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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Because I suspect some of it is. I have seen very feminine transsexuals who I quite believe genuinely feel like women. On the other hand, when I see a massive transvestite walk through a book shop, I feel it must partly be attention-seeking. I just find it hard to understand how someone can have enough testosterone to get to 6'6" with broad shoulders and able to grow a beard, and yet feel like a woman. Like I say though, I don't have to understand everything. It's up to them. There's no should about it. Heck, I don't like cars or football. Gender roles don't mean much to me. But like I say, if you have testicles, they do produce testosterone, which gives you your height, muscles, body hair etc. Believe me, I have every sympathy with men and women who have a hormone imbalance, especially those who are born with both genitals. This isn't a moral stance. It's not about disliking people.
  2. It was a silly question, I must admit! I've done 75 Grottoes, so will have to discard some maps soon. If only I could remember which ones had which bosses, as I want to keep one of each...
  3. The chance alchemy affects only the very best items in the game. When you make one, you get a chance that it'll make an even better version. Personally, I haven't tried this yet as I haven't got any of the equipment. Whoah, that sounds good! I still haven't got any Invincible Trousers (I've forgotten where Nemean is), so that'd be very useful. Also, I've just discovered where Excalipurr is, and his 2% drop is Victorious Armour, so I'd be very keen to get that. Silly question, but where is this loading screen? Despite playing it for 250 hours, I can't remember where you see the loading screen!!
  4. Oh yes! I've got the Metal King Shield! Although I went back to the same chest today and only got a Mini Medal, which was disappointing. Indeed. I don't think I'd "reset" it either. I did read that if you want to make something that has attacking qualities (such as a sword), it helps if you carry out the alchemy with as high stats of that type as possible, eg. level 99 Gladiator for attacking items, level 99 Paladin for defensive equipment and so on... Not sure if that's true or not. There are tables that allow you to guarantee it, if you wanted to get into it that much. I'm beginning to understand the Grottoes more. The best one I've got for Metal King Slimes so far is this: Silver Waterway of Fear Level 68 Silver = quality of monsters the Grotto starts at Waterway = elemental type and elemental quality Fear = type of boss Level 68 = how many floors (not literally) So, as I get Metal King Slimes on the middle floors (5-8), I imagine a "Gold Waterway" would have them on the first few floors. Last night I completed this one: Copper World of Gloom Level 88 This was the one I got the Metal Slime Shield from. It did have Metal King Slimes but, as it started off as "Copper", not until the later floors. There's a really good guide here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/937281-dragon-quest-ix-sentinels-of-the-starry-skies/55674123
  5. My compassionate response is: each to his own. I don't expect everyone to be like me, or to understand everything in the world. On the other hand, for their own good, I do think "trans" people should seek psychiatric help. Is it attention-seeking? Is it a deep-rooted psychological issue? Some sort of rebellion? I also think they should go to the doctor's and get their hormones checked. If a man is feminine, for example, a shot of testosterone might make him feel a lot better. It might make him feel like a man. I'm not trying to be right-wing, but political correctness is not always useful. After all, a sex change would be a terrible thing to regret.
  6. I took your advice and gave it a good listen with headphones. The sound effects are amazing and you can hear a whole new subtley to the music, as though you can hear the individual instruments. By the way, what line-ups are you generally using? I find a very pleasing team for the general game is: Paladin, Gladiator, Armamentalist, Sage However, now we're level 99, whilst the Sage's healing is fine for Grottoes, I don't think it's going to cut it when I level the Legacy Bosses up to 99 (which I intend to). Therefore, I'm going to have this as my boss team: Paladin, Gladiator, Sage, Priest OK, you have less muscle power that way, but the Sage is the only one who can learn Kazing. Furthermore, I'm sure the Priest's Omniheal and Fullheal are going to be necessary. Also, with the higher Grottoes, do you think it's better to just go through them at level 99? I used to use them to level-up, as it seemed a waste to be level 99 and not utilise the EXP. However I think with the tougher ones it's better to just play them at 99 and level up elsewhere in dedicated ways.
  7. Yes, the music in this game is a massive weakness. Koichi Sugiyama is my favourite composer, but it feels like he didn't put his all into this game - it's not a patch on the soundtrack for V or VIII. Then again, who could really blame him if he was saving his best tunes for a Dragon Quest that is released on a format with better sound quality than the DS?
  8. It's definitely not much "fun" any more, and to be honest it has soured my memories of the main game. Post-game content should be an extra challenge, not a massive jigsaw to complete. Dragon Quest VIII was much better because all the best items (such as the "Metal King" equipment) were to be found in certain places. In Dragon Quest IX, however, it is entirely random which items you receive, so you have to keep playing and playing in the hope that you get them... I'm constantly torn between completing it 100% or just levelling-up to 99 (again) and fighting all the Legacy Bosses until I can beat them when they're Level 16. Then again, I know it'll retain its grip on me...
