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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    @Blade and I did this just the two of us, it was probably the most fun I've had on Destiny yet! Also, Blade and I are level 29 now, needing that Raid gear now! ...and cheers again for the games @Eddage!
  2. Kav


    Happens to me loads. Mainly just on patrols though.
  3. Kav


    You know me Blade, practically anytime... except for when I sort a date out!
  4. Kav


    Awesome work all getting together guys, can't wait to Raid with you all!
  5. Kav


    Eddage, it's not too low to join us but you may find you take some beats quite a lot! Still, you're welcome to join us and by the time we get enough people and a day sorted you may well be a higher level then! That's 4 we have now... anyone else?
  6. Kav


    Man I really need to get this Raid done
  7. Kav


    Oh man @Daft, that Scout Rifle sounds the bees knees, I want me some of that! Is it Raid weaponry?
  8. Kav


    Not at all, it'll be fun learning (I've only tried it once). So that's 3 of us, any more fancy giving the Raid a go?
  9. Kav


    Plus I had a full day in the game without any shitty disconnects! It was great! How many people would we have for a Raid on here that aren't already in a group? So far it's @Blade and myself...
  10. Kav


    Ok so I can add Bad Juju to the list of exotics as well as another Shotgun, named Invective... that fires full-auto and has an upgrade whereupon ammo regenerates after time.
  11. So, 3rd date at the Comedy Store was a blast. Went for a drink afterwards and had a right laugh. She's sweet, funny, smart, gorgeous and hasn't gone nuts in the slightest... have I actually found a normal girl for once?! I wonder how I'll mess this one up! Haha
  12. So I'm caught up with The Heroic Legend of Arslan. It follows the story fairly well, although Daryoon and Arslan aren't really portrayed as well as I'd have liked. Daryoon isn't just a skilled fighter, his mind is as sharp as his blade but in this it seems he's portrayed as simply the fighter. Still, it's great reading it again (even if the seriousness is taken out of it).
  13. I was going to say, this is based on The Heroic Tale of Arslan, my dad had a book of it when I was younger (being half-Iranian I was well into it!). I've seen the original anime adaptation too, I'll definitely read this!
  14. 3rd date with this girl on Friday, going to the Comedy Store and then on to a bar after. This is usually around the time that they go crazy so fingers crossed! Haha
  15. Kav


    @Daft, no worries man, if you need any spots anytime we're game just in case. @Blade and I will be doing the Weekly Nightfall Strike tonight at just after 8pm if anyone fancies joining the 3rd spot? Also, if people are on and fancy giving the Raid a go tonight, let us know as we're up for it!
  16. Kav


    Keep checking the gunsmith daily to see if he's selling any Rare Fusion Rifles, if he is, buy 10 and dismantle them. That's what I did, haha.
  17. Kav


    Yep, done it. My NAT is open, I've opened all the ports Bungie say to open to play Destiny, I'm wired in with Ethernet and not wireless, I have absolutely no issue with any other single game on any other platform, but Destiny keeps screwing up. It's infuriating! What's worse is that the error codes I'm getting suggest I'm either playing from a mobile hotspot, which I'm not, or they just say they're general networking issues that are being investigated. Bungie don't have a clue!
  18. Kav


    @Blade and I can join if you're short on people, from 8pm?
  19. Kav


    Yeah sure, 9:30 it is!
  20. Kav


    @Blade and I will do if you fancy?
  21. Kav


    Encounter to encounter is great, sure, but sometimes you want to be able to switch out a weapon for use quickly, particularly on boss fights. For example, fighting Phogoth in the Summoning Pits, I'm usin my sniper to hit his weak point and then the Wizards come, I'd like to be able to switch out to a fusion rifle to take them out. To do so it's fiddly. Sometimes I'm playing and just fancy switching weapons frequently because that's the mood I'm in, it'd be nice having that there as opposed to having to go into the menu to do so. I get why they've not done it, all I'm saying is that I'd prefer it if they did it another way. The last suggestion I think seems a fair one I reckon. That you can change weapons shows it's not something they don't want, just the way you have to do it (even when not in battle) irks me.
  22. Kav


    For me it's enough to break the feeling of being truly immersed in the game, that irks me. People moan about looking at the Gamepad from the TV on WiiU breaking immersion but this is worse, especially so because it's fiddly. Also, you do have to find cover to change, leaving you teammates without you, however briefly... I don't want to leave those guys man!!! Haha
  23. Kav


    This is true and a good point. I think it'd be good, and not too overpowering, if they let you assign one more of each class of weapon to the D-Pad. I'd like to be able to switch out my sniper for something a little more close combat fairly readily, that's the main one for me. I'd kind of like something like so... My main set-up: Auto Rifle Sniper Rifle (Exotic) Rocket Launcher Up - switch Subclass Left - Shotgun (Exotic) Down - Fusion Rifle Right - Machine Gun (Exotic) This way you'd have to manage your Exotics carefully still but it adds a little choice to alleviate some of the hassle of swapping weapons. In my example, if I wanted to swap to my Shotgun I'd have to swap out my Sniper first, likewise with the Machine Gun. So it'd be similar to how on a Zelda you have a vast array of items but you can assign some to certain buttons but if you want to change them you'd still go into the menu. At least then you don't have instant access to too many weapons... no?
  24. Kav


    One thing I think Bungie could do is patch in something useful for the D-Pad to do, something like this... Up - switch Subclass Left - cycle Primary weapon Down - cycle Special weapon Right - cycle Heavy weapon It's such a pain in the ass going into the options menu to change weapons!
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