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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Hehe, panic over, seems like you're enjoying the vibe! I say this to everyone, but just be aware that if you want to fight the post-game bosses before you're level 65, you will be glad if you put 59 points (ideally 77) into spears and 66 (ideally 82) into axes. That's all I'm saying.
  2. There is nothing I'm looking forward to more on the 3DS than the first new Zelda, and let's hope it's cel-shaded. I never used to agree with the "keep Toon Link on handhelds" school of thought because I want to see it on consoles too, but now we've got a machine as good as the 3DS, we might get a worthy sequel to Wind Waker.
  3. I hate to be the doubter, but do we know if the 3DS could actually run those games? Just saying.
  4. Yep, that's all they're for. Don't sell other things like Gold Bars though. You had me going earlier! I was worried this wouldn't be as impressive if you're used to Generation 7 games and hardware, and I also have no idea if it looks good on an HDTV.
  5. It's just their attempt to brainwash weak-minded people into missing out on awesome Nintendo games. Imagine if some poor sap believes it and misses out on Mario, Zelda, Metroid...
  6. I just hope you enjoy it, Hero of Time, I really do! Personally, I quite liked Dragon Quest Swords, even the motion control. You just have to hold the remote horizontally all the time. I eventually made most of the swords and beat the post-game bosses (but not the really hard versions). Obviously it's not a patch on VIII though!
  7. Sounds like the one I missed too. Personally, I've 3-starred all the missions from Novice to Platinum, and seen the end credits. I've got 7 more stars on top of that, but am not going to try and get the last 2 yet, as it's too difficult to be enjoyable. Maybe I'll try when there are more FAQs to read. For those who are having trouble with the pedal glider, just try to keep your speed up. Remember, you can either get to the top of the thermal and dive steeply, or keep your nose down as you go through the thermal. Anyway, I loved this game - my first Pilotwings. It'll remain a special experience to me, as it introduced me to the stereoscopic 3D, which has its problems, but is quite an experience all the same. I was most impressed with the graphical prowess on display. Draw-distance was superb and reminded me of when I first played Super Mario Sunshine. The island system didn't have any loading times whatsoever, and rather evoked the memory of Wind Waker. It was all just so nice and crisp, and bodes well for future releases. Good article here: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/pilotwings-resort-isnt-2-3-hours-long-its-23-hours-long-stop-playing-it-wrong/a-20110407102836508006
  8. Oh dear, that's a completionist's line-up (I think that's the most polite way to put it!) Thanks anyway though, Ike. dr4khon, I would avoid most of that unless you really want to collect it all. By the way, how are you doing in the game?
  9. The only place I can get one now is GameStation. Let's hope it becomes a lot more popular.
  10. That's the most likely explanation, I think. Data transfer does take a while, even for something simple (going by my daily shopping on Dragon Quest IX, I estimate StreetPass could take 30 seconds). I'm also beginning to wonder how good the range is, and how much it's affected by various factors. I know others have got it to work whilst it's in their bag or briefcase, but I've had much less success with mine since I bought the Power A case and put it in my rucksack. Maybe it still works, but the range is reduced?
  11. Sorry, I have a habit of doing that. Ike said it best: if you like Dragon Quest and Pokemon, why not give it a go? You might love it.
  12. The graphics, music and fully 3D overworld (well, islands) are all better than IX. Furthermore, the tone is much closer to how I think Dragon Quest should be. However, whilst IX is an in-depth and great RPG, DQ Monsters is massively complicated and more like Pokemon. I can't get my head round it, to be honest. The problem for me is that the game is about "Synthesising" monsters, but do you synthesise them straight away or wait until they've learnt more skills? I don't know the best strategy. They also have one trait such as "Psyche Up" which you lose if you "upgrade" to a different type of monster. It's very involved. That said, I want to go back to it if I get time, and also try Monsters 2 if it's released here.
  13. It is, actually, there's no way it's just a DS. Fly about Wuhu Island in Pilotwings - the hills are crisp and covered in individual trees and neatly-mowed lawns. On the DS that would have been represented by a green and brown smudge. Fly higher and see the impressive draw-distance, as balloons are visible from miles away. The DS could never calculate anything like that.
