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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Same here, I'm on Silver trying to Perfect everything. I can't believe how good this game is. I'm very tempted to call it a 10/10. Last night I did the Bronze hang glider missions. Well, without spoiling too much, swooping down to the sea in 3D was a whole new experience in gaming, far more immersive than anything I've played before. I also love popping the balloons with the edge of my glider - there's just something cool about that and it makes me grin massively! The whole thing is unbelievably good. Yep, headphones all the way!
  2. The only secret I've found: wave your hand in front of the Mii Plaza title screen.
  3. Yes, that is true. Vocations do level up separately, but by that I mean separate to each other. You don't have a normal level and a vocation level. Don't worry about those Extra Quests for now, because many of them require you to have completed earlier Quests. I'm not sure why you can't access 001-120. Do you not have the option "Normal Quests" underneath "Extra Quests"? If not, you may have to wait a little bit further into the game. Glad you're enjoying it and have got the online working.
  4. On Saturday I went into town, went in Gamestation, HMV and both GAMEs, and got one Mii but didn't know how to use her in StreetPass Quest. Hopefully I'll go past her again, to level her up. Might go tomorrow, Friday and Saturday to see if it's taken off a bit more. I've also been walking round the local houses and got nothing so far.
  5. Thanks Gentleben. Hopefully I'll "meet" the same people again. I might seem odd, though, if I lurk around the same places every day! The pedometer is also cool, but it'd be good if you could earn more than 10 coins per day. It only takes 1,000 steps, which is nothing really.
  6. Could you tell me how to use them in StreetPass Quest, please? I just don't get it. Do you have to have met them at least twice before you can use them? Do you have to have SteetPass Quest open, not just the Plaza?
  7. They are attached to the underside of the balloon that appears when you fly though the "?". I thought you had to pop the balloon (which you can), but no, you have to fly through the points sign underneath it.
  8. So true. I spent my entire play session last night Perfecting Mission 8 (1st rocket belt mission in Bronze). Pilotwings Resort has got a bad reputation for length, but I don't think it's deserved.
  9. Mains. Maybe I should test the cradle though, just to make sure it works. Do you have both the Mii Maker on the 3DS and the Mii Channel on the Wii open at the same time? How many icons have you got on the right-hand side of the Mii Channel on the Wii (the "Connect to DS" button is the third one down)? If you don't have that icon, the button press on your Wii Remote should make it appear. If I recall correctly, you press three buttons, then hold the fourth one down. I recommend it, but I advise anyone to assume they won't like the 3D. You may well like it (I do), but it's better to assume you'll be playing in 2D. That way, you can make your decision on how much you want the games and the hardware in general. Assuming you want Zelda, there's no way I'd recommend waiting for the Lite or XL model, because that'll be at least two years away, maybe three, maybe never. Plus, it's great fun to be using the machine now, for things like StreetPass and the pedometer. Basically, as you want Pilotwings, I'd definitely go for it. There may be the possibility of saving a few quid if they do a Zelda bundle in June, but I don't think it's worth waiting, considering the fun you could have now. The blue is fine, but I must be the only person who thinks it doesn't look quite as good as the pictures! In real life, it looks more turquoise and sparkly, sort of like a motorbike ride you'd put 20p in (in my day) at the seaside. I would. I know others have the same problem as you, but I haven't noticed anything like that at all with mine.
  10. Same here, I have to have it between halfway and off. Agreed. Watching the replay and flicking between the camera angles in 3D was one of the things that made me think we're in a new era.
  11. I've just been out for a walk, thinking I could earn more coins (but it's max 10 per day - doh!) At the halfway point, I opened my 3DS and it had the green "StreetPass" logo instead of "Internet". However, when I got home I didn't have any new Miis. Hmm... maybe it does take a few minutes and I should have stood around a bit longer.
  12. I don't know, to be honest. I would assume the range is as good as when you try to find a Wi-Fi point for the internet, in which case, both my DSi XL and 3DS easily found a few of the neighbours' hubs (eg. 30m away and through walls).
  13. Am I the only person who finds this game challenging? I've perfected the first eight missions and done some Free Flight, but that's all. Can't see me completing it anytime soon! It's so brilliant, flying about watching the fireworks or finding secret tunnels (would make a good setting for a Zelda, with bits of Hyrule or Koholint popping up). I finally love Wuhu Island as much as I thought I would in the first place.
  14. What a difference a day makes. I absolutely love my 3DS now. It's easily the best thing I've bought since the GameCube. I took it out with me, did 9,030 steps, went into all the game shops and received... one Mii! One thing though. Maybe I'm being really, really stupid, but how do I use her in the "Quest" RPG? At the moment I can only hire cats, but they're not much good. Meanwhile, there's Kerry in my Plaza and I can't use her. I want to know what her yellow t-shirt does! I hope she's using my ice attack!
