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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Holy shit, Cube just used an emoticon. In jest, granted, but by god, it still looks strange.


    FINALLY got a result back from the exam paper I handed in over two months ago! Depending on whether I had approached it correctly, I knew I probably either did good or horribly; I got a B, so it seems it was the former! :D

  2. People seem to confuse freedom of speech with freedom of opinion. You're perfectly entitled to believe what you want, expressing that belief however should be done on an appropriate basis.


    What good is an opinion if you're not allowed to express it?


    What people seem to get mixed up is who has the right to set limits - and where. An employer can most certainly have rules about what their employees are allowed to express while representing the company. The law, however, should not restrict people from expressing any opinion in a public forum.

  3. Bollocks. He's twenty not five.


    Well, I don't know how good the school system is in Greece. Is it completely inconceivable he didn't know what it meant?


    Anyhow, I don't have much besides a passing opinion on it.

  4. Free speech is dangerous.


    Lack of same infinitely more so.


    I can't actually believe people are advocating nazi salutes in football..


    Come now, nobody's advocating it. They're saying they find the reaction somewhat harsh. The first time I read the story I felt sympathy for him because he genuinely didn't seem to know what it meant; and to be frank, it's relatively easy for a regular wave to end up looking like the Nazi salute.


    Ooh! What if he was hailing Caesar?

  5. I feel that this thread is just a long list of people's troubles, with no replies to anything, which is sad. However, sometimes there's not a lot you can say...


    I always read the posts, but I rarely have anything helpful to say. :/

  6. If it's reading every page and giving my true thoughts and reaction then you got it in one! I think we should both read it and make vids, could be cool. :awesome:


    Well, I considered just reading out the sex scenes. :heh: I've read a couple of passages together with friends at a party, and it was hilarious. :laughing:

  7. I was tired of never being able to find reliable European news and release dates for games, which leadi me to this site. That was back in the Revo-Europe days. Then after the big switch to N-Europe I decided to check out the forums. In the beginning I was only in the gaming section, then I became curious as to the personal relationships between members and ventured into the general boards, but since then my gaming time dropped, resulting in me hanging out exclusively in the general section. Since then I've picked up a bit on the gaming again, though, and with the recent forum make-over I've started hanging out a lot in the general gaming board.

  8. Yep, transparent bum was common for the non-bundled controllers. The bundled ones were uniformly purkle.


    You sure it was like that everywhere? I could've sworn I bought a uniformly purple controller separately back in the day.

  9. I believe that the whole concept of prison as a form of punishment and rehabilitation is hundreds of years out of date. Locking someone up is one of the earliest forms of punishment and it's quite possible that every country on Earth employs it as a tactic.


    It doesn't work as a form of rehabilitation in any of these countries.


    Sure, it gets dangerous people off the street and you can't argue that that is not a good thing. However they get out of prison and the reoffending rates are extremely high. There was recently an article about a prisons in Finland. They have some of the lowest reoffending rates in the world.


    One scheme they use is by having a 'half way house' on an island. The prisoners can apply to be relocated there when they have 5 years or less left to serve. They are housed in communal housing and one prisoner is elected the 'Father' of the house. They cook, shop and live like free men, apart from they can't leave the island.


    It really concentrates on helping these men get back into society after their release. They work, they can study, they can play sports. It's a system that actually seems to work.


    This. So much this.

  10. Up until recently, I never had a PC that could play games at moderate settings.


    Then I bought a laptop for travelling, but I bought one that could play games. (Dedicated Graphics, i5 processor and 8G RAM etc..)


    So I set about playing the games I always wanted to play, such as DayZ and The Binding of Isaac.


    Now I have discovered Blizzard, and bought Diablo III, StarCraft 2 and the Battle Chest for WoW (Loving my Panderan Warrior). I'll buy Cataclysm and MoP once I'm at the level cap for those regions.


    So I've actually started to play the games I've always wanted to play.


    I'm sort of in the same boat; I've always had issues with playing current games on my computers, largely due to my specs never having been up to speed, but lately I've been getting more into PC gaming and am currently considering getting a new, gaming-focused laptop.

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