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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. I should have my Vita next week. Can't wait.
  2. The way your post is worded, I'm guessing you think I'm some kind of Playstation fanboy, who has only come into this thread to gloat about PSV sales. I'm not; if anything I'm more of a Nintendo fanboy. I think you're reading into my post too much. Of course I know PSV sales aren't as impressive as 3DS sales, doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad thing. Nobody expects PSV to outsell 3DS at the moment (except for playstation fanboys). As long as both systems get good developer support from both 1st party and 3rd publishers that's the main thing people should be worrying about.
  3. PS Vita (PSV) did fine, don't forget that PSV sales were for only two days, while 3DS was for seven.
  4. Once I've got a Vita I'll have to invest in one of those USB charger thingies. Does anyone know of any decent ones?
  5. Apparently he did it to troll management. I don't get it either. I do want that Vita he's got though; a dev/test unit that has an HDMI port on it.
  6. Update: Deadmau5 now says it was never lost, he only pretended it was "to see how much management would freak out over it."
  7. The new proprietary memory cards probably have more advanced copy protection. After what happened to the PSP; Sony are going to make sure they don't make the same mistake twice. Also $$$!
  8. Better than nothing but I wouldn't say it was good.
  9. I no longer have a 3DS, so can someone remove me from the list please?
  10. I don't know if you can class it as a Halloween costume; but this year I'm going as Deadmau5.
  11. Non gamer, casual gamer, hardcore gamer, ^that guy!
  12. I recently went to Spain in Summer and those were pretty much all I ate. I think they're ace, but my friends hated them lol. Are you talking about my writing style? - I think you mentioned that before. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the advice Raining, appreciate it. I do love a good omelette. I had a tuna and cheese one earlier, it was very filling though. I will also check out that fitness pal website you mentioned. All I need to do now is get a gym plan sorted out. 3 or 4 days a week, should be enough to start off with right? I know what you mean, Wes. My mate persuaded me to go to a gym session with him. I could hardly walk for about a week.
  14. I want to go back to the gym and gain some weight/mucsle because at the moment, I'm an unfit skinny thing. But before I start going, I want to get a meal plan sorted out and was wondering if anyone on here could help me out. I obviously need food with lots of calories and protein in, but only healthy food such as pasta and rice, meat, et.al The problem is I can't really cook, so I'm looking for easy to prepare food. Can anyone help me out?
  15. I've sold my 3DS, I might buy another one sometime.

  16. I've heard Killzone 3 has good pointer controls, apparently once you get the settings right, it feels really good and natural. I don't have Killzone 3, so I can't give you my verdict. If I see it cheap I might buy it.
  17. Coolio no problem. To be fair I'm not that hyped for the new Zelda either. I see that as a good thing though, because if it is as good as some people think it will be, then I'll be pleasantly surprised. Going by what I've heard so far, story wise it sounds like a Zelda fan's wet dream. Don't know if that's a good thing though. I agree with you on the boring part, I've played and completed that many Zelda games, I've lost almost all interest in them. I'm still going to give Zelda:SS a go though.
  18. Thanks Daft, I’ve always wondered what the difference between fact and opinion were. I was hoping you’d realise that I wasn’t being serious about the ‘factually wrong’ part. Now you’ve made me look like a right arsehole for having to point that out to you. The ‘no walking and shooting’ didn’t bother me and there are other Wii games where you can walk and shoot. Also what’s age got to do with anything? You don’t want to play games with pointer controls because you’re used to the Dual Shock controller. I first got the Wii in Christmas 2006 and by the time I got my PS3 in 2008, playing shooters et.al felt awkward and archaic. Eventually I got used to the Dual Shock again. OK you’re just wrong then. OK random question; will you be getting Zelda:Skyward Sword? We both hardly know anything about the WiiU so there’s really no point in going down that road.
  19. Sorry but you're just factually wrong. The Wii version of RE:4 has superior controls and is a lot of fun to play. If you're just specifically talking about waggle, then I agree. I don't agree with you on everything being shit though. Another thing; Wii remote + Nunchuck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dual Shock Also pointer controls are one of the best innovations to come out of this generation.
  20. I can't be bothered to search this forum, just so I can prove people wrong. Ahh maybe I'm wrong, but I'm sure I remember some folks on here (probably Choze-no offence :P), basically saying that the Wii can't compete because it can't do the sort of things the Move can. Which is true, however, besides added realism in games such as Sports Champions, I've hardly seen anything that can't be done on the Wii already. Also the Move is too big IMO I prefer the Wii remote. I have a move and Navi controller, which I've hardly used; so you lot can recommend some games to me if you want.
  21. Remember the time when people were saying the Wii won't stand a chance because the Playstation Move is so much more advanced... Well, worldwide it's sold a measly 8.3 million units. Total waste of time and money.
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