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Everything posted by Kav

  1. @Zechs Merquise, we don't know if they're not hot items anymore, at least not on Nintendo consoles... because Nintendo won't sodding make one unless there's some gimmick of some sort. How well do Kart games sell on other consoles? They don't! Yet MK8 sold well. Given the WiiU catalogue, both the number of titles available and the number of quality titles available, as well as general attach rate for Nintendo WiiU games, I certainly do believe an F-Zero game would've sold well.
  2. Yes he has. Yes it is. Yes he is and has. Yes he is and has. Because of this, the above apply.
  3. Nobody is disputing Miyamoto's pedigree @Zechs Merquise, we're all well aware of what he's done. The reason that, at least, I am saying I want him far from Zelda is because of numerate things he has said in recent more years about game development that interests him and reasons for not making games or leaving features out of games he has made. I don't want him near Zelda because of how he is these days. I'm not disputing his pedigree, but he is no longer what Zelda needs! He's not even interested in developing games like Zelda anymore. And how many F-Zero games have we had in that time? TA-DA!
  4. He's happy to churn out 2D Mario after 2D Mario with nothing fucking new!
  5. F-Zero: online leaderboards/multiplayer/leagues etc Bad games: that's your opinion, mine is that they're all shit. Pikmin 3: I don't ignore it, I've said it was great but he chose not to put online in which is another bad decision from him (you're giving me more reason to list what's wrong with him). Wii Fit: you can go outside and jog and get fit, not get fat. Me saying him having lost it and wanting him away from Zelda is opinion, justified from my reasoning above and so not absurd. You may disagree but it's still valid.
  6. And cut patches of grass and lift and throw certain rocks. Amazing, right?!
  7. It doesn't at all @Serebii, you don't have to play something to be able to form an opinion on something. I know how it plays, I've watched extensive videos, I've read about the different enemies and what they do, how you play the game etc. I don't need to play it! If I knew next to nothing about it then fair enough, but I know well enough to know it's not something I'd enjoy. My big problem with Miyamoto and why I don't want him involved with Zelda is this: He used to create games and IP like Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong. Games that felt epic to play! Now he creates things like Wii Fit, Wii Music, Nintendoland, Project Guard, Project Giant Robot, Starfox with gimmick controls, no F-Zero unless it has a gimmick. He needs to be kept away from series like Zelda!
  8. Read my original post again @Serebii, you quoted it after all, I'm judging Miyamoto on a number of things, not just this. So actually, it's not different at all. The more Miyamoto distances himself from Zelda, the better. That's how I feel these days thanks to all those things I mentioned.
  9. I've never eaten shit, I don't need to, I know it won't be for me. Also, don't get all high and mighty when you yourself post thoughts on how things look... You're so full of it Serebii!
  10. It's not bullshit at all @Serebii, don't be so deluded! Star Fox Guard looks as ridiculously fun as that sodding Mobile Strike game or whatever it's called that Arnie is advertising... it looks pants! Designing a control scheme that is counter-intuitive and has a "steep learning curve", as some describe, is a terrible design choice... that's a matter of fact! At some point through the Wii's life-cycle Miyamoto lost what made him such a good designer, all for the sake of wanting to push/find a new gimmick!
  11. If Toyota announced that they were making a games console at E3, a part of me would think they might actually do a better job than Nintendo with the hardware. I need NX info asap to either stop any needless worrying I have or to just put me out of my misery and confirm that I don't need Nintendo consoles anymore.
  12. He's a shadow of his former self. That is without doubt! Starfox not being as good as it should and using poor design choices, Project Guard and Project Giant Robot looking exceedingly lame, not seeing the fun in Splatoon, not wanting online in Pikmin 4, not seeing the point in doing F-Zero unless they can do some lame gimmick with it. I'd much prefer he stayed away from games these days... I never thought I'd say that at one point.
  13. It's not just games on other consoles that are big and managing it too, Xenoblade CX was a WiiU game and was insanely huge...
  14. The XP unlocks put me off this so much... although I did love the first game so I probably will still pick this up.
  15. I had faith Dazzy! They showed me the reason why I should... unlucky about that feeling of yours though. :p
  16. This guy speculating on what Activision will do for the CoD4 remaster has me worry about the points he makes too...
  17. That's just banter, it's part of football... don't be bitter Dazzy!
  18. I hope we do it for you @Phube! Go on Leicester!
  19. Kav


    All beer in the UK is awful, even the "premium" imported beers... if you go to the places those beers come from the locals will tell you it's cheap shit! I've been to a few places but the best beer I've ever had is the Riegele Wieße bier, from the Riegele Brewery in Augsburg. Amazing stuff! Plärrer Bier Festival, Augsburg: http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/Kav82/media/Mobile%20Uploads/162E0543-906A-4C31-8DA7-745F95325F34_zpscqqqja5h.mp4.html I'm not sure how to embed just a video. I'm a whiskey drinker really though, Laphroig, Lagavulin and Talisker being amongst my favourites.
  20. We've looked garbage all season. This is no surprise! The players don't care at all.
  21. Liked the trailer but I never really bother with CoD campaigns, with the exception of the Modern Warfare ones, the others just didn't do it for me. I'll wait for the multiplayer trailer... so glad to see MW multi is included, even if it's just 10 maps, this is a big sway for me getting it! I'm still way more hyped for Battlefield 5 though... although I'm not keen on the rumblings that it'll be set in WWI. I prefer modern combat, jets and helicopters in the games are a must!
  22. @drahkon, I've read Feng Shen Ji, it's mediocre at best really. It's not something I'd give as a recommendation to someone I think.
  23. I'm not suggesting Nintendo going Second Party is what they need to do... just what I'd want.
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