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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. But they're not just jumping on a bandwagon. They've hated her for years, it's just that she's been brought back into the limelight now, and therefore back into daily conversation.


    You make it sound like people have only started hating her since she died.


    Well, I think some people may very well have, though obviously many are simply talking about her again now that she has become relevant. But that's exactly my point: She hasn't been relevant for years. Absolutely nothing has changed politically with her death, yet people are celebrating as if a dictator had just been overthrown. Her reign, however influential, ended years ago. Why celebrate now?

  2. Yeah, man. If only people had protested when she was still in power.


    The point is that it's pointless to jump on the bandwagon and celebrate now when she hasn't had active influence on British politics in so many years. Opponents of Thatcher were right to celebrate when she left office; celebrating the death of an old woman, however, is pointless. Earlier I called it cold, but it's probably more accurate to say it's heated with hatred; the "cold" thing would be to acknowledge that her death is irrelevant to the political discussion.

  3. Not the first time I've tried to conceal personal rewards in connection to sweets I've offered individuals.


    Are you talking about that strange virtual bean collection game thing you had going for a while?

  4. I hadn't commented on this yet since I don't really know much if anything about her or her role in British politics. I'm still not sure I do, but having read the articles about her, she frankly seems like an unlikeable character with horrible politics. I'm not going to celebrate her death, that just seems pointless and cold to me, but I'm not going to respect her just because she's dead, either. It's good to stick to what you believe is right and not be swayed merely by public opinion and popular morality; that shows strength of character. It shows stubbornness, pride and/or stupidity, however, to persist in the face of overwhelming valid criticism.

  5. and

    The Triforce



    They even almost got the colours right.




    The village I grew up and lived in until I moved almost two years ago is so small and insignificant that it's not even on most maps.


    The closest town of noteworthy size is Ribe, the oldest town in Denmark:




    It has tonnes of history, and much of its historic look is preserved throughout the town. Due to its location close to the sea, it used to be the most important centre of trade and, as a result, the capital of Denmark. The gymnasium I went to there has existed at least since 1145.




    The most famous part of Ribe and the symbol of the town is the beautiful cathedral:





  6. Didn't he condemn violent video games, though?


    Anyway, though I widely disagreed with Ebert sometimes (and agreed wholeheartedly with him at other times), there's no denying he was a great man in the business who will forever be remembered.

  7. You also have to consider that 3DTVs usually come with only 1 pair of glasses, with another pair costing something like £100 (if it's the kind that uses the cheaper glasses, it will be terrible).


    I don't see watching TV in 3D catching on at all. And if you have guests round, you'll have to change to 2D anyway.


    And even if you buy a 3DTV, it will be become outdated due to 4k TVs anyway.


    I have a 3D TV with the non-expensive type of glasses used in cinemas, and it's by no means terrible; I'd say it's really good, actually, and as an added bonus you can use the glasses from the cinema.


    It's by no means an essential feature, though; 3D is astounding in some films where it genuinely adds to the experience, but not all 3D films benefit all that much from it unless you really enjoy the concept (like me), and 3D films are still a minority, though they're climbing in numbers. I haven't had any experience with 3D television (as opposed to films), so I can't comment on that.


    Bottom line, I'd say it depends on how interested you are in the 3D experience. I'm a sucker for it, but I realise a lot of people couldn't care less, and unless you are really into the experience, you're probably better off saving the money.


    You have


    - Future Clara from Asylum of the Daleks, I'm not entirely sure how this links with the TV movie

    - Classic Clara from the Christmas special.

    - Modern Clara from the current series.


    Still, this would mean that The Doctor has been snogging him/herself. And wouldn't it mean that Clara will play a future Doctor (I suppose they could get to her, then skip forward or something - or when they break the number of regenerations, he could become Clara at any time and never get round to showing it)?


    I don't think the point is that Clara is "The Doctor", she is literally "Doctor Who", the show. She is sort of the answer to the question "Doctor Who?", albeit a very meta answer. That's how I understood it, anyway.



    It would suck if it turns out to be correct, though, in which case you've spoiled the surprise and/or the joy of figuring it out yourselves.


    I never would've figured that out by myself, anyway. :p I'll still be as excited as a kid getting an N64 for Christmas if it turns out to be true. :)

  9. I hate to break it to you, Danny...:p


    No matter what she says or does, you will always be the guy that wanted to give her the D.


    Well, you can believe what you want. She told me she wanted to stay friends and avoid any awkwardness between us, and I trust her. I trust she was and is honest with me about her feelings, and nothing suggests otherwise to my experience.


    I'm honestly a bit surprised that the idea of remaining friends is apparently so inconceivable.

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