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Everything posted by Hero-of-Time

  1. Ok I got to ask. What were Namco smoking when they came up with that Candy Land and the Paper Book World? It really freaked me out then I had a laughing fit over it. Also I was loving the old 8-bit dungeon which was also a laugh. I have started to get used to Gibari now as I have got a decent deck with him. I was on the thing non-stop yesterday as It really dragged me into it. Anyone else think the story is a bit similar to Skies of Arcadia? Or does it take a different turn at somepoint? The music in certain places is abit like Kingdom Hearts on the ps2 which is no bad thing.
  2. On channel 4 teletext ( page 475 )today they did a play test of PDZ and they werent impressed. They say what from they played there is not alot to get excited about and they dont see it as the big game that everyone is making it out to be. They also played PGR3 and says its awesome.
  3. Anyone got their issue yet? I know its due out but I want to know if its out before I drive up to get it....What im a lazy lazy man. EDIT: Just found this on the NOE boards. So there it is no Mario Kart DS Review.
  4. Rocky 5 killed Rocky so theers no danger there. Im a big fan of the films and stallone and cant wait to see this. Hopefully it will be as good as number 4 and have an awesome soundtrack alongside it. Good Times ahead....
  5. I think you mean Gibari. Anyways I just finished saving the castle and beat that Wing God. Really starting to get into the game now. Bit of a nightmare as I had to fight 1 of the bosses again as I forgot to take his picture lol. Also I managed to save all the guards in the castle battle giving me all the Elemental cards which was nice. Now on to my next area....
  6. I heard theres some Age of Apocalypse costumes to unlock in the game. To those who dont know Age of Apocalypse was an awesome story arc in the comics where Xavier was killed in the past and Magneto ended up forming the x-men while Apocalypse ruled the earth. Anyways back on topic I didnt really like the first game but the online aspect of this one makes it tempting.
  7. Yeah I was going to pick it up but i havent heard any good things about it. If you get it Ray let us know what its like.
  8. Being a fan of the sonic games, yes even the 3d ones, I will be getting this and was wondering who else is giving it a go. I was on Gamesradar today and they had some interesting titbits about the game. Sounds interesting......
  9. Well I have managed to start playing this again. I have just beat the Thunder Fish boss erm thingy. I have left the head of it in the river as I have been told to. Also the music in the cloud area is amazing ( to be fair all of it is ). Does that dude with the paddle for a weapon get any better because at the moment he sucks big style especially his speed. Still loving it though!
  10. Just seen someone wrote they would get Pikmin 2 when its cheap. I have been after this for ages now and I have yet to find it cheap. Its like its one of those games that never drops in price.
  11. Pretty much all First and Second party games for the cube for me.
  12. Personally I think it goes too far to be different. I dont mean in terms of gameplay but story telling. I mean its like trying to watch a Japense Manga thats on steriods...the story is that weird.
  13. Nah you aint wrong im obsessed lol. I aint exactly young either im 23. For me gaming is more than a hobby it is an obsession. I love to check the news on a daily basis and search forums to see what everyones opinions are. I have been like this for as long as I can remember whether it was checking the videogame magazines or checking the net and I wont be changing in the near future. EDIT: Thing is most my mates are like me aswell. So when we get together we have great indepth convos about gaming in general.
  14. I dont follow their financial records to the letter but I do take an interest. I do this beacuse I have grown up with Nintendo I have always had a Nintendo in my life as far back as I can remember and as such I have become a follower of them ( hehe sounds like a cult ) I remember when Sega announced that they were leaving the console race and I was gutted. I was a fan of Sega and their work, not as much as i am with Nintendo, but I still respected them and the games they made. Now if Nintendo was to announce tomorrow that they were leaving the games industry then I would be devestated. Called me sad but its the truth and im sure i wouldnt be the only one. Its all fine saying well just switch platforms but its not that simple. Anyone who has played Nintendo games most their life will agree that Nintendo games are far more " magical " than any other companies. I think this is because of the passion they have for the industry. Now fair enough you draw comparisons to Music and movie industries but in a way they are very different. Sure you get fans of a director or of a pop group but how many movie studios or record companies are there kicking around? LOADS. Where as the console race is just 3 contenders...3. Now when its a 3 horse race its pretty simple to keep track of how things are going and if people want to take an interest in that then fine. I mean its not just fanboys who do it. Just about every gaming website reports how well their console is doing in terms of the other ones on the market its just common practice I think.
