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Everything posted by Kav

  1. [tweet]743541292202762241[/tweet] Hopefully this will expand his views on gaming and get his creative juices flowing once again.
  2. It's improved a hell of a lot! It's still not up to par with most games of similar I'll these days but it's not anywhere near as jarring as it was previously. I've no found it to be distracting like I had done before.
  3. I probably wouldn't buy either immediately, but once I know more about the games coming out on them both as well as features on the NX... although after having used the Rift a few times, VR really does interest me!
  4. Unfortunately I'll not have that luxury. One or the other it is.
  5. I want both, I can't afford both, it's one or the other but I need to know details of each before I make my decision... but the longer Nintendo hold back and with comments/game announcements like that from Ubisoft, the more difficult it is to not put my order for PSVR down.
  6. At this point they need to show the thing... so I don't go buying PSVR instead of NX.
  7. In. Both sides have pros and cons but I feel the reasons to remain outweigh those of leaving. For many of the reasons posted in the thread already.
  8. I thought that was a bit off too, poor editing. Still, I'm glad they did if that's the reason, I don't want to see too many spoilers at this point. A trailer showcasing the world with the towns inserted back in would be nice.
  9. Eurogamer impressions are mixed... poor controls and camera they blame. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-15-the-last-guardian-the-first-40-minutes
  10. I've ran out of thanks so I'll just post... Haha, you cheeky git!
  11. Sorry I didn't manage to join in the end, was on the phone to the Mrs.
  12. There are over 100 dungeons, you'll have plenty to do! If they show enough towns with NPCs and side-quests aplenty (which is what you're getting at - as you've told me) it'll be the perfect game!
  13. Downloading now. I've been out this evening so only just seen this. Cheers for the shout!
  14. I think the interactivity with the environment is what's setting Zelda apart form other open-world games for me. That there are over 100 dungeons (Trials) with rumour of a few main dungeons and that Link can climb absolutely everything, shield surf (which is so friggin' cool), hand-glide, chop down trees - to even form bridges across ravines - all this gets me much more excited than The Witcher 3... and I'm really enjoying The Witcher 3... but the world of Zelda has managed to grab me far more from just that brief glance at it! Clear game of show in my eyes... and I was very sceptical!
  15. A lot of E3 goers are interested in it... [tweet]743128940416425984[/tweet]
  16. That's what I'd prefer too, but maybe they might want to avoid certain questions. Given how Reggie talked up the WiiU and its functionality prior to its release, which in the end turned out to be false, they certainly might not want that. They could do the Direct and then announce an event that they will showcase it at. Even if it's something akin to how Scorpio was announced. I'm only saying it's what I want because I'm dying for info on it. I'm not suggesting it's best for them. I still say a presser announcing it along with game trailers would've been best. The show floor could still have just been Zelda.
  17. Nintendo should end E3 by coming out with a Direct announcing NX. Everyone will have had enough time to digest Zelda, write impressions and discuss, and it's not like that'd stop anyway, not if they showed an NX Zelda story trailer! It'd get the talk about both the console and the game going. They'll have been having discussions with 3rd Parties behind closed doors at E3, they will have maybe even had NX there for them. To announce NX just as everyone thinks they're winding down for E3 would be great! Sure, the journalists won't be able to ask questions directly as its the end of E3, but that would play into Nintendo's hands of keeping cards close to their chest... and avoid anything being said that maybe shouldn't. As a fan I'd just love to see something about NX whilst Nintendo have managed to excite me again. It's been a long time since they have.
  18. To be fair though, on the flip side of the coin, I think you're not reading enough into the comments. Especially after the Just Dance announcement. It is worrying. Anyhoo, I wish Nintendo would put out a video at the end of E3, revealing NX. People will have had time to digest and write up their views on Zelda and so Ninty could then to go out with a bang... it would be immense!
  19. I bloody love the meteor/whatever it is falling from the sky and smacking into the ground!
  20. The interactive world (more so that other games of this ilk it seems - you can climb EVERYTHING) and the number of dungeons is enough for me... but then add villages and the (hopefully) possibility of side-quests from NPCs, ala Majora's Mask, and the story which you unravel yourself (I love this) it's looking to be my perfect single-player game. A world to get lost in and fall in love with!
  21. Oh boy I bloody love this! It's like Metroid Prime in that the story is there if you wish to unravel it.
  22. Sorry, what? How does one go through life with this happening? :p You should go back and play some, they're fantastic! Breath of the Wild looks like a return to the original Zelda whilst taking bits from other games and expanding upon itself to bring it more in-line with other open world games, whilst still retaining what makes it Zelda.
  23. I'd say the only way it appeared different were the dungeons... and maybe that you can climb absolutely everything.
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