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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Jolly good. I enjoyed the Xbox game. Like Pikmin, only less violent and horrifying. EDIT: Just found out it's going to be an MMO. Oh hellz yeah.
  2. Skunk Fu A continuously smart and witty slice of animated entertainment. 8/10
  3. We all are Shino. There's some loo roll on the side if you need it.
  4. As much as I love the Wii, I really think we should get our kids into the habit of enjoying physical activity without having to dress the whole thing up with a big screen TV and graphics just to make it seem acceptable. You may as well set them on a treadmill and dangle some cake in front of them.
  5. Jay's right, someone gotta have something for pete's sake.
  6. The review community can be an odd lot. As much as I enjoyed the Halo 3 multiplayer and it's features, I still don't understand how what was overall a fairly temperamental package earned such ludicrously high praise.
  7. Incidentally, Patrick Stewart is a Yorkshireman, and now heads the Yorkshire Shakespeare Society.
  8. Nope, naf all here.
  9. Swans mate for life. The City of Carlisle was originally a Roman settlement called Lugivallum. In the ancient Olympics, Olympians came from all walks of life and trained at a special athletics school founded by the state. They also competed naked.
  10. I dunno. Maybe if Sakurai raped your mother or something.
  11. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  12. I can foresee a few scores in the high 8s circling around. Brawl isn't going to appeal absolutely everyone. People who don't own Wiis mostly.
  13. I have to say, I only stopped playing Melee when me and all my friends headed off for different colleges and universities. Once Brawl is released, I'm going to slip my uni mates some rohypnol and drag them round to my place if I have too.
  14. Smash Bros isn't about mastering the characters though. Each on only has a set four moves after all. It's about mastering your opponents.
  15. My apologies. I shall offer the sacrifice of a live goat or my first born son in penance, as is the tradition among our people. Your choice.
  16. There was never anything mundane about Melee. So many nights spent with friends playing solidly until 4am. Twas a glorious age.
  17. Why not stream it from an MP3 player or external storage device?
  18. While I applaud healthy diets, don't get too skinny now. I can't stand overly skinny lasses. As the great Charlie Brooker once said "Having sex with one is like being attacked by a deck chair."
  19. Let me tell you something about how great this game is going to be: After Melee came out, it was the only thing me and my mates played for four-fecking-years. We'll know all by the end of the week.
  20. Has a spare five, decided I might google around and make a new avatar for myself for later, as I sometimes do. The things I have seen. The horror of it all.
  21. I've taken to big walking boots recently. They're waterproof, go well with jeans and will come in jolly handy should the need to stomp on someone or something ever arise.
  22. See you all on the other side! Vote: Nobody
  23. I'll find a quiet server then. Join me.
  24. I've just spent the last half hour stalking you through servers. Stick to one will you?
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