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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. GeoGuessr-Kautokeino.png


    22,706 points


    I kept moving until I found road signs, then I tried tracking down those locations on Google Maps. In Ireland I could only find the approximate location, in southern Brazil I had the wrong bridge, and the picture from Belize was on a beach with no signs, no roads and thus no chance of moving anywhere, so I made a wild guess. :p

  2. It's a waste, for starters. There's absolutely no purpose for it unless you're literally freezing.


    Second, I believe books have an immense value, even the crappy ones. A man's junk is another man's treasure and all that. Burning a book is a bit like attempting to murder an idea, a despicable action in itself.


    Of course, I know they're just copies, but burning a book is not about destroying the copy, it bears more symbolism than that. Recycling or throwing away a book, I can get that, there's a functional purpose. But burning is about the pleasure of watching it burn.


    If stuff like Twilight or 50 Shades is mindless drivel, then what is the pleasure of watching something waste away?


    I couldn't possibly have phrased it any better than this.

  3. Well, I danced around the living room! :D


    That was amazing, and I'm so happy for Emmelie for winning. We had competition from some other great songs - I particularly liked the Netherlands and Norway - but there were also some truly surprising ones. I cannot get over the fact that Italy and especially Greece did so well - the former was boring as heck and the latter was completely ridiculous.


    Oh, yeah, and Sweden's smorgasbord song was ingenious!

  4. But could you not still say it defeats the purpose of...


    having the Pepper storyline in the first place if she would just let him go back to 'suiting up'? I get that the suits were a distraction and him blowing them up was a symbolisation of starting his life anew with Pepper but Pepper was more or less wanting him to destroy the suits for whatever reason. If he goes back to suiting up and Pepper was all "I understand", why couldn't she understand that Iron Man did good to the world in the first place because she isn't a dumb woman and she knows he was doing a lot of good with his suits.


    I just didn't like it! I can see the Avengers 2 being weak on THAT part if this is what happens. I sort of hope he isn't in it now so that doesn't happen but I really like Iron Man! lmao.


    ... you seem to be missing the point of what I'm saying - and what I think the film says. She never wanted him to NOT be Iron Man, she wanted him to stop making ridiculous amounts of suits to distract himself from the fact that he's suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks! :heh: I put the fact that he decided to blow them ALL to smithereens at the end down to Tony's love for overdoing everything. :heh: Also note the name of the destruction command: "Clean Slate". That could (and should, I think) be interpreted as a clean slate for the Iron Man character.


  5. They were born just around 6. I'm looking forward to meeting them next weekend.


    This sort of makes it sound like you expect them to be fully-developed human beings next weekend. :heh: "Hello, I'm Cube, your uncle. How do you do?"

  6. I haven't been all that interested in the Eurovision for several years since I haven't particularly liked our entries since the Olsen Brothers won back in 2000 (I did like our song last year, but it didn't stand out enough to catch people's attention).


    However! This year I absolutely LOVE our song, and I think it stands a really good chance of winning! :D I'm very much looking forward to the show tomorrow night; I'll be watching it with my parents and rooting like crazy. :heh:

  7. The point wasn't that he wouldn't be Iron Man anymore; he says so himself at the end - that's the one thing they can't take away from him. The point was that he used the suits as a distraction from the real issues he was facing. He made the suits his life and was living through them, so to speak; the scene where he lets his suit greet Pepper shows it best, I think. However, the problem wasn't the suits themselves - even Pepper admits at the end that she gets why he loves the suits so much. Blowing them up was him symbolically putting his distractions behind him and starting a new life - but still as Iron Man. If/when the Avengers need him back, I'm sure he will build a new suit and Pepper will understand.


    That's my take on it, anyway.


  8. I was wondering about that too and read through some of the comments on Facebook. Appearently the Facebook page is tailored towards the American viewers. They didn't post the picture until after it aired in the USA.


    And then people posting it all over the internet, even as the headline story ... on a video streaming site. -_- I cannot get over how completely ridiculous that is.

  9. Man, I had enough trouble coming up with ideas when made my own. :heh: I've actually considered a few video ideas for myself lately - a poem reading and some comedy material. Maybe you can use that as an idea. :D

  10. The last episode was called Something Old...come on! :p


    Donna Bowman did a pretty good summarisation of Ted had to have one last pang of feelings for Robin. You can read it here: http://www.avclub.com/articles/something-new,97540/


    This is the problem with HIMYM fans, they theorise too much and then get mad when they don't come true :heh: For another example, see Nintendo fans pre-E3.


    That was a really good article. Excellent points all around. It actually struck me as well later that it's silly to be disappointed about fan theories not coming through; I honestly haven't been disappointed in the way they've handled things so far, so I see no reason to become prematurely disappointed: I'm convinced they'll finish the series in a satisfying way. :)


    Still miffed that the mother was spoiled so carelessly. What was everyone thinking?!


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