  14. My thoughts exactly. I've 3-starred (but not perfected) Silver and Gold and don't think I will either, as it's not worth the hassle and I'm not that good a gamer. I still love it, but preferred the simpler missions. Of course, it's unlikely mine will be the same as yours, but for some reason my final Mii trophy was on the beach. Not sure how I missed that one. Obviously you've got a lot of the ones hidden in the town, but some of those are unbelievably well-hidden, particularly one tucked in a sort of L-shape. Don't forget there are also buildings a little bit away from the town. Other than that, some of the ones hidden amongst trees are difficult.
  15. No, I think the opposite - not that 1,000 isn't easy, rather that we should get 100 coins per day if we're prepared to walk 10,000 steps. Yes, it would make the games faster to complete, but looking at it from the other point of view, it's getting frustrating completing so little each day. You might spend all your coins and get all duplicates. Whilst I walk miles every day, my job is too rough to take my 3DS to work, and I still have to fit in my running, weight training etc. So, however easy 1,000 steps is, on a normal day it's still an anomalous thing to fit in whilst carrying the 3DS.
  16. I still want it. I'd definitely buy a European release.
  17. I wonder if the game shops are turning them off or something? It all seems to be going a bit pear-shaped.
  18. Considering this particular system, that's alright with me. I think the game shops are getting suspicious of me going in them so much now! Hmm, I can't see myself completing either soon. If you don't have a friend with a 3DS, you have to rely on level 1 Miis and cat warriors, which take ages to beat a ghost. Hadn't thought of that. Would be cool. Anybody thinking of changing their t-shirt colour to help people out?
  19. Yeah, the way you have to go into the StreetPass Plaza to play a 3DS game...
  20. Bah, did almost 10,000 steps today, went in all the game shops and still got no Miis. To make matters worse, I spent the coins on StreetPass Quest and although I finally got past the 3rd room, I didn't get a new hat. I'll spend my coins on jigsaw pieces from now on. It's the nicer thing to do, really, as someone else might need your duplicates.
  21. Sort of, yeah, and also sort of the opposite! I love the 3DS so much, I want to play that all the time, play loads and loads of games on it and swap data on them all in the street. In this way, I'm not bothered if I simply don't play on a home console for a while. On the other hand, it'd be great to have a new one. I'd absolutely love to visit Wuhu Island again, but this time to be able to explore on foot and enter all the buildings. Maybe this could be the hub world for the Wii 2?
  22. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound ignorant (which I can't stand). I genuinely would like to get a PS3 sometime, it's just I haven't seen anything that's really grabbed me yet. It's a blinkin' shame Dragon Quest moved away from Sony, because I'd have one now if it hadn't.
  23. Yeah, it's not great. Mind you, at least it can go on YouTube, which seems a rarity nowadays! Hopefully the 3DS will be able to use Flash. Regarding Pit-Jr's question, I still think the PS3 and Xbox 360 are top notch. If only there were some games I really wanted to play on them. The industry has become too westernised - almost all games are grey and brown with guns in them (or are very niche). It goes against my instincts not to want a new console yet. The PS4 should obviously be able to take 3D in its stride (ie. without being worse than the 2D version), and there are also new graphical techniques in that new Epic tech demo that require a new machine. However, I'm afraid to say there would probably need to be more reasons than that to truly justify a new console.
  24. Actually, here's a question about that. Do any of you get plenty of StreetPasses with your 3DS in a case and in your bag? I bought the Power A Executive case and went out yesterday with that in my bag. Despite the town centre being absolutely packed, and me going in every game shop for a while, I only got one, and I might even have taken it out of my bag then.
  25. What are you talking about? Why should I "get it into my head" that's it's pattycake when this is the first time I've heard it referred to as that? I'll call it pattycake when a European release calls it that. Until then it's Puff-Puff. And I'm not really making a "fuss", but why should I ignore it?
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