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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Ooh, I didn't notice that was the same actor! I don't think this is the same Clara, though; the Oswin name has followed all the incarnations, and the Dalek Clara was on a space cruise, implying she was from the future, and didn't know who the Doctor was. She was a computer genius, though, but her genius status seems to be a trait of the character in all incarnations.


    Oh, and apropos, another reference: The girl's name was Nina - the nickname Dalek Clara gave Rory.

  2. So uh, how does one "be a man" enough to tell some one that they like them? It's been about 5 years around since I've actually told a girl/asked them out, because I kinda reached the point were it was just better not to say anything at all.


    Well, I know I'm not exactly an expert on love affairs, but seeing as I was recently in the same position, my advice would be to just tell her upfront. Granted, the girl I told it to was not interested, but she appreciated the honesty and straightforwardness, and it spared us a lot of uncertainty and awkwardness.


    The only reason I usually avoid this sort of shit is because I'd rather things not go awkward like they usually do if there's no interest.


    Well, some people claim awkwardness is inevitable and friendship impossible in that situation, but that's untrue, at least for me personally, as evident by my aforementioned experience. In fact I found it much easier to move on and remain friends with her because we'd been upfront about our feelings. It made everything much clearer and easier to deal with.


    Honesty and straightforwardness make life much more easy and simple. That's my personal experience, at any rate.

  3. Great episode! Clara is fabulous, and I love the Doctor's new outfit. I suspect we'll see more of the mysterious client and UNIT's involvement, possibly also the CEO of the company.


    Did anyone else catch the references with the book? Summer Falls by Amelia Williams, chapter 11's the best, makes her bawl her eyes out. :D Also, the boys on the cover look a lot like John and Sherlock.

  4. ... quirky charming little games like ... Phoenix Wright ... just doesn't feel the same as playing a "true" game.


    Heretic! :heh:


    Obviously a high end PC is going to look and play better than a console running the same game (or modded version of it), but what i like about the console is that you know that you can buy the game, and play it when you get it home instantly, without faffing around, and as the console ages, the game is going to continue to play the same way. Plus for online games, you know that everyone is on the same playing field, with the same equipment (i don't really care so much about this, but it's an arguement i've heard).


    If i had a £1500 gaming pc, i would sure as hell play games on it (they are often cheaper than console games), but i do not, so it's a console for me!


    EDIT: I actually bought an Xbox because i couldn't play the game i bought on my laptop. I got Just Cause 2 off steam after playing the demo and loving it so much i bought the whole game. But after faffing for around 2 weeks trying to get it to a playable level on my laptop, i relented and went out and bought an Xbox and JC2 to play on it. Best £250 i ever spent.


    This pretty much sums it up for me. I've run into hassle with PC gaming more times than I care to remember.


    However, I do see the pros of PC gaming and am currently getting more into it. I plan on getting a gaming-oriented laptop in the foreseeable future.

  5. Now we have to do it.




    I can't promise anything yet, though; transport and accommodation are still challenges to my mental resources, especially on my own. Last year Goafer made it all possible, but it'd be presumptuous of me to expect generosity of that level again. It would be great, though, to meet up and hang out with someone while over there; that'd make it a lot easier for me to handle.

  6. I need to get myself a fedora.


    I followed through with this and have now actually bought a fedora. I stumbled upon the perfect one in a secondhand store.


    Now that you mention it, I think you'd look great in one.


    Incidentally, it's made by a Portuguese company.

  7. @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane Are you sure the head-ache in your neck, isn't neck-ache? :p


    But it's still a headache! :p It just springs from the muscles in the neck. :heh: Anyway, I took a couple of painkillers, and it's gone now. :)

  8. Stumbled over a chair leg tonight and took a pretty solid fall. My knees are pretty good considering they took the blunt of the force, but I also took some with my right hand, whose wrist now hurts a lot when moved in a certain way. The sudden jerk has also resulted in a small headache centred around the neck.


    Also, interestingly enough, either the sudden pain or, more likely, the surprise/shock of the fall resulted in a minute or two of mild nausea right after the fall. It was quite peculiar.

  9. Why does an opinion have to be expressed for it to be validated? It's what you believe, expressing it doesn't change that.


    It's not just down to the law or employers, there's a moral element to it. You could believe that Hitler was absolutely right in everything he did and whilst few would agree with you, that's your view. Just because it's your opinion doesn't give you the right to march up to Auschwitz and tell everyone that.


    It's not about validating opinions, it's about having the right not to have those opinions silenced.


    Obviously a situation like that should fall under some sort of harassment law. However, a free, public forum is something else entirely.

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