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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. What did the PS3 update do? All I've noticed is on the XMB there is now a turn-off icon. Edit: apparently it has improved playback on a few games. WOOP! That's going to make such a difference!
  2. Oh I thought scouts and snipers were the same thing. Just remembered scouts are the people that can move more but not do a whole lot.
  3. Wow I think all this stuff is just bullshit. Why should anyone believe this crap? It's not exactly hard to wait for the real announcements.
  4. Well I find that I have enjoyed all of the games I have had despite him slating them, there are very few games he seems to actually enjoy, so he's probably in the wrong job. More likely he only reviews games he doesn't like as much. To be fair prior to that point he mentioned how the scouts were always picked on first so you probably couldn't snipe that much to start with, and it is valid because you have to advance in order to shoot and it's fair for both teams. Admittedly I haven't played it but still it was a funny comment. There is the occasional point he makes that is wrong but sometimes they are more than valid and one's that may be in the back of your mind when playing a game.
  5. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    You do change your story here and there Choze. The idea isn't really that good, it is literally just a different camera - seeing as other FPS games have used it in some form it is barely an idea, they just decided to implement it differently. The double jump introduction was a bigger leap (geddit). Oh and Choze I thought about what I said earlier, specifically the part where I mentioned more customizable control layouts - because my overall preference alt 2 which they offered wasn't good in single player - well if they let you change R2 to melee and tap L2 for cover then it would have been OK.
  6. To be fair it's been within 1 or 2 points this year and last year. With 2 different challengers.
  7. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    My first shooter experience was my Dad playing the original doom (I think, some game where dog meat was health) and my first real experience was Quake III, which wasn't a bad game. That was when FPS was set on the idealogy that power ups and weapon collecting was the only option. For me classes was a major step, but both styles, arcadey and life-like are still good. Timesplitters wouldn't quite be the same. I've played more than enough to judge them though.
  8. Well it would be better if we all had the same console but that is impossible. Xbox has more users so you will probably get more game created than the little following that the PS3 has. We have an online thread that became redundant after 2 weeks, despite Mike's great effort. Tried rejuvinating it but to no avail.
  9. Yeah I have no doubts that you will cream me, how could you not with that much playtime? It's the same as when I kicked your ass in the Resistance deathmatch. If I somehow kill you it will be down to the fact that apparently you were reloading or that the game has changed too much.
  10. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Yeah, which is why it should be like 3rd person where you can toggle it.
  11. That's 2.66 kills per minute, which is pretty insane for a Cod game isn't it?
  12. I don't think they are waiting on motion plus. I think that'll start off slow anyway and after gradual support all developers will join in. Like how those bongos DK bongos worked out :awesome: Do miss Konga a bit though.
  13. Well win:loss ratio is quite an effective one, as is kills per hour.
  14. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/724-Valkyria-Chronicles A couple amusing parts, I liked this bit about why it's not quite turn-based strategy: 'Enemies should not be able to shoot you when it's not their fucking turn. It's like an opponent at chess flicking elastic bands at your pawns while you're trying to think.' I remember another analogy he made about LBP and creating levels: 'it's like gobbing into a river'. He's a funny guy/nerd.
  15. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Oh wait you've pulled it out of the hat and made a decent comment, thank God. I will make you admit you are wrong one day though. And I rarely see the point of meleeing. Not because of the controls but because of the fact it is so easy to kill people quicker from intensely close range, like popping around a corner and somehow ending up getting a headshot after being inside someone's body whilst firing. It's a big part of Resistance, great for finishing someone off after leading them up. I'll teach you in R3 Choze.
  16. I thought ^^ was understood as 2 posts above no? I see how it could be applied to the fatman as well though I meant sniper. Can people post their stats in one form or another (with evidence) from cod 4 please? I'd like to see who I need to look out for, including you Xboxers.
  17. Never played a Cod game for more than half an hour so hopefully if MW2 improves at all over the first, extensive play will leave me in for a treat and a few surprises. And a few annoying errors probably. Any good Perk videos/explanation for Cod online on Ytube?
  18. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I see what you're saying about the melee thing now, as in you can't turn that easily whilst pressing R3. Okay fair enough. As for the moment of discomfort holding L2 to crouch, it doesn't actually affect me playing like this, it's just a trade off for more comfortable controls elsewhere, like when standing normally it is so much better holding L1 to aim. If you look at our sigs our K : D is hardly different anyway. *Just realised that it is. Not intending to be smug*
  19. ^^Well no because I don't want to be playing a game which sees you snaking around by waggling the analogue just to avoid a weapon. Okay it's lazy but damn me if that isn't irritating to have in a game. It makes you tense and uptight because you don't always know where they are. You could lower yourself to their level and do the same but it sucks the enjoyment out of playing.
  20. I'm quite good at sniping but I just know that the feeling of being obliterated without a clue what hit you whilst you are trying to fight people face to face too well. That's why snipers are used in real life but in games I think it kind of kills it. I think that satisfaction in sniping comes from the thought that they didn't see it which makes you feel sneaky and professional, when in fact you're just a tard.
  21. Well the effectiveness depends on game, in (oh dear!) KZ2 they had the crap idea of making snipers invisible and give them the ability to press a button that automatically seeks out enemies. It's ridiculous. Please refrain Choze. And earlier people were saying how they were less excited about vehicles and underwater stuff, well I think that it's a great idea. For single player you want a rounded different experience than what you get in multiplayer. As it is most FPS games that have online have campaigns that suffer because they are basically an assortment of conveniently placed bots with a few cutscenes added in. I think water missions etc could be fun to shake things up. It seems most Cod fans don't want anything new or out of their comfort zone anymore. And Hunters!!! What a game! That had a great system I agree, I think they did that mainy because they rewarded 1 hit kill headshots even when you got them in the foot. Still that was a great game, slightly unbalanced though. I always chose Spire, what a beast!
  22. I recently had an argument with a guy that likes snipers. I hate them, I said to him that it's cheap, boring and pisses off other players. Then he said 'I get the same amount of kills with the sniper as I do with the assualt rifle'. I don't give a toss, it's irritating and mostly isn't about skill.
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Why don't you bumlick Ridge Racer for a bit seeing as it's an exclusive? Christ I didn't realise you could be so annoying. And that wink had better been a joke. I'm certainly not winking and you're shitting yourself because you have to think about a way to get out of this argument, which is why you're answering later. hope he takes last bit seriously
  24. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I haven't re-read it but maybe I subconsciously wanted to drill it into Chozes inpenetrably stubborn head.
  25. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Well why did they include those options in the game then? Clearly me and Daft used the different set, as did someone else on the forum. Alt 2 was generally seen as the best option here. But they've based the controls around the rubbish method which is ridiculous. No-one has complained about controls in other games either because they make a good choice or because it lets you customize it yourself. I bet you don't use the same control set for online play. Bullshit again. Alt 2 is pretty much the standard but for this game they made it so it didn't work because of the cover system which should have just been one tap of the button. That's what every other game does and it works, but this you have to hold L2 down and use the left analogue simultaneously, which ruins alt 2... And how does it make melee or crouching poor? You only crouch every so often. You turned Deathjamms post there into it sounding like he thought the cover system was the same as the other games. It clearly isn't, even if you swap to the main controls you have to think about what you are doing all the time, again because of the L2 holding. They included the tap/hold aim function so why not the cover? Well as someone pointed out Rainbow Six had this option, and to be honest I wouldn't have given a damn if it wasn't included. It slowed the game down and made it difficult to take down enemies because of it combining badly with accelerated aiming. Oh and can I point out it is annoying you when you use smilies when people are arguing with you. It makes you seem flustered.
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