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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. With regards to my '3DS is already dead comment', I wasn't being serious. going by the recent Japan sales (they're actually up this week for 3DS HW), maybe the 3DS will ascend to heaven after all. I've sold my 3DS now, as I never use it. Hopefully Vita is worth the money.
  2. 3DS is already dead.
  3. It was a long time ago, maybe I'm wrong. But I definitely remember the sleep mode being really good on the PSP.
  4. Uses C# as it's programming language too. Whoop! Whoop!
  5. I'm more concerned about the sleep mode functionality. On the PSP it was amazing, I've left it for days on sleep mode before and came back and it still had a full battery. The 3DS is shockingly shit in that regard. I know what you mean. Battery technology really needs to improve.
  6. I like my tunes mixed and my mixes remixed. (MOTHER FUCKER!) Plan B - Love Goes Down (Doctor P Remix) Audio N*E*R*D & Daft Punk - Hypnotize You (Nero Remix)
  7. PSP has proven you don't need to be market leader to be successful. 10 year plan and all that jazz.
  8. It might have the capability to emulate some Wii U functions, but how good it is compared to the Wii U, will depend on lag. I never used Remote play because of the lag.
  9. My personal guestimate is two years.
  10. OK. I've just played on the ladder and lost about three matches in a row. Mother fuckers keep cheesing.
  11. Shall the three of us have a game tonight? (8 til late) - That Mafia custom game looks interesting.
  12. I haven't played for awhile. I haven't seen you on there in ages Double D! - I can play some games now if you want? Also, as most people automatically sign into Steam, maybe it would be better if I used that to organise games?
  13. N-E Starcraft 2 Tournament #1 Introduction I have created this thread in the hope that, I can get some kind of Starcraft 2 Tournament going. When? TBA Teams TBA Signups We will be playing a variety of Starcraft 2 games. There's even a Mafia style Starcraft 2 game. Signups Please post in here and tell me if you want to participate in this tournament and will put your name here. So far we have: DanDare The Lillster Dyson --- Ok this is sort of a Beta thread, if you will. I'll do a more elaborate effort, if people are interested in making this work. - Also; any help would be greatly appreciated and if anyone wants to be a caster, that would be amazing!
  14. Somebody should bring back the 3D glasses craze; a craze which I started FYI. +Dressing gowns
  15. Yeah... but first she should go on a diet.
  16. She should try and go on 'Who wants to be a millionaire' or just about any general knowledge based TV show. - She would win hands down.
  17. And the brainchild of some kind of hybrid Malibu advert.
  18. I once had a weird dream/experience; where I was in the bathroom, but I knew I was still asleep. It got scared after awhile, because I thought I may not be able to get back into my body, or a ghost might try and communicate with me or something.
  19. Have you ever heard of a film called 'The Terminator'? Your facial expression, along with the glasses, resembles one of the main characters from that film.
  20. I've got TF2 now, so send me an invite on the next game cheers. :p
  21. They have prevented that now. I think it's based on capacity now; they only allow so many new sign-ups per day.
  22. I've been using this recently, I really like it. Can someone tell me how to send out invites please? I've created an N-Europe circle btw, and just randomly adding people I recognize from here. Feel free to add me to one of your circles if you wish.
  23. I seem to have offended you, sorry about that. For the record, that wasn't aimed at you, specifically. My intention was to get people talking about protein in non-animal products. As you can see I was successful.
  24. If you only eat vegetables, then where do you get your source of protein from?
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