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Everything posted by Davey_T

  1. 2x Muse Standing at Sheffield Arena :D:D:D
  2. Nar i like The Approaching Curve. I think the talking parts really work well. Everchanging acoustic is my favourite acoustic RA song. Audio
  3. One of the worst Rise Against songs in my opinion. Lyrics are just so bad.
  4. Good idea but it will still cost more than buying retails and trading in after youve played it.
  5. This makes me sad that im currently trying to sort out my 8mb connection from being 0.2mb haha. Sick.
  6. Well shocked but happy about Glastos lineup. More bands i want to watch than expected Edit: Prodigy and Blur clashing is horrible though. And potentially Gaslight Anthem and Spinal Tap :/
  7. I dont unfortunately. So il have to stick with the RF.
  8. Cant wait for Orion and Fade To Black. Almost died when i found out they were in it.
  9. £12 Ebay. Cant wait to try it. Now to tune my n64 to my tv... -.-
  10. Download Super Grub Disk and burn to a cd. Boot from cd and repair windows mbr.
  11. Pretty sure the sign on the one in Leeds says Head.
  12. Cannot wait. Love UFC and mma in general so il get it when its around £25
  13. ^^:heart:Tsunami Bomb, Sick Of It All, Millencolin and Goldfinger
  14. Gay triple post haha
  15. Gay triple post haha
  16. Is that a spoiler for the end of the show? What the fuck man
  17. Sucres one of my favourite characters so i really want him back for the finale. He really didnt get to say bye to anyone properly. And since then i always thought he'd be back sooner than this.
  18. I need the next ep!! Haha. Such a great show. Been watching the 1st season again and its just as good as i remember.
  19. Sold my wii in December :/. I adore OOT just like everyone else and its prob my favourite game ever but i never played Majoras Mask. I just wish i could be bothered buying it and then selling again haha. Keep meaning to check Playtime in Leeds on the off chance that they have it but i really doubt they would.
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