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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy just finds it to much of a coincidence for Paj to make such a heavy claim at this point to possibly finish off a victory. Mcoy is willing to take the risk, at this point If we lynch no one the townies are going to lose.
  2. Mcoy would like to highlight you to this part/
  3. Mcoy vote: Paj Meen Ah Mcoy was hit by your power a few days ago and was restricted to 10 posts a day. Mcoy is not a dragon so clearly you're making up some bullshit. Mcoy would like to correct himself here. Mcoy meant 10 words per post.
  4. Mcoy's having problems with paypal at the moment so the server may go down for a period of time.
  5. Mcoy will not be voting Dyson as there is little or no evidence to point that he's done any harm to anyone at night.
  6. Mcoy vote: Marcamillian Mcoy was hit hard by that blast a few days ago. Mcoy was restricted to only making several posts with 10 characters maximum.
  7. Mcoy also has no powers that can really affect the night so Mcoy has no clue on anyone evil at this point. Mcoy thinks we need to lynch someone who's being quiet or a bit odd.
  8. Mcoy also knows and Mcoy would say sharing this is a bad idea.
  9. Mcoy was hit hard by blast and is now derp
  10. Mcoy apologies, Mcoy Is confused and cannot Mcoy change vote: No one
  11. Mcoy hasn't seen him post anything, Mcoy thinks he's
  12. Mcoy actually meant to vote for Zell. Mcoy change vote Zell
  13. Mcoy was confused overnight. Mcoy vote Maddog
  14. Mcoy got blasted by some dick.
  15. Mcoy thinks this is a good point. Mcoy thinks It's about time we just get rid of cube and continue the hunt for mafia members. Mcoy would sleep easy at night knowing there is one less serial killer.
  16. Mcoy thinks you're over looking the role way too much. Mcoy cannot remove his vote in the slight chance that someones win condition would be to get lynched multiple times. Mcoy thinks if Cube was neutral the Mafia would have removed him themselves, after all Mcoy believe they want to win as well. Mcoy has no idea who killed who last night but Cube's behaviour has been the most erratic and as he's shown no help what so ever in assisting the good guys. Mcoy is highly sucpicious of mad dog after his last call but Mcoy thinks Cube is the most obvious person to try at this point.
  17. Mcoy cannot believe that some of you are stalling for a second day on lynching cube. Mcoy is shocked at how easily swayed you can all be convinced into voting for a no lynch/innocent based off some very vague facts, Mcoy also finds it highly odd that everyone was so keen to lynch Cube on the second day (mafia plan to get him evolved?) and now they are willing to ignore his random rubbish. Mcoy isn't willing to sit around listening to Cube spout pointless garbage for the rest of this game, either way Mcoy finds him a useless asset to the townies at this point and the risk of him being a tool of the mafia is too great. Mcoy is happy to take a slight risk of putting cube to the test of a second lynch.
  18. Mcoy is checking to see If any of you can connect to the server at the moment.
  19. Mcoy will take a gamble on voting cube. It would be a bit stupid for someone to possibly have a night killing power and be non lynchable. Mcoy vote: Cube
  20. Mcoy's not that dumb to go and paint a target on an innocent for the mafia.
  21. Mcoy thinks we've made a mistake. Mcoy will wait and see what happens.
  22. Mcoy's really shit at this game, sorry guys. Mcoy tends to edit his posts in other threads for spelling errors. Mcoy will doubly remember next time.
  23. Mcoy may be able to benefit a few pokemon. Mcoy dosen't know who is good/bad or what their types are though so Mcoy is rather cautious.
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