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Everything posted by Advance

  1. Advance

    Wii Fit

    The idee is nice, but it is all made on the balance board, I would have rather seen that the "game" should have made more use of the wii mote by the mini-games.
  2. Only time will tell if this is true, but it probally will be BS
  3. I think the character in those pics, look like a mix between kingdom hearts- and Crystal Chronicles- style Maybe the are going to use the Kingdom Hearts 2 engine for this game....
  4. Was DKjr Math ever released in europe before the VC, release, some people on other forums didn;t think so.
  5. So NeoGeo games are going to be above 800points.....
  6. Mickey Mania, and apperantly it the Megadrive version?
  7. Why is it that when we in europe get a game "first" that the US get it 4 days later on monday, and when they get a exclusive that we have to wait weeks before we get it.
  8. Advance

    GTA IV

    Nope they can't ,site's down.
  9. I got this in my mail today I don;t thrust it since the email adress isn't one of nintendo, and two i don't have a vip account or club account by nintendo UK but by nintendo Benelux
  10. If GTA came to the wii, i don't think it will be GTA4, but more like GTA ....... Stories
  11. Hmm I see potenial, 2 versions of the harddisk one that also functions as an stand for the wii and the other version for people who have their wii horizontal
  12. Sounds logic that games rated T will not use friendcodes, as they aren't meant for childeren that need protection. But is good news if true
  13. Aah ok, I wonder when they will step off the we only release a game in the regio's where they where original released, they could bring the US version over with the warning 60hrz only and english only....
  14. I meant the original nes game, not the VC version, or did you meant that also.
  15. Say was Kid Icarus ever released in europe?
  16. Oh great now the US have 2 SNES classics we didn't got jet. I hope we will get Altp this friday
  17. Well, the friendcode system idee isn't that bad But nintendo could have rather made account with passwords, and an friendcode per acount. Like a phonenumber, that would already be better than the current friend code system.
  18. Yeah but appearantly there are already games on VC for the nes that where never released before in europe. for the NES appearantly: Baseball (Never released in EU) Solomon's Key (Never released in EU) Wario's Woods (Never released in EU) Besides Square enix released FFVI PSX only in english, so they could release Mario RPG as a 60hz english only game
  19. Well, if they make a wavebird 2, with a smaller reciever and with classic controller buttonlayout and Wavebird shape. I will probally buy one
  20. I hope that I can get a Wii but if I succeed , I will take home: A Wii Wii play 1 Nunchuck 1 Classic controller maybe, Super monkey ball Zelda and red steel I reserved by some online shop so those 2 will be send to me
  21. In europe it wil probaly come in an plastic case look at the metroid prime hinters demo, in europe it came in a plastic case in the Us it came in a cardbox case i believe.
  22. WTF, crazy americans: Playstion Pornable
  23. there also something like pal 60 I believe that , that is pal resolution with 60 hz
  24. Wo rayman isn't even on the Rayman Ravings Rabids japanese box on, the other hand he also isn't in the japanese title
  25. I like the wii disc art style hope that the european disc art style is the same.
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