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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. That's amazing though. They're letting someone other than Steven Moffat write Episode 12? There are only 13 episodes, and the last two are always linked as a 2-parter. The Lodger was very funny though, so I'm glad Craig Owens is writing another one, it's just surprising that it's Episode 12.
  2. I thought this looked great. It's by WayForward, it's sprite-based and, as it's a licensed game, it will be released in Europe. From 1Up: http://www.1up.com/features/cool-thor-pixel-art-ds
  3. Spookily, that's something I once knew, yet my my mind went blank when trying to recall it today (I can remember what part 2 was called, no problem). Perhaps those aliens really can wipe our memory!
  4. Pretty rubbish advice from me, although I have 3-starred all the Gold and Platinum missions, so I suppose I know just about enough to help: I'm not sure you need to get to 500m to get 3 stars (you might do, you might not), but I worked my way around clockwise until I was at the top of the highest thermal. Then I aimed for the targets, flying round in circles if I thought that'd line me up better with them. Finally, land perfectly on the 3 minute mark (or slightly after). Again, you might need to circle the landing platform in order to line up perfectly with it. Hmm, I can't think why the plane would feel too slow. Is it that you can't break the speed targets? You need to hit the boost well before them in order to build up speed, but obviously not so soon that you'll slow down. Other than that, just hold Y and hit the targets in the bullseyes, and use speed boosts when you get a spare moment. ...But I'm not an expert, as I still need to 3-star two of the missions.
  5. Yep, a big failure. I've spent the money and enjoyed it, you've spent it and haven't.
  6. What a brilliant game! My RCT and RCT2 discs both had so much use, they got pretty knackered anyway. If it had a Windows 7 re-releaase, I'd buy it. What we really need is an RCT4, by Chris Sawyer. A game that uses the isometric view and "model set" feel of 1 + 2, and one that pretends RCT3 never happened.
  7. Interesting topic - one month on, how do you feel about your 3DS? I can honestly say I've used mine every day since it was released. I do 1000 steps to earn my coins, and two days a week I go out and try to do StreetPass. The 3D on the other hand, I hardly ever use. The sweet spot is so small and you have to be in a different state of focus, so it's just too much effort for most stuff. That said, I am going to try and play Ocarina of Time in 3D all the way through. So, I don't regret my purchase, although I'd gladly swap the 3D for the things that really matter, namely better graphics and resolution, bigger screen and maybe an extra Slide Pad (although that's not extremely important for now). Basically, I hope some 2D-only games are made that really push the system. The other thing I'll say is that the buzz has gone. When I bought it I thought I was buying into an exciting new system. One month on, the games in the shops are still the same and I can't get any more StreetPasses than before. I'm a little bit concerned there's not much momentum behind the device and that it's not very popular yet.
  8. I thought that was really good. Quite a "calm" episode, which I suppose was largely due to it being a 2-parter. It reminded me of the most recent Weeping Angels story. There were some laugh-out-loud moments, such as the Doctor taking notes in the Oval Office, and him introducing his assistants as "Legs, Nose and Mrs Robinson" - I absolutely loved that last one! Also, the Easter Island statues are modelled on Matt Smith! I got quite an "Alien" vibe from it. Yep, I thought that too. That was unresolved, wasn't it? And it looked quite like a Tardis. I think you're right. In one trailer the voice was saying "Look behind you", which is what happened in that episode you mention.
  9. Although the Mario Galaxy games are generally very good, the one thing I thought never proved its worth was running upside-down on the underside of planetoids. Never really got used to that or thought it was a good idea. So, if they made a more earthbound Mario game, with all the colour and variety of Galaxy, that'd be great (as long as it really doesn't have an odd camera angle, of course).
  10. Yeah, 30fps will be fine for Zelda, it was just a little hope of mine. I have to say though, I think that should be the bare minimum for games. Thanks for the comparision, Burny, although I must admit I doubt that top image is really 60fps.
  11. OK, forgetting about colour schemes and things, I think this is a little bit disappointing: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=156521 Now don't get me wrong, I'm not throwing a tantrum or anything, but it would be nice if every 3DS game had a 60fps mode if you set it to 2D via the options menu.
  12. I think Eddage's logo is perfectly positioned. I'd perhaps make that slightly larger, shift Link and Epona slightly to the right (but not as much as the original version - just so Link is under the word "Time") and shrink them slightly too. (But I won't, as I don't have any software like that, or know how to use it.)
  13. The arrangement of that boxart is unbelievably bad. Sorry to sound an ass, but the Zelda logo should be centred horizontally and be slightly higher. Meanwhile, Link and Epona occupy the right-hand third, whereas it'd probably be better if they were on the dividing line between the 2nd and 3rd.
  14. Yep, I'm in favour of the brighter colours, it's just that in two of the screenshots (Temple of Time and Hyrule Market Square), they seem to clash. The green water is an obvious one. The other (to me), is the Shop (I won't say what type it is, for spoilers). The colours are fine out of context, but in the context of the square, they clash loudly. You can have bright, non-dull versions of naturalistic colours like greens, browns and greys, but here they just seem to have chucked in all the colours available to them.
  15. Hmm... oh well, it looks like they've improved a lot of things, but not quite captured the atmosphere of others. I think we should just enjoy this for what it is but also hope for a 1080p, 60fps version of the original for the Wii 2's Virtual Console.
  16. Ah, just use me next time, dude. I'll take it as a compliment. You're right about the Temple of Time. The lighting in the original is far more realistic, and the new colours are bizarrely garish (and you know I like colourful games!) Also, regarding the cover, I can't remember who thinks what, but this is by far the best cover yet suggested:
  17. What a shock to hear about Elisabeth Sladen. I really am very saddened.
  18. Ah well, it was pretty silly of me to get my hopes up for Ura Zelda. Now I've got a dilemma with this new Master Quest - I didn't like the GameCube version, so I was going to skip it. But now it's an entirely new challenge, I may have to meet it. Anyway, Day 1 purchase without a doubt.
  19. I agree, apart from the rumble, of course.
  20. I hope it can go on YouTube. The Wii could but the DSi couldn't.
  21. I bet you get extra hats/clothes for replays of StreetPass Quest, especially for fast completion times. The amount of blanks on the list is huge considering how infrequently you get a hat and how few rooms there are.
  22. I'll be honest, I'm getting my hopes up for Ura Zelda/the 64DD stuff. I'll probably be disappointed, but I can't help thinking it.
  23. Yep. Presumably the industry kept at 24fps for so long because of the limits of the mechanical cameras and projectors. A film reel shot at 48fps would be physically twice as long, and they're very big as they are. They'd have to capture it and play it back twice as fast. I assume these higher framerates are possible because of digital cameras and projectors with no moving parts. Personally, I'm all for it, as I always preferred the higher framerate of video. Red Dwarf, for instance, switched to film for Series 7 onwards and didn't look as good James Cameron is set to film Avatar 2 in 60 fps: http://www.techradar.com/news/home-cinema/peter-jackson-to-shoot-the-hobbit-at-48fps-942373 Would 48fps and 60fps be viewable on normal TVs and from Blu-Ray? I know some HDTVs have a 24fps mode, but I'm not sure exactly what that's for (I assume matching it exactly), so maybe there will be 48/60fps modes on future TVs?
  24. Hex is a Vekoma Mad House - a very effective illusion, although it's debatable whether that illusion is worth doing in the first place. I was impressed, but I didn't enjoy it at all. It wasn't charming, wasn't exciting... At the same time, it's actually too scary for some, especially if they don't understand how it works.
  25. Width. Check out Oblivion's - absolutely massive, even compared to normal B&M track!
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