12. I've made my own sushi with smoked salmon, which was quite nice, and I've bought it from Marks and Spencers which I didn't like very much. So I haven't had authentic sushi, but on the whole I'm a bit apathetic towards it. Ramen, on the other hand...
  13. Probably true, which is why I did all my votes without looking at what anyone else had put.
  14. The 2006 N-Europe Member Of The Year: Eenuh, for always posting cool stuff. Thread Starter Of The Year: Fierce_LiNk, for this thread and some other good ones. Best Mod Of The Year: Jordan I think. Best Admin Of The Year: Ashley. Most Helpful Member Of The Year: Ginger_Chris, for aiding me with my maths homework on more the one occasion. Most Respected Member: Aimless. Best Newcomer Of 2006: mcj_metroid. Most Knowledgeable Member Of The Year: Ginger_Chris, for reasons stated earlier. Funniest Member Of 2006: Letty. Best/Worst Negative Member of 2006: The_Bard I think. Spammer Of The Year: Dabookerman, unquestionably. Most Missed User Of The Year: Flaight. User With The Best Sigs Of The Year: Probably Conzer_16, although Fresh made most of them... User With The Best Avatars Of The Year: MoogleViper... anime is teh win. If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer ........ Who Would You Most Like It To Be: Dabookerman, to speak Japanese to. The Taciturn Award: Hmm... Mr_Odwin I think. The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here: Methinks Jordan. Best Forum moment of 2006: The Jordan avatar attack. The N-Europe 2006 Award For Personality Of The Year: Letty. Best User Ever: darkcloud... after all, he is the only other person here who like Higurashi... Plus I like him. The N-Europe 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award: Jordan... he makes this place cool, and has done for many years.
  15. I'm okay with just putting nominations in the thread. And I don't think we should have nominations for particular interests like music, because then we could also have best taste in anime, best taste in books, best taste in er... wrestlers, etc.
  16. Don't inboxes hold a limited number? Because you'd get several hundred messages...
  17. Ok... I'm fine with those categories... some of them will be hard to choose.
  18. User who seems like he spends his/her entire life here.
  19. Well how about we give one for quotes and one for writing to accompany sig?
  20. How about just a best writing in sig award?
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