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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Ah! Scared of change! EDIT: after reading the post below - Well said Moria!
  2. Fully agree, nothing I can think of, off the top of my head, comes close to this opening!
  3. Well I'm trying to get all the masks so that I can get the Fierce Diety mask! I want this mask so much! Only got 8 more to go... poop!
  4. Well Middelsborough sure have shown us how to play football so far today! 3-0!!! Flippin 'eck!
  5. Does anybody read this bit when posting that they reccommend Shenmue 1&2...?
  6. I don't see any need at all to make a gun attachment, there's really no need for one!
  7. It was after the GDC trailer that those rumours started hitting wasn't it? With the wolf howling at the moon at the end of the trailer?
  8. I still say they'll release it on Gamecube (couple months before the Rev release) and also bundle it with Revs when they're released! That's probs the best way to tackle it.
  9. So how would we go about moving, selecting weapons/visors/mophball etc...?
  10. Awesome film Tom Yum Goong!
  11. Like it was said before, it's the grapple beam I'd love to see manipulated in more ways, moving things with it, throwing things with it, as well as swinging! They could incorporate it into puzzles too! In regards to beams I'd like to see a larger variety, I liked the original Prime beam variations, they should keep these and add a few more to spice things up (can't think of much to be honest haha)!
  12. Yeah sorry I posted it before you did yourself but it is such a good idea I had to post it right away! I think you've hit the nail on the head with that one, it's really good!
  13. Yeah, but using the grapple beam to throw them, like in SSBM! That'd be awesome!
  14. I loved this idea posted by YenRug in one of the other topics! Awesome!
  15. I'd like to see a load of new functions with the arm-cannon! They could just do so much!
  16. Cool idea YenRug, I like it a lot! We've got a thread about advertising ideas for the Rev, it'd be good if we all put our ideas in there again! there's a couple good ideas in there already! http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1171
  17. Oh my god I hope his shoes have a decent tread and fit so that they're comfortable enough for him!
  18. He's not flying, he's using the webbing between his arms and body to gain lift and change direction and glide (very briefly)!
  19. Ha ha! I sure hope not! I'd go insane with the wait!
  20. Why are people so insensitive to make these cartoons anyway? There's nothing actually funny about it... Sexual Chocolate, you're a fucking **** and deserve to die - can't you take a joke? - doesn't stop it being offensive!
  21. November is a little too late for my liking too! I'd guess it's coming shortly after E3... maybe July sometime... I dislike the pause effect too, I think it'd be ok if they implemented it on the killing blow only and still not such a long pause! The wait for this game hurts!
  22. That simply made me laugh hysterically!!!
  23. Very, very true! I think this is a good idea, I know I'd buy one for sure! A GC and DS to go wherever I go... AWESOME! shouldn't this be in a different forum though? gamecube or handheld maybe?
  24. How is Soul Calibur 4 coming from Capcom when it's Namco that make it...?
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