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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Yeah, I tip my hat to you again Dyson. Hitting someone dead on with a rocket is hard enough at the best of times, landing one smack in the chops while hurtling past each other is the very definition of "1337".
  2. I happened to notice that martinist had thrown a little clip up, so I just knocked up a little something.
  3. Look on their site, they have a guide telling you how to get the best settings for Halo. Surely an open NAT would be what you want though isn't it?
  4. Anything involving swords and magic is built on Tolkien's shoulders though. Besides, I would argue LoTR didn't have a pseudo western section or a scene where the heroes snowboard down a mountain then cure an ice monster's wife by making hot soup.
  5. I'd like to see another Zelda game set somewhere other then the usual pseudo-medieval-European setting, like Wind Waker. Say it had a rainforest/South American theme, or was set in a time period where everyone wore fur and kept wolves as pets. Hyrule castle would be a huge wooden palisade and town, in stead of it's usual medieval grey-stoned citadel. Surely you mean Legolas?
  6. I hope it becomes available via legitimate means, it would be an absolute must have for almost any video game fan.
  7. Well... so long as it keeps you off the booze anyway.
  8. I'm a rabbit. Acording to my horoscope for the new year: I live in hope. Check your horoscope for the coming year here.
  9. Sounds good. I'd be fine with random, though I suppose being able to pick partners will be nice. I don't think anyone on this forum would get overly bitchy, but the maybe I'm just being overly naive.
  10. Nah, it's on the Halo 2 soundtrack I think. They stuck to the classical variants on Halo 3, thank god. Except for that awful "bonus" track by Princeton, but I like to pretend that doesn't exist. Helps me live with my humanity.
  11. Gragh. Good point. They should put a biohazard cordon around that one.
  12. I think it must be related to that hostage the Mafia took. If they don't back it up with anything, just ignore them.
  13. Let's say I wanted to purchase a Halo soundtrack, a converted ten dollar bill each. Which one would you recommend? 1, 2 or 3?
  14. I don't think that will be necessary.
  15. Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
  16. Really? Please explain.
  17. Not a bad night at all. I don't suppose anyone was in the vicinity?
  18. What I always helps me to keep in mind during rough patches is that things will always change. People come and go, the sun rises and falls, the world just keeps on spinning. Change can be sudden and unexpected, or slow, or planned for. It can whack you in the face, sneak up up behind you in the shower, or slowly but surely permeate your life without you even realising. Tomorrow's another day, in other words.
  19. Though I'm sure it's a typo, I do find that hauntingly poetic for some reason. Can I use it? Anyway, yeah, I feel the same way sometimes. I think everybody does. I know for a fact that I have made decisions which will have drastically affected the course of my present and future existence. It's not worth dwelling on too much, at the end of the day all our choices are at least half chance. I blame the recent run of weather, all bleak and rainy, it tends to put morbid thoughts into your head. And yes, those people would almost certainly miss you if you weren't there. Think about it enough, I gurantee you'll reach the same conclusion.
  20. I demand it!
  21. If use the transport system (the orange panels) you can finish the whole section inside an hour. There's a certain series of events you play through, and then you can be on your way.
  22. T'was epic fun. Especially that little altercation me and Dyson had on the way past each other on Narrows. Good times.
  23. It's not a holographic Zelda game controlled with the Nintendo Virtua-Helmet either.
  24. What I would point out here is that your relationship with your aunt and uncle isn't the same as your relationship with the church itself. Your problem here is not Christianity, but the relationships you have with your family members. What you should always consider is what their relationship with their faith is too. This is one of those conflicts where the faith is very meaningful to them, but obviously not to you. I don't know what stories they have behind it, but it could be possible that as a result of what they feel their faith has done for them, they might be trying to help you by encouraging you to take an interest, and so pass on some of the benefits. But of course what works for one person doesn't always work for another. So, while you clearly feel pressurised, you say they always bring it up in "small ways", so unless it's very persistent and forceful I would probably just ignore it. Perhaps you shouldn't be quiet so quick to judge them either. Are you sure your cousin doesn't simply think that the book was genuinely cool?
  25. Mind you, on the flip side of the coin: As much as I am looking forward to it, it's a game, not a cure for cancer.
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