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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy would state differently depending on the type of day. Sometime Mcoy can have a shit after a curry that just needs mopping off Sometimes you have that really hard boiled shit that just plops out and leaves no mess Other times you have that sticky shit that just fucks up everything.
  2. Mcoy and Madpool have never drawn a game.
  3. Mcoy dosen't celebrate the capitalist pig event.
  4. Mcoy had issues with paypal and was unable to continue paymeny of the server. Mcoy will see what he can do at another point : /
  5. http://www.xperteleven.com/player.aspx?playerid=9367838&dh=1 Mcoy wants this player.
  6. Mcoy hopes the trees don't go. Mcoy always enjoys waking up to the morning wood.
  7. Mcoy could have done with 3 points but Roostoph put up a good fight and helf Mcoy to a draw. Positions really can't be taken into account with the top league as the margins are only 1-3 points, every team is just as much of a threat as the other.
  8. Mcoy picked up a point away from home. Mcoy also suffered 3 injuries.
  9. Mcoy would also light to be auto signed up to the next one ^^
  10. Mcoy and Chairdriver considered this, but we thought it was TOO obvious and that something bad would come out of it. Chairdriver was murdered a few nights later Mcoy thought it was a shame an Eevee was not thrown into the batch as a neutral, you could have had it's different evolutions allign it to the good/bad side depending on who got lucky :P (Mcoy hasn't looked at the previous mafia threads so this may have already been done ><) edit: Mcoy fail http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1061048&postcount=121 The possibilities!
  11. Mcoy really wants to play the next pokemafia game now. Mcoy finds these ones enjoyable as Mcoy hardly knows any of the characters from the other mafia games.
  12. Mcoy thought he kept himself under wraps quite well. When Mcoy's partner died he was evolved and able to visit the graveyard every few nights, Mcoy was not prone to night killings during this time which was very handy. Mcoy was curious what the lynchbomb was supposed to do? This is the first time Mcoy has ever won a mafia game (let alone make it 1/4th way through) Mcoy must admit he really fucked up with the accusation on paj though :P
  13. Mcoy and Haden had a pretty solid game. Mcoy is pretty happy coming out with a draw especially considering how strong Haden's side Is.
  14. Mcoy thinks he was a redirector or something similar.
  15. Mcoy vote: heroicjanito
  16. Mcoy and townies hunt for the last mafia members. Mcoy is holding the mini gun.
  17. Mcoy fails to see how there is any competition when you are in a different division
  18. Mcoy preventing double merge
  19. Mcoy change vote = No one
  20. Mcoy will take a risk. Mcoy would be upset if he dies because of this. Mcoy vote = marcmillian
  21. Mcoy would have tried to evolve you a lot sooner but after Chair driver was killed Mcoy lost all control of his power.
  22. Mcoy does not have a clue what's happened to him but Mcoy presumes It will strike over the next few days. Mcoy didn't target anyone but his spores should have evolved Exeggcute, Mcoy is very confused.
  23. Mcoy finds It hard to take your word just because you were so reluctant to help us lynch mafia members at a crucial time. At the moment mcoy would take Nintendo's word over yours. Mcoy vote: Mr Paul
  24. Mcoy vote: Ellmeister
  25. Mcoy thinks Heroic is bluffing. Mcoy thinks getting rid of Elli is a priority however, Mcoy thinks Heroic would be a good secondary as he may be trying to hide their key power, perhaps killing?
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