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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy has taken a swift look at the map and can say there is plenty of space left around Neurope City. Worse comes to worse some hills can be levelled out and a certain volcano can be extinguished.
  2. Mcoy was wondering If you're able to connect to other servers ok? Does it come up with any error when you crash? Mcoy is not 100% sure but he'll see If he can check any logs and get this sorted for you.
  3. Mcoy believes most of the bugs are now worked out and is happy to announce the Neurope minecraft server is open for business for one month. IP: Mcoy has not placed a password as of yet however he may introduce a whitelist to prevent randoms from joining. When you first join you will most likley not have permissions to teleport/warp to locations so please Private message Mcoy with your ingame account and he'll set you up when he can. Mcoy would like to give people some of the basic run downs. /tp *playername* - Will teleport you to said player /warp *location name* - will warp you to a location, at this time there is only one warp spot which is "city" /newhome - will set your new home point /home - will teleport you back home if you get stuck/lost Mcoy would appreciate It If people would sign post areas that they wish to build on so there are no feud's over who owns what land, please do not reserve land weeks in advance. Mcoy would also appreciate It if people could avoid taking items from other peoples storage containers, If you need something please ask as most people are very generous. Mcoy would lastly like to point out that he cannot guarantee a full backup of any work at this point, Mcoy would hate to see peoples hard effort lost but he cannot promise this will not happen so please keep this in mind before you stay upto stupid oclock building a death star Mcoy hopes you all have fun, If there are any problems please let Mcoy know.
  4. Mcoy would suggest setting the render distance lower if It's on the high setting.
  5. Mcoy heard tales of a ghost haunting the game in other peoples worlds, people reported that human built stuctures could be found and a human NPC could sometimes be seen in the mist. Most of these reports were disregarded, an interesting case non the less
  6. Mcoy was wondering If you could test if items are kept in your inventory if you disconnect and reconnect please? Mcoy should probably sort out a seperate thread for server talk or it will end up spamming this thread to bits.
  7. Mcoy has heard of some jumpiness issues. Mcoy has also had his friend kindly setup starter permissions. We'll keep the current map for now but if the jumpiness continues Mcoy may contact the host company. Cost for 16 man servers is 16 pounds per month, Mcoy has only purchased 1 month for the time being. Mcoy would appreciate If anyone has any problems/loses any rare items to contact him and he'll try and get them sorted for you.
  8. Mcoy is making enquires into how to upload and backup maps we may be working on. Mcoy currently cannot see this option and does not want everyone to put hours of effort In only to lose it to a griefer/server crash. Mcoy does not know a full set of commands but these will be VERY HANDY /home (warps you to your home point) /sethome (sets a new home point) /tp*playername* (will teleport you to a player /playerlist (lists all players on the server)
  9. Mcoy thanks you, Mcoy will try and change some settings. Mcoy has got the server for a month now anyway Mcoy is going to cook some dinner so people are free to go destroy things. Don't bother building anything as Mcoy will probably have to restart the server (when Mcoy first spawned the server creepers blew up the starting point)
  10. Someone please test.
  11. Mcoy was wondering If people would want a snowy level or a standard level
  12. Mcoy's creeper friend made the picture.
  13. Mcoy is just amazed at the sheer size and volume of this game as well as the modification potential. Mcoy took an overhead view of everything He's seen so far, Mcoy spent days building his bases and this just makes It look pathetic. This dosen't even take Into account the THREE giant cave networks that Mcoy went through. Edit: Mcoy was stupid enough to think there were three seperate islands, Mcoy wasted a lot of time with that brdige.
  14. Mcoy is enquiring into the server now. He's just checking a few things off and then hopefully It may be up tonight.
  15. Don't be stupid. Mcoy welcomes all from Neurope donators or not, there would be no point not using the spots up anyway
  16. Mcoy will purchase a server as soon as he knows how many people we'll rougly have +6 additional slots for new comers. If anyone wishes to donate Mcoy will provide his paypal as well to get things sorted. Current list (Donator) Brian Mcoy Happenstance Dannyboy-the-Dane Dyson Supergrunch Nolan dr4hkon ShavenWolf will' Wesley Nintendohnut
  17. Mcoy loved it that your players got five bookings for a most likley aggressive setting :P
  18. Mcoy really was not expecting to be in second place at mid season. Mcoy hopes his players can keep up the good work as he is getting an injury every game at the moment! Mcoy was wondering who you'd consider your main rivals in this game, Mcoy always enjoys the little wars going over the personal matches. Mcoy would say his biggest rival is Dud's, Mcoy showed Dud's up badly in the first season but ever since then Dud's has been a pain in the fucking arse, for this reason Mcoy seeks the complete destruction of this football club.
  19. http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/game-servers/minecraft/ Mcoy was wondering what numbers we'd be looking at for an online server? Mcoy would prefer to password protect or have a authorised users list so we can only allow N-europe and friends on
  20. Mcoy was working on this before the server was rolled back. Points for those who know what this is.
  21. Mcoy was wondering If anyone would be interested If he could sort out a dedicated server for the Neurope people? Mcoy is not sure what the costs or difficulty of this would be but It could be a bit of fun.
  22. That last image is an egg laid by a hen, no use for it currently. Mcoy ventured pretty damn deep into a cave and found some diamonds! Mcoy's problem is there is a creeper spawn blocking him getting the rest of the diamonds, Mcoy will have to think of a plan.
  23. Mcoy dosen't fear your team, You've got some good vets with high skill who are having a good run but Mcoy wouldn't exactly say he's dreading his game against you. Mcoy is far more worried about games against teams fighting for the mid spots like Dud's and Battlestar who can just pull new tactics out of nowhere and catch you off guard, Mcoy dosen't really see himself as a title contender but the midleague fight is always the most dreaded.
  24. Mcoy thinks a 4 - 2 - 4 would work nicely against It as well (Mcoy has never played such an odd formation as he has a strong midfield) 4 defenders + mark the striker/tighten the center reduce the goal scoring chances from midfield and attack. Long balls avoid the midfield battle 4 strikers against 4 defenders could create a lot of goals but would really depend if longballs worked or not. Mcoy loves all the randomness in tactics that can make the difference.
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