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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. After that, the original GREY N64.


    inb4 "it's black!"


    Darn, I was going to make that joke. :heh:


    Ahh, remember when consoles used to actually come in lots of different colours? (that weren't just obscure special editions!)




    The light blue and orange ones especially = :love:


    The turquoise one is dead sexy.


    The opposite of this is the GameCube controller, which is just beautiful to look at and hold.


    I agree. The CG controller just fits into your hands as if it was tailored. The same goes for the Nunchuk with the added freedom of your hands.

  2. Left front pocket: Nexus 4 and wallet.

    Right front pocket: Normally, MP3-player; while travelling, 3DS.

    Left back pocket: Keys.

    Right back pocket: Handkerchiefs.

    If I'm wearing a jacket, front outside pocket: MP3-player (while in use).

  3. Someone told my girlfriend that they reckoned I was going to propose in Paris (maybe it was too obvious, but apparently she had not twigged).


    After that, all she could think about was what if i was going to. Hence it basically ruined the holiday, because she was either going to be expecting it, or be really disappointed if i didn't.


    So she got really upset (whilst drunk) and i ended up having to admit that i was going to.


    Then she felt terrible for ruining the surprise, and we agreed to pretend that she didn't know.


    Essentially though it's all ruined, all because someone thought they would come across as some sort of wizard by predicting the future.




    This is relevant to this thread i think because of the pressures that are involved with being in a relationship for so long. We've been together for 7.5 years and all people talk about is when are you going to get married.


    Maybe we don't want to yet? Maybe we can't afford it?


    It doesn't help that everyone we know is getting engaged.


    All i wanted was for it to be a surprise, and now that's ruined. I'm in a terrible mood now.


    Thanked for sympathy. That's rotten, dude. :hmm:

  4. I can barely look after myself at the moment, so kids are definitely not on the cards right now.


    Haha! That's exactly how I describe my situation at the moment as well. :heh: I would barely even trust myself with keeping a plant. :p


    The "But you'll be alone when you get older..." argument also infuriates me. There's no guarantee your child won't be an asshole and anyone who has kids with the expectation they'll always be there to keep them company is being unreasonable. You should have children to create a cool person and hope they have a more amazing life than yours, not to guarantee someone will come over every Sunday and listen to you complain about the government.


    At first I was unsure where I stood on the "you'll be alone" argument, but when you phrased it like that, I realised how horrible it is. I absolutely cannot stand it when people have children for their own sake.


    When the great debate about Western vs. Eastern upbringing methods was roaring (the whole "Tiger Mother" thing), one thing I noticed was that the traditional Asian parents often felt that their kids owed them everything for creating them, which they used as justification for their strict, success-oriented upbringing methods: The kids had to become successful so they could pay back their parents (for instance by taking care of them when they got old).


    That simply infuriated me. That's right, you created them, took care of them and readied them for the world, because that's to be expected of you. You made the decision to create them - they didn't have a say in it - and by doing so you took on that responsibility. You're not doing them a favour which they're obliged to appreciate and pay back, you're doing your job as a parent. Of course, if you're a great parent, then they're likely to become great people as well and love you and appreciate you and reciprocate everything you've done, but don't ever have a kid on the grounds that you'll then have an existential debt slave, because that's horrible.


    If you have a kid, have it for the kid's sake - not your own.

  5. AmourDillo might be the most clever name I have ever seen.




    The Nexus 4 is darn slippery, and I have dropped it a couple of times (not terribly far or onto concrete-like surfaces, though), but there's never been any damage, not even aesthetic.

  6. I can't remember if it's said specifically, but it seems obvious to me it's the implication. Why else would he keep running around with the arc reactor in his chest when it caused him problems in the first film and nearly killed him through palladium poisoning in the second?

  7. Really loved it! :D


    Especially the post-credits sequence!



    One thing that bothered me a bit at first was the removal of the shrapnel. I thought it'd been made pretty clear that the shrapnel couldn't be removed, otherwise he would've surely had it fixed when the arc reactor was poisoning him. Then it hit me that it's probably Tony's remembered ideas on Extremis that finally enables him to survive the removal surgery, which would tie in nicely with the bait-and-switch surgery scene and the accompanying monologue about curing Pepper. I looked it up on Wikipedia, and lo and behold, it says exactly that. I don't know where the info came from or if it's just speculation on the part of an editor, but it's now my accepted headcanon, at least.


  8. I quite disagree, I was happy they didn't kill her off again; one of my worries was that they'd kill her off so often she'd never get any actual character development. She's the Woman Twice Dead, so I really hope they stick with this Clara for the rest of her run.


    I loved all the references to the past, though I wanted to see even more of the TARDIS! :D I also liked how the Doctor (albeit fakingly) threatened the Van Baalen Bros. when they wouldn't cooperate; one of the things Matt Smith does so well is switch between the Doctor's silly, lighthearted, happy-go-lucky persona and his dark, haunted, menacing side.

  9. I am personally feeling terrible. I strained a groin and knee muscle months ago. It's not getting better, in fact, the pain has been worse these last few days.


    Imagine a constant intense stinging pain bordering on agony the whole time, right on the inside of your hip. Then consider that sitting down makes it worse. But standing up creates a horrible feeling of tearing in the knee. Walking feels like someone is trying to pull your leg off.


    I haven't slept properly for weeks - and even with my insomnia that means I'm getting less than three hours a night.


    I just... can't bear the pain anymore.


    Man, that's horrible. I'm sorry to hear it. :(

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