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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I wathced it for hte first time on friday night, now i hate myself for missing 2 previous series of an hi-larious programme. I shall now endeavour to see series 1 and 2.
  2. I don't know what you mean. Please explain further and in more graphic detail.
  3. I may be a couple of days late, but celtic humped rangers out of the league cup on wednesday night. Good times Mon the hoops!
  4. You just know him and bree are goin to get it on and have fat ugly annoying children that we will all want to kill.
  5. I always wear my trainers around the house, and yes, my carpets are pretty dirty. But i don't want to get my socks dirty, so i have to keep my trainers on. It's a viscious circle, i'm sure you'll agree.
  6. Today i, once again, had the now infamous vimto spread on toast. It was as good as ever. I cannot stress enough that you all have to go and get some.
  7. She is also in a programme on live TV called 'Threesome', or so i was told by a friend :unsure:
  8. Yes, because Jesus was a well known commie. Down with capitalism!
  9. Hot Tub Ranking, that was a quality programme, the only downside was it never broke out into fistycuffs. I am very sad that the series is over. Sarka, he's from shetland, which makes him unique around here, my verdict is a sturdy 7/10
  10. Totally. It was fun times at tanadice yesterday when we started singin "McLeish must stay", oh how i laughed, but then quickly got back to chanting.
  11. JonSt = celtic fan who hates LOL, what more has to be said? 10/10
  12. Celtic are top of the league after beating Dundee Utd and Hibs beating Hearts, good time alll round. ALso, rangers are 4th, now that, i think you'll find, is funny shit.
  13. I think i have used the word "lol" once in my life, and it made me feel so dirty that i ran off and showered immediately. I do agree that people who use lol as some kind of pseudo punctuation mark deserve to have a finger broken everytime they do so.
  14. Technically it was Villa's first win over Birmingham in the premiership, which i'm sure is what the commentry was eluding to.
  15. Had to love today's episode. But, seriously, why did they have to destroy my memories of Sarah? That was just wrong.
  16. I fudging loved that game! The indoor matches were revolutionary in their day, oh how i loved it.
  17. Annalise, huzzah
  18. Well i was actually being sarcastic, but not to worry. Not that i think Vogts was particularily good, but the Scottish press seem to think that the sun eminates from somewhere in Walter Smiths rectum. As for winning games under vogts, there was that 1-0 home win against holland. However, the second leg 6-0 defeat kinda over shadowed that.
  19. Well Scotland continued to suck, but don't go blaming the media darling Walter Smith for it, it's all because of that bad bad German Berti Vogts, don't ya know. Whats that? This was only Belarus' second competitive victory away from home ever, and only Scotlands 3rd home loss in WC qualifiers in 40 years. Meh, lets still blame Berti!
  20. Today i got a letter from Sky confirming that an engineer would come to my house on the 8th of October. Which atleast stopped me from wondering who the hell the crazy dude that showed up at my door on saturday was.
  21. I played Pro Evo for 8 straight hours one day, i then went out and kicked a ball against a wall. Proof, if ever it were needed, that video games control how we act.
  22. It may have been mean spirited, but this made me laugh very much.
  23. Well cindy's black wig has now been found, imagine all our collective surprise.
  24. I would like to be the first to tell Arsene Wenger to fuck right off. Boruc is the first decent keeper we have had in years, and we must get him signed up.
  25. Enigma? what does your name mean? it's quite a mystery.... ahem 8/10 if i must put a numerical rating on it.
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