  15. Dont matter about the story as I cant figure if there was a one or not lol.
  16. Be Afraid....Be Very Afraid!
  17. For Nintendo to be ontop again they will have to try and change the attitude of the gamers themselves and 3rd party support has to be something different. You just have to look at the charts to see that many a generic game seem to outsell, week in and week out , many well developed titles. Which is why im a little worried about the Revolution. Heres what a mean. The PSP launches in this country with very few killer games at launch or on the horizon and yet the thing still manages to break records on release. Now in Japan they have seemed to wise-up to the PSP and you can see this due to the DS sales in comparison. The Japanese are always crazy for the new style of gameplay I mean you just gotta look at the arcades over there and what people are willing to do in front of each other while playing games so I believe that the Revolution will do well over there. But over here gamers are stuck to there year updates of Fifas and such. For nintendo to do well they will have to somehow open up the minds of these gamers that are set in their ways. I have mates that wouldnt play on Donkey Konga because they thought the whole bongo concept is stupid and a joke. Its people like this that wont want to make a fool of themselves or embrace change that Nintendo need to turn. I know that the 3rd-party support is pretty essential as everyone likes to have a selection but if the multi-format game is no different to say the ps3 or xbox 360 version then its not going to go down well. Sure im not asking for developers to just whack in some feature that uses the controller what im asking is that they take the time to realize the possibilites and to fully explore and use them in the games they create. I mean they all say that its a great controller and they really excited but how many will fully utilize the thing? In my eyes Nintendo need to breakthrough the barrier of the "common" gamer and the 3rd parties need to put their money where their mouth is and develop the killer games that Nintendo so well deserve. END OF RANT
  18. Ok I just finished it and I have to say....WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?!!!!!!! I still havent a clue to what the whole point of the story was if there was a point. What were the guys at capcom smoking when they made this? I enjoyed the gameplay part of it but the story is just far to weird for me. Im playing through Killer 8 mode tomorrow to see if i can get my head round it.
  19. Well I just had a cool showdown using Dan where you have to shoot when the pigeon flys. Still things aint clearing up yet. I dont understand how one chapter connects with another.
  20. Glad to hear it will make some sense. I picked this up on release day and just didnt get round to playing it until now. Gameplay wise its amazing in my eyes. The simplicity of how to control the character is pure genius.
  21. I have started playing Killer 7 today and I have just killed the Afro guy. I think im nearly half way through the game now and I still havent got a single clue what the hell is going on. Please tell me everything falls into place before or even at the end?
  22. oooo another one from me is from Tales of Symphonia: The scene is pretty near the end when everyone starts to get seperated in different ways 1-by-1. Then they all come back together. Very emotional scene with Genis and Lloyd aswell. Also I agree the Cube aint dead and this topic should be renamed the best moments so far on your cube.
  23. Ah memories of the Cube well where to to begin.... Luigis Mansion: First game I played on this console and I remember thinking how cool it looked. The graphics and music were amazing. Smash Bros Melee: What can be said about this gem of a game. Im sure this is on everyones top 10 games for the cube. The game is a multiplayer experience like no other but the 1 player mode is awesome aswell. The moment when I unlocked all the trophies was a magical one. Zelda: WW: Its Zelda Nuff said! Skies of Arcadia: Legends: From the time this was announcent to the time when I finished it was simply awesome for me. I had playedthe Dreamcast version but I never finished it so I picked this version up as I loved the DC one. Awesome moment for me in this game were the Gigas Battles aswell as one of the final scenes where evryone comes to help Vyse in a battle of the skies. Resident Evil 4: Im a fan of all the R Evils and I loved the remake. Problem was I had played that story before and as for Zero, even though I finished it, I didnt like the item dropping system. Now this came along and blew everything out of the water for me. The graphics were outstanding as was the totally different style of gameplay. The best moment for me was just when I unlocked everything in the game and went back into story mode and blew everything away with my new "toys". Pikmin: A very magical and overlooked game. This screams originality and it was just so cool to play. Having an army of little creatures at your disposal that are willing to give their own life for you.....who doesnt like that? Mario Sunshine: Getting all the shines was a great moment for me. I remember I was off work the week it came out and I played non-stop til it was done. Sure it wasnt Mario 64 but it was still a great game. There are probably more due to the quality of games out on the Cube but those are just a few I remember.
  24. When are they gonna give us a list of release titles? Its getting pretty close to launch now and still nothing? What comes out on the day of release is the deciding factor of whether I get one on the first day or not.
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