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About Kav

  • Birthday 09/28/1982

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  • Location
    Manchester, UK
  • Interests
    Sports, Martial Arts, gaming.
  • Occupation
    Office monkey!


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Switch (have owned all main versions of all their consoles with the exception of the Virtual Boy)
  • Other Systems Owned
    Atari 2600,Master System, MegaDrive, GameGear, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS, PS2, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360, XBO.
  • Favourite Game?
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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  1. A trade-in a month after release… I never thought I’d see the day that Hero hangs up his hunting greaves so quickly!
  2. It’s such a fantastic Show! I’ve loved every episode, and I echo everything said above. The long wait for season 3 is now on!
  3. I’ve just started this after hearing many good things about it, only watched episode 1 so far.
  4. @Blade and I should be jumping on tonight if anyone fancies a few low-end High Rank hunts.
  5. I’m at early High Rank and I’ve finally created an Armour Set after going through Low Rank with Leather Armour at base level, for the added challenge. For now I’m only crafting the one armour set, so I’ve gone for quality of life skills that can be used on a number of weapons. Rathalos Helm B, Dober Mail A, Rathalos Vambraces B, Dober Coil A, Rathalos Greaves B. With a few Gems I’ve managed to get: Constitution lvl 5 Evade Window lvl 5 Stamina Surge lvl 3 Marathon Runner lvl 3 Divine Blessing lvl 3 Stun Resistance lvl 3 Maximum Might lvl 3 The Set is great for stamina heavy weapons and with some great Weapon Gems too I’ve got some amazing skills for my Lance, Bow, Dual Blades & Charge Blade. I’ll be crafting a Hunting Horn and Hammer next!
  6. I’ll be jumping on with @Blade tonight… not too sure what time from just yet, but if anyone wants to join us you’re more than welcome!
  7. I carted the other night with @Blade I completely wasn’t paying attention and Lala Barina took me out! 😆 …so embarrassing!
  8. The Bow is so much fun, it’s never been better! Most weapons have never been better to be fair. I’m switching between the Charge Blade, Bow and Lance, but will hunt with more as time goes on.
  9. As I’ve not ventured into High Rank yet and not really done much other than the story quests, I’ve not really come across those kinds of frustrations just yet (with the exception of the wounds mechanic being broken), but I totally get where you’re coming from @Hero-of-Time I’d definitely feel like the heart of Monster Hunter has been somewhat removed facing all that you’ve listed. At least the combat is great! I think going at it with basic armour has made me enjoy it more, as the risk is greater.
  10. I’m absolutely loving the game! I have just finished the main story, that final boss fight was great! I didn’t upgrade my armour or weapons and man I felt it, everything was hitting heavy! Ive built myself a high-end Low Rank set for preparation of High Rank now. Myself and @Blade will be gaming on various nights. If anyone wants to join us, give us a shout - we’ll be doing mostly Low Rank at the moment though as Blade is pretty much just starting the game.
  11. I can’t wait to dive in tonight. I’m not overly fussed about the difficulty just yet… I’ll restrict myself in some way; I won’t upgrade weapons/armour etc.
  12. You should carry on. It’s definitely not a happy-go-lucky anime. Watch it in Japanese though, don’t do dub!
  13. Labour are simply Red Tories these days. Politics has gone to shit.
  14. I honestly think he’d have been disappointed, they were worth the win…
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