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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. Women (especially old ones) always say that you make a great cup of tea. This is their ploy to tempt you into giving in to your ego and making tham even more. DON'T BELIEVE THE MANIPULATING WRINKLYS! Unwritten rule: Suck my cock
  2. A man is walking through Belfast at the height of the trouble when suddenly he is dragged into a back alley. He hears a voice ask "What religion are you?" Thinking fast the man says, "I'm jewish". To which the man replies, "Wow, I must be the luckiest arab in the world." Don't Panic, I'm Islamic was a programme about prejudice towards muslims. I hate that.
  3. Set fire to the third bar - Snow Patrol
  4. You do know that that doesn't work don't you.
  5. Mila Kunis is hot. Fact
  6. It pisses me off too. And I'm gonna go on a hunger strike 'til it is banned.
  7. That pic is scary :shudders:
  8. I used to be a Harry Potter nerd and an Artemis Fowl nerd but then I got out of it. I havent even got Opal Deception. Yeah it's really pissing me off.
  9. Its not for a nintendo game but one on The Lost World for the PSX used to piss me off. It was on either the 1st or 2nd level. Where you went inside the caves and had to jump up on the level. But on on level you just fell through the floor. Used to piss me right off.
  10. I want a game that is a medieval rpg, like final fantasy but set in a medieval world. It could be on the PS2 or the Gamecube. Thanks in advance.
  11. Chorley FM. Coming in your ears.
  12. Cattle are the only mammals that pee backwards "mamals and moogle viper are the only mamals that can pee backwards" spot the difference
  13. HAHAHAHAHA I didn't notice that at first. WHAT???? Are you serious?
  14. No you got it mixed up. The flush toilet was invented centuries ago by the chinese. The word crap was used ten years before his birth I can do it.
  15. That reminds me of a wanking story I read the other day. Will try to find it.
  16. My frien coughed and farted at the same time and he said he liked it. :/
  17. Yeah FFVIII is (IMO) the best FF game. Zell is cool but not as cool as Squall. Rinoa is hot. But PWMOFFC members know that Tifa is where it's at.
  18. I always thought that 4D was time. It seemed to make sense but I never looked into it. Also why do people study 4D when we hardly know anything about this dimension. And how can people be "experts" of 4D when (and correct me if i'm wrong) nobody truly knows what 4D is.
  19. Yes true but people don't always go to prison especially in caris' case where (forgive me if I'm wrong but I haven't been in the whole conversation(more apologies)) they are young and the cops won't do a thing about it.
  20. HAHA that's great.
  21. Well... yeah.
  22. I think Laurence (sp?) Fishbourne should be God. "So Eve. Take the red apple and you will be able to see what is real. Take the blue apple and you will wake up and forget this ever happened." Granted I haven't seen The Matrix in a while.
  23. EIGHT HOURS!!!! I think the longest wank I've ever had was maybe 30 mins to 1 hour. I usually get bored and blast it. Might go along to watch though, but I may be too young. EDIT: No i'm not old enough. Might do it anyway for the spirit. Also get some practice for the 2012 olympics.
  24. Wow two glasses of cider. Well arent you a heavyweight.
  25. Were you called Moria back then? 'cos if you were I don't remember you.
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