  9. Grazza


    I think we have it right in this country, or at least the circles in which I mix. It's nice when a girl touches you (highlight of my year!), but touching is intimate, and we instinctively know when it's inappropriate. Take Paj's aquaintance... he sounds like a bit of a nuisance, to be honest. It's funny, if I feel a man touch my arm, I become furious (assuming it's a stranger), then turn round and see it's one of my best friends who I've known for 27 years. I then laugh with relief and lock hands with him. If he was a stranger, the action would be the same, but context is everything. Friends know when they are familiar enough to hug and touch. If you never touch anyone or are not comfortable enough to let anyone touch you (or like it), you are probably repressed, but anyone who makes themselves overfamiliar too soon is the one who is out of step.
  10. For me, the best thing to do is to be proud of the good bits, but not overlook the bad things or think we're always in the right. Take English apples, for instance - the Discovery, the Worcester. If they are not the best in the world, I don't know whose are. English trees, too, like the mighty Oak, make my heart soar. As a British citizen, too, I can't help but be proud that this island stood alone against the Nazis. In the Battle of Britain, we took on the Luftwaffe elite and won! It was a case of sheer pluck and heart winning, and it's hard not to get goosebumps about that. BUT we've also made mistakes. When you think you're always in the right, you get things like the invasion of Iraq. We do also have an enormous amount of chavs and yobs. I would say without a doubt I prefer the Europeans I meet to the average British youth. They just have more class and manners. It could be said that Britain has always been organised to put economic, military and political power ahead of quality of life. But still, at the end of the day, when I'm watching Last Night of the Proms, and Land of Hope and Glory starts, the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Faults or not, I'm English through and through.
  11. It's a brilliant, brilliant machine. I recommend it, although I know you've already played a lot of Dragon Quest IX... All the same, if you intend to play more DS games, it's likey to remain the best-ever way to play them for a very long time.
  12. Yes indeed. I liked the tunics in the NES and SNES games, how they'd just automatically upgrade too.
  13. What on earth is wrong with this country? We seem to be the world leaders for chavs and yobs.
  14. LOL, that'll teach me to bluff it! The video doesn't work for me either, but I just assumed I didn't have Adobe Flash 10!
  15. When you defeat these things, you receive a massive 120,000 EXP (shared): I was lucky enough to get a Water Grotto with these in before I'd ever revocated, which I'd love to share with you if this game had better online features. Even with these, though, revocating 10 times would be a mammoth task... unless I get a floor with only Metal King Slimes, that is. EDIT - by the way, no, you need to get to 99, not 100. That's one problem with this game - you still get experience at level 99, even though you don't need it. I've got all 12 revocation rewards now.
  16. Anyone still hooked on this? I bought another Ruinous Shield the other day and have now kitted out everyone (apart from the Hero, who has Erdrick's Shield) with a Goddess Shield. Soon, I will have revocated my members in these vocations: Gra - Paladin, Thief, Minstrel Dave - Gladiator, Warrior, Martial Artist Kate - Armamentalist, Mage, Luminary Nigel - Sage, Priest, Ranger Is it worth going for the full 10 revocations? I really want to make the Metal King gear, as well as all the other best armour.
  17. I reckon Wind Waker did the inventory best. When you received an upgrade to your sword or shield, it'd automatically equip itself and update the inventory to represent that. Whilst this may have removed choice, it'd be a badly designed game if you wanted to go on using the inferior item. The way they did it made Link a lean, mean, fighting machine.
  18. As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo's "dumbing down" phase (for want of a better term) ended years ago, and was only really applied to the Wii console itself and its early games. In fact, at the risk of being controversial, I don't believe they are the same Nintendo that launched the Wii. Their more recent games have been totally hardcore. Super Mario Galaxy 2, for instance, was rock hard (arguably too much so) and this year's line-up - Metroid, Kirby, Donkey Kong - is a world away from Wii Fit. Furthermore, they've realised their machines should be able to play all sorts of games (like the 3DS), in terms of both controls and power.
  19. Have you got Adobe Flash Player 10?
  20. I didn't say we invented it, I'm just saying it's been part of England for centuries, what with us being a Christian, Protestant country. I love the Church of England service on Christmas Eve, for instance. Halloween, on the other hand, is some sort of commercial, American celebration of horror and blackmail.
  21. LOL! The only time I've ever dressed up was when I was about eight. I decided to be a vampire and actually bought some fangs. For a cloak, I didn't have a proper black one, so I wrapped one of my Mum's skirts round me, sequins and all, whilst my Dad drove me around in the car. Everything can be traced back to childhood, I tell ya.
  22. You know, I honestly don't think it's ever too early to think about Christmas. I know people moan when Christmas things appear in shops, but why? Really, I don't get it. I moan about Halloween, but that's because I don't like it. I'd moan about it if the Halloween stuff appeared even one week before the event. Christmas, though, is a fine, English tradition and I have no problem with seeing a selection box a few months early.
  23. I have two lovely sisters, one older than me, one younger. As far as I know, they would never go in my room! I often wonder what it'd be like to have a brother, someone who like the same things as me, someone to play computer games with etc.
  24. Your brother was in the wrong, Rummy. If you want something back, you ask for it, you don't go into their room and take it.
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