  15. I'm "Gra", my code is: 0774-4233-0253
  16. I'm not sure if these have been answered, but the Friend Code is on your Friend Card (tap the square, orange face icon and you should find it). For the video, do a System Update and it appears automatically (I believe it replaces the Health & Safety advice as your first "square"). ... Anyway, I've been playing about with my 3DS. My first impression was that it was very small, especially as I'm used to the DSi XL. The screens are very small - too small, I'd say - and generally don't seem as bright or as crisp. I was very surprised to see it was already on the maximum brightness setting. The sound is absolutely puny compared to the XL (headphones are a must) and the build quality feels a lot less solid. In many ways a step backwards! I tested out the 3D Camera and the Augmented Reality. The 3D effect works well and it's very exciting to see Link or Samus on your table. I also played the target shooting and snooker-golf, which were impressive, but it is rather complicated to keep your 3DS at the right distance from the AR card and yourself the right distance from the 3DS. Of course, it's all about the games, and thankfully I'm enjoying Pilotwings very much. Flying about in 3D really is a new experience in gaming. In 2D mode, the graphics are very good - crisp, clear and a generation ahead of the last machine, which is all I ask. I'm getting a "GameCube" vibe from the 3DS, in that the visuals look pretty much as good as I could want. Can't wait for the first original Zelda! Overall, the 3DS gets the important things right - graphics, controls and resolution. The lesser points - screen size, battery life - can hopefully be fixed with a 3DS XL down the line. Much has been said about the battery life, but the machine also gets quite warm, even after an hour or less. The 3D obviously takes a heck of a toll on the processing, but thankfully this seems to have hit the battery, rather than the graphical ability. I'm highly doubtful that anyone will leave the 3D on for long, as it does make you feel a tad strange, whether that's through nausea, headaches or just the sheer effort of focusing your eyes correctly and keeping the machine in the sweet spot. So, I recommend the machine, but I wouldn't recommend it for the 3D at all. If you buy it, assume you'll be playing it in 2D. Thankfully, it is a bona fide "DS 2". Pros: Good graphics Good controls Decent resolution 3D effect is impressive... Cons: ...but veers dangerously close to "gimmick" Small screens
  17. I played an hour of this last night, as my first 3DS game (and first Pilotwings, actually). To immerse myself as much as possible, I plugged in my headphones (which was a joy, because it has brilliant music) and started off with the 3D on full. On the title screen, you are taken on a tour round Wuhu Island, which I watched in its entirety. Quite an experience. Immediately I loved the vibe, such is the brilliance of its colour palette. When I flew past the castle ruins, I couldn't stop thinking "Zelda". I had a play around with the vehicles and then attempted the Novice missions. Now personally, I found them appropriately challenging. I still can't get a "Perfect" on the plane landing, so I do not believe I will find this game too short at all. Overall I find Pilotwings an absolute joy. With the 3D on, it is incredibly immersive. With the 3D off, the graphics are lovely and crisp. To me, Wuhu Island looks much better than it ever did on my SDTV. I'm so pleased I bought a 3DS at launch, because if I had waited for Ocarina of Time, I probably wouldn't have played this gem.
  18. Same here! Oh well, I'll have to laugh, really, if that's the case.
  19. Ah, that does make sense. I'm the same, apart from pineapples (which I like). I always pick up those plates whilst wearing a rubber glove, then rinse them under the tap before washing them properly.
  20. I wash them properly: After using the toilet After stroking pets Before eating The other thing I wash them for, which probably makes me more obsessive than others, is doing the drying-up. The way I see it, you're touching the cloth that touches your plates, glasses, forks etc. I've never heard of people washing their hands after doing the washing-up though. Assuming you're using a good Fairy Liquid or something, that water's anti-bacterial.
  21. Well, steady on - what makes you think that? I was under the impression that Thorpe's will be taller, longer (slightly) and with more elements/inversions? Size isn't everything, but I haven't seen anything that make me thing it'll be inferior. Did the council make them change the early plans, or the ones we've seen in this thread? Raptor: 2624' 8" 98' 5" Corkscrew Zero-G Roll In-Line Twist LC12: 2788' 126' Inline twist/half loop Zero G roll Corkscrew Inline etc etc http://www.rcdb.com
  22. Awesome! Have Thorpe Park got permission yet?
  23. Tesco have sent my game, but not the 3DS.
  24. What's the best? Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit? (I'm not being sarcastic - that's my favourite). EDIT - Sorry, I see now you said Toy Story. I was trying to correct it, but my broadband stopped working!
  25. Firstly, welcome to DemonHunter. I think there are three types of game here. The first is the humble spin-off, which I have no problem with whatsoever, as they are never developed by the "real" team anyway. Metroid Prime Pinball is my favourite. Your suggested "Hyrule Festival Games" or Zelda-themed racing, horse-racing or puzzle games would fit into this category. The second category is the original idea that gets shoehorned with an existing franchise, which is allegedly what happened with Dinosaur Planet/Starfox Adventures. I can see why people are against this, because in principal, good ideas and designs may be forfeited as it has to confirm to the world of an existing character. The third category, which proves you are onto something, is the fresh idea for an existing franchise. If you haven't played Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, check it out. Essentially, the side-scrolling Oddworld gameplay was replaced with an FPS that fitted perfectly into the existing world. Your crossbow is loaded with bizarre, living creatures and you have to catch various outlaws. However, in general I think change is overrated. I know people don't want to turn this into a Zelda thread, but I'll just say this: the highest-regarded Zeldas tend to be Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker - in other words, the ones that utilised new, powerful hardware to improve the series in all sorts of ways. Whilst many of the other games are good, there's nothing quite like seeing what a new generation of machine can do for your favourite franchise. If there's a general malaise about Zelda at the moment, it's because it seems it's gone AWOL. Nintendo have handled Mario well this generation but who'd have thought we'd be waiting even longer for Skyward Sword than Twilight Princess? With hardware very similar to what they released Wind Waker on, Zelda has effectively been stuck in the same generation for a decade. Who could blame the development team if they weren't inspired to come up with anything brilliant yet? Mark my words, the next Zelda that gets as much acclaim as OOT or WW will be the first HD one, and yes there will be change, but it'll be natural improvement that comes with a new machine.
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