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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Why not use fast-travel? The main game will take you 5 times longer if not more to complete. After any situation in low health you should go back to somewhere that guarentees you rest.
  2. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Well I see I contradicted myself a bit there, but having big guns was a great back-up for when things couldn't be handles via conventional means. I have too much ammo for big-guns tbh, so there isn't really a problem I can't handle.
  3. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Don't screw big guns! On normal I levelled the mum out of them and it was worth it. I never bothered with sneak/speech skills and pretty much just went for weapons, repair and hacking/lockpicking stats. It was a very fun run-through, although I don't know what it is like if you play differently.
  4. Owch! Yeah that is pretty poor. Is it something to do with having a widescreen TV? I have a box SD and it's split normally.
  5. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    ^ It's a good point actually! Why should I play on a higher difficulty? I do it for pride, which is stupid because no-one is going to judge you and nothing will change other than how easy or hard it is. Sounds obvious but sometimes I have played on medium/higher difficulties for the sake of it. 2 reasons to do it though: a) trophies & achievements b) Challenge can be fun and rewarding (eg. shooting enemies that die with one bullet can be boring and look silly. If you pummel them it feels better when they go down) Difficulty should be chosen so it doesn't sacrifice the fun-factor.
  6. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    At the very start it is difficult on normal I thought, I wanted to get to the next objective by going through the underground and barely made it through. There's a fair few ghouls and not enough ammo really. Still, certainly possible.
  7. Just completed both 'levels' online and it was very fun. Running away, cracking the chainsaw guy in the face with the rifle, uppercutting him and feeling badass. I wish I was Chris Not the situations he's put in I hastily add. The bosses/tough guys are what make the game. If it was just killing scores of the Africans it would get boring probably. I found it a bit tame how you can easily sidestep the axes that are thrown at you, it's pretty much slow motion. Other than that it looks great. The only gripe I have is getting items out/giving items to the teammate. Too difficult in the heat of shooting.
  8. What? On my TV it was perfectly split in half horizontally with no borders...
  9. dwarf

    Killzone 2

  10. I don't know what everyone was getting annoyed about. I played the demo and thought it was awesome. Only tried it with a friend so far but I thought the split-screen was fine and it really encourages teamwork. Surprised most people here haven't warmed to it. Changing items/weapons etc can be a bit slow but overall the fun is definetly there to be had.
  11. I think it's good though. Makes deathmatches more enjoyable because you can actually go on bigger kill streaks. Once you can keep your aim focused on someone for every bullet they don't take long to go down. Especially if you aim for their head.
  12. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I liked the abuse there, keep it going when the matches are going on. Thing is I'll undoubtedly have more to shout about than everyone here and facts to back up my noob pwning of MatTheTw*t and the shrimpy Mike who doesn't have the guts to slate me without leaving a scared message at the end.
  13. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I've been surprised that it's been in the low 9s everywhere, but then it doesn't matter because you can't really put a rating on the fun times you can have in multiplayer.
  14. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I'm going to do the first level or two of single player and then get to grips with multiplayer (unranked if possible). Then I'll spread the game time. I only bothered completing the Resistance 2 campaign once though. Can someone else start the cocky Killzone 2 talk? I'm alone at the moment. It doesn't matter if you're as crap as Flamey just hit me lol!
  15. To be honest that isn't too bad. Although if you can get it repaired for free most of the time then there isn't much point.
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Haha, I'm going to hunt you down specifically now
  17. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I think it'll give the multiplayer more replayability/longevity so it stays fresh. I don't think I'll spend much time as an engineer if I'm being honest. You'll get a bigger slice of the action with other classes. It was only recently where I've found an addiction for online/FPS/upgrading & levelling up. I get a real thrill from it all. Brilliant thing that happened to gaming.
  18. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I could take you down with a spoon in any game Daft. But yeah, Killzone 2 is very different. More tactical, more teamwork and options available as a result of the classes. You also don't need to unload half a clip in order to kill someone in it. (Which I don't find a problem with in Resistance). The whole environment makes the game more like a real battlefield with debri and dust making it hard to aim etc so it's a very different experience, yet recognisable.
  19. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Just to give you an idea of what you will bare witness to when you see me - Resistance 2 stats:
  20. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I don't mind to be honest, but it is nice being at the top of the leader board in a team deathmatch to let people know that you were the reason for victory. Then again it's very invividual and rewarding in standard deathmatches. I relish both. Popping a few bullets into someones grid in this game is going to be so sweet. I've already experienced the shotgun in full flow and it is positively awesome.
  21. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I don't think you guys realise how much I will cream you at this game by. My FPS skillz have improved tenfold after Resistance 2 so I have nailed the analogues and will ultimately nail you, be it with a pistol or rocket launcher. Not being arrogant or anything.
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I'm tempted to download the demo and just do the training bit of it. Thing is then I'd know what the controls/gameplay was like... Hmmm.......
  23. dwarf


    Yay I'm not the only person here that lives in a shithole! *High five* Not that bad really : )
  24. dwarf


    In Swindon and it is hilariously heavy. So awesome! Started making a snowman but had to come in because I was getting too cold. May go back out later.
  25. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I got my big guns perk rediculously high, which surprisingly doesn't help all that much apart from using the BurnMaster, which is insanely powerful (although the amount of damage I've done with bigger guns has indefinetely got me out of tight situations). I want a bit more kick out of my missile launcher. Energy weapons are also very high, and I still have a 100 shots with the alien blaster. Rifles/Shotguns/Small guns are all high too (60-70) which is great with the terrible shotgun which can cream any opponent within 2 shots most of the time. Plasma Rifle is easy to kill people with but I don't like using it because it looks rubbish, Plasma Pistol is much more badass. Did anyone bother trying to get that Experimental MIRV thing or whatever it was?
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