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Everything posted by er-no

  1. Good to see you. Hope you are well! Impressive that a forum has managed to hold its value and worth and keep going for all these years. Massive kudos to the guys and girls keeping this place ticking over!!
  2. Hey guys! And hello Ashley - I remember your name. Not sure if we met back in the ECTS days! @Fierce_Link - I remember your username as well. Crazy how the brain can hold such information over such long periods of time. I'm all grown up now. Dad of 2. Still work in the same industry. 20 years now I've been freelance. Just finished my first feature film which has been acquired by MARV (KickAss, The Kingsman series) so look forward to having that released! Still playing games when I can as escapism. Always wonder where I'd be if I stuck with the gaming industry back 20 years ago. Could certainly see where it was going and so far haven't been proved wrong. Fastest and biggest entertainment space in the world. Will only grow etc. Tim is doing fantastic for himself and I'm proper proud. We stay in touch fleetingly. He'll be smiling form ear to ear to know you guys are still doing your thing!
  3. Perhaps all of you won't remember or know me, but it's so good to see this website and forum still going strong. I helped Tim when he started this site around 20+ years ago known as Cube-Europe before N-Europe. We made some great content and perhaps were ahead of our time in the video content we tried to get on the internet years before YouTube. Anyways, it's great to see people still having great comms and threads here! Hope everyone is well! Keep on Gaming! Cheers er-no
  4. Platty gone! Noooo

  5. I still check the place out from time to time. I see cube-europe/N-europe as the beginning of my career! ;-) Keep on gaming!
  6. Ahh, I remember when I first met people from Cube-Europe about 10 years ago... Pretty much shaped the rest of my life! Hah Good luck people!



  8. It was not intended to make you sad! Watch the Monster video to cheer you up ;-)
  9. A few people have emailed me saying a similar thing. Can't see it myself. The video just makes me want energy drink. Got a few free crates from the job as well, I was buzzing for months.
  10. Apparently it was a bit legendary, and I'm pretty sure all the other websites followed suit, including IGN. It's just... none of them have done it better. Although it probably led me to shoot and edit things like this: ;-)
  11. Hey beautiful people of N-Europe Aye, I know I haven't posted in ages but on a google search I came across this thread! It's years old now and oh how N-Europe has come along and is pretty damn awesome now. If anyone who was on this thread still uses these forums the full short film is now online at: http://www.youtube.com/embed/8Dm8exMK_3M Keep on gaming!
  12. Bit shortsighted of you to be calling someone a skank who you've never met. Sure she has silicone fake breasts, and makes some money out of it, but she really isn't a skank.
  13. Heh, thanks Sanchez. Can't say the song is right up my alley either, but to be fair I think its better musically than most of whats in the charts at the moment (again that's not saying much). Still! I hope the band make it as they have put in a LOT of effort whilst being unsigned. Next up is a girlgroup, now I'll have some fun with that one!
  14. The EVE review was spot on. One of the better recent ZP reviews!
  15. That was exactly the point though fex! And hey, I can only direct and produce the ideas that the band wanted.
  16. Hey hey hey people of N-Europe. A few months ago I directed my first music video (was on a tight budget for what was wanted!). The song gets released today and hopefully the band will make it into the UK Top 40! They are unsigned and deserve success so if you like the song give it a download (have a look at their site!). Didn't have much time during the shoot and well, I put in all I could technically/creatively! I'm very pleased with how it came out, was good to be involved in the entire process from listening to the song and looking at the two available locations and drumming up an idea the band were happy with. There is a making of video uploaded too. I know a few of you have seen some of my stuff before! I'm currently working on Prince of Persia the film! Which is crazy because I remember helping the founder of Cube-Europe out with reviewing and going through the original GC game all those years ago! Enjoy and lemme know what you think or just comment on the vid on youtube. See you IN GAME. woohar
  17. Just rent the game and return your funked up one
  18. It'll always be Cube-Europe to me.. but for some reason 'Cubeions' didn't sound right! So I went for the next best thing
  19. Hey people of Revo! As a few of you know, I freelance in tv and film, but most recently have been working on my own projects and starting my own company. This is the most recent project I have worked on which also involved my production company Jam I was mainly responsible for the grading, which went through many many different variations before this final was decided. The edit as it stands is up here on youtube and I believe the video is currently being sent to various music video channels! Hope you enjoy, during production we used the new arsenal of equipment I have access to including tracking, steadycam and a small 20ft crane. Hopefully something a lot bigger soon!
  20. Get a frickin girlfriend dude.
  21. Mario Kart will get delayed. Brawl will be released 1-2 weeks after US release. Then again, Brawl might be delayed stateside as well, they REALLY are spending time and resources on that game.
  22. Sad to be honest. Nintendo do need to branch out from their current crop... just sometimes.. once?
  23. Many claims to fame! :-) Most recently laughing about how much make up Nic Cage was having applied to his face.
  24. Co-op insurance gave me a sily low quote a couple of years ago. I remember once receiving a quote for £3600 for my first year of driving (five years ago now :S)
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