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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy dosen't believe so otherwise he could have voted with us and saved us all of the hassle, Heroic has not voted any mafia.
  2. Mcoy calls that a majority.
  3. Mcoy is still trying to hatch a ploy to murder your goal keeper after that loss at home. Mcoy would be nice and snug if it weren't for that game! Mcoy's fairly good with the econs so he usually comes out each season with profit. Mcoy is slowly crawling towards the 30 million line.
  4. Mcoy change vote: Danny
  5. Mcoy hopes we can get that last vote betfore the end of the day. Mcoy has noticed Herojc and Mr Paul in the thread who have casted no votes, come on guys! Mcoy's only other thought would be for us to all time a very quick vote lynch change before ellimeister can change his mind.
  6. Mcoy believes we still need three votes. Mcoy would suggest if there are not enough neutrals/townies to make this vote that Rez declare victory to the mafia.
  7. Mcoy change vote: Elimeister then
  8. Mcoy thinks we should hold our vote on Danny, If we have no luck by tomorrow Mcoy would be up for a vote change.
  9. Mcoy is putting Ellmeister straight Into the sucpicious books for that, a mafia member with the power to reduce a vote? Mcoy would of thought If Ell was a townie he'd argue why not to vote for Danny before using that power.
  10. Mcoy will now reapply his vote. Mcoy is curious to see who has the negative vote from Zell or Ellmeister. Mcoy vote: Dannyboy
  11. Mcoy was the one who started off voting yesterday so Mcoy is fairly sure It's not his vote unless someones power is affecting mcoy without him realizing It. Regardless Mcoy change vote - Nobody
  12. Mcoy counts more then 4 players there, unless Mcoy is missing something and someone can cause a -1 vote?
  13. Mcoy cannot deny that he majorly fucked up yesterday with his accusation. Mcoy thought he had a solid case but it turned out to be horribly wrong. For this reason Mcoy will no longer be making offesnive plays for the townies. Mcoy will trust Tales and Nintendo and vote for Danny. Mcoy vote = Dannyboy
  14. Mcoy had a really epic wank today.
  15. Mcoy fucks with his suit on. Mcoy thought that was the reason they invented zippers?
  16. Mcoy didn't build the accusation on lame grounds. Mcoy built the lynch based on your role description about the Aurora beam. Mcoy was hit by the beam on the fourth night and despite being a plant pokemon recieved the negative affects the next day. (Mcoy would like to point out you claim your power only affect dragon types so even if your attack was redirected or copied by a ditto this should have had no affect on Mcoy) Mcoy has high doubts Rez would make two characters have the same ability to cause ten word posts or we'd have seen a lot more people with the restriction In the game. Mcoy has stood by the last two days watching townies be murdered at night and no votes come in the day and Mcoy thinks It's time for action. Mcoy has stepped up to the plate to give the townies at least a bit of a chance before we're all murdered in our sleep and Mcoy finds this the most solid vote to go on at the moment. If Mcoy was a mafia member he wouldn't be pushing so much for a lynch as Mcoy would be contempt just waiting until night time for another easy kill as the mafia have been doing the past few days.
  17. Mcoy could say the same thing. Mcoy's only played in a few mafia games but Mcoy could also see mafia member at risk of being lynched playing the "I now see who the real mafia members are" card.
  18. Mcoy was hit on night 4 by a sharp blast of energy causing Mcoy to only be able to post ten words per post that day. Mcoy dosen't know why he has to explain this to you as It was you who targetted Mcoy that night.
  19. Mcoy dosen't argue about the secondary power. Mcoy has a secondary power that can cause evolutions however Mcoy would highly doubt there being two pokemon who can cause a ten word restriction when targetting players.
  20. Mcoy finds it hard to believe considering he got hit by the exact power you described in your role. Mcoy would understand perhaps if there was a redirector or ditto on the field but this power wouldn't affect Mcoy as he is a plant based form. Mcoy sees your post more as a desperate defence and so will keep the vote on.
  21. Mcoy finds both sides of the story incredibly vague. Mcoy cannot even justify being hit by a redirect as he's not a dragon, Mcoy thinks both Tales and paj are lying at this point.
  22. Mcoy would like to know how your theory bases anyone innocent just because their pokemon type is a freaking bird? Paj claims their power allows people to only post 10 words per post if they target a dragon. Mcoy does not know how you can backup someone who's power has hit you like this. Mcoy finds your actions pretty sucpicious.
  23. Mcoy fears there are not enough townies to get a unity to lynch. Mcoy know's Dyson isn't a mafia member. Mcoy has to plead with anyone who is good or neutral at this point, the game is all about bluffing and you can't keep putting off votes because someone plays nice. Mcoy is a dickhead and sometimes a dickhead is required to get things sorted or take the fall. Mcoy would encourage people to at least vote for Paj or at this rate the mafia will win anyway. Mcoy will put this forward, If Paj turns out to be good Mcoy will take the blame and let himself be lynched tomorrow. If Mcoy made a bad call then fuck it at least we'll go down putting up a fight rather then letting the mafia win through no votes every day and people being murdered in the night.
  24. Mcoy dosen't buy it, Mcoy finds it a bit of a coincidence that you'd just include that Information now. Mcoy will stand by his decison and take a risk.
  25. Mcoy would prefer to vote for Paj, the statement was far too bold and Mcoy thinks It was a desperate attempt to get a quick lynch in favour of the mafia. Mcoy would like to know which post Tales claimed to be Ninetales? Mcoy knows for a fact THAT IS A LIE as Mcoy was the one who evolved a vulpix and knows who the real Ninetales is.
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