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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I agree but what if some of the powers were fashioned because of the game's twist? What if the good guys actually have powers that could look suspicious because, I have to be honest, I can see why people would think Flink was mafia. I, myself, haven't heard of a system quite like that and it could be fatal if one more vote were needed to kick someone out of the game. It's a lethal power in itself but I'm pretty confident Flink is town. My power doesn't seem mafia-ish but maybe Jonnas threw in a few that do to make the game interesting. What about your power? Could it possibly damage either way?


    I maintain that we have to distinguish between appearance and function here: In effect Flink's power isn't beneficial specifically to the mafia since either side benefits from having an extra vote. The only point on which I worry a bit is that being able to split the votes between two people (as opposed to having one double vote) seems a bit more beneficial to the mafia than the town, though it's not enough for me to base a case against Flink on.


    My power is generally town, but can mess up townie strategies as well.


    I actually heard someone talk to me on the first night. They didn't really say anything interesting, but it was still quite weird. Not sure if they targeted me or the person I was targeting though, it was quite confusing.


    What did it say?

  2. Townie flavour may be righteous, or it may reflect that they're trying to blend in with us criminals;


    Just noticed I made a mistake here; hopefully it should be obvious I was talking about the "good" guys, i.e. the Queen and her mafia bunch.


    Okay so basically I targeted Yvonne for the first night and nothing happened. I targeted Flink on the second night and something happened which I don't want to elaborate on so much as it will give my power away (however I can vouch that Flink is telling the truth on the information he has given and that's all I'll say on the subject). Also, I say he didn't notice Jimbob because a voice told me that I did well but it's curious that Flink didn't notice Jimbob. Nothing more was said. As I said though, I want nobody to act on this as I believe Jimbob has told the truth and I could have been targeted myself by the mafia to have had something whispered to me to make me suspicious.


    Thank you for clearing that up. The voice sounds pretty suspicious, though; you only heard it last night, suggesting it was due to someone else's intereference?


    Also, I'm not theorising anything. I pretty much gathered as much on the second night after targeting Flink that our write-up could sound a bit villainous. I was just telling Smeagol that because he thought that Flink's power seemed a little mafia-y so I just said that I think we'd all look bad but we're really not.


    As mentioned I think it's important to distinguish between villainous flavour and villainous powers; our flavour is indeed villainous because we're villains, but powers are logically still going to be beneficial to their respective faction.

  3. True, although we have to keep in mind that we are an evil town. So, it wouldn't be surprising if there are some other powers out there that seem suspicious. This will make it harder to distinguish who is mafia and who is town. This is why we need more people to speak up.


    I tried to address this in my reply to Animal; basically, I expect our flavour to be dastardly and villainous, but our powers to be beneficial to the town. Townie flavour may be righteous, or it may reflect that they're trying to blend in with us criminals; hopefully we should discover that sooner rather than later!



    I'eth found some of your posts from the first few days a bit curious/general hunch.


    Well, my only defence to that would be that I've been stressed about an exam paper. :heh: I am most certainly an evil bastard who wants to see the Queen hanged! No, wait, we decided that was too tedious ...

  4. I don't think it matters if it's meant to be easier or not, since it would show up later anyway when Jonnas counts up the votes. IE, if I voted for you and Bob, my name would be shown twice. So, in that sense, it doesn't tricky anyone in the game itself, only the GameMaster (to allow myself to have two votes as opposed to one), if that makes sense.


    Indeed, which is why it doesn't really push my suspicion in any direction - double voters are equally likely to be town and mafia.

  5. Or do you want quite the opposite Danny of Dane!?


    Pray tell, how would that work? If I were interested in getting either lynched, surely I would simply boarded the suspicion train?


    I've double and tripled checked and I'm definitely not.


    Neither am I.


    So, in short, I can:


    - Vote for one person (as usual)

    - Double vote one person

    - Split my votes between 2 people.


    Hm, it's not exactly the double vote power we're used to, which is interesting in and of itself. I'm unsure if it would actually make it easier to sneak in an extra vote, which would be the best argument for it being a mafia power. Currently it pushes my suspicion neither way, really.


    Queen ideas

    1. If we have genders similar to our screen names then Yvonne could easily be the queen as a twist, despite lacking the requisite vagina.
    2. Sheikah could be too. If a queen is in disguise then it just makes me think of Zelda's disguise. Also he isn't striking me as town.


    I honestly don't think Jonnas would drop any clues for us that way when it comes to the identity of the mafiosos.


    As hinte I'th am a little suspicious of Dannyboy of Dane....just a few posts I found a bit false. As such I attempted to target him but he was already gone/the room waseth empty. Master of illusions at every corner it seems.


    Cube has explained what happened last night (also, I had already mentiond what happened to me, which should hopefully show I wasn't trying to hide anything), but why the original suspicion?


    I was the same character in the first and second games.


    But I wasn't, and my original character was the bad guy in the second game, which is why I'm actually fairly certain Eenuh isn't the Queen; I think Jonnas would find it a bit too unbalanced to hint at the mafiosos' identity from the beginning.


    But this is getting meta, which is generally always risky territory.


    All I'm going to say is that Flink was my second target and that I hear a voice from behind me telling me I've done well but it's curious that the only person that Flink didn't notice was Jimbob. This was why I asked Jimbob about what happened last night but since his description of Flink matched to what Flink said, I believe him. Also, Flink has said something that I know which makes me absolutely certain that he is to be trusted. I've already said this before and I wish not to repeat it in case the "good guys" missed it.




    I find it true that it's a bit sketchy but I think that the Evil (Good) characters are supposed to maybe have roles that make them look bad? I mean, it would kind of make sense, right?


    Right, I'm still confused about what exactly happened. You are saying you targetted Flink night 2? What makes you say he didn't notice Jimbob? Also, you hear voices? Would you be willing to elaborate on that?


    Well, my flavour certainly appears dastardly, which makes sense given we're all members of an Evil League of Evil (a box of virtual cookies for whoever catches that reference). Which makes me a bit curious ... why are you only theorising about it? Surely you would know we appear villainous were you a villain yourself! What have you to say to that?


    Can you clarify what you said before about me - did you say that no one targeted me? I didn't understand the way you phrased it.


    I would like that as well since I, too, did not understand Sir Marc of Millian's gentlemanly ramblings! Have faith in me, sirs and madams, I am as much an admirer of sesquipedalian loquaciousness as the rest of you, but I would say a true gentleman is capable of expressing himself at once both elegantly and clearly! :p

  6. I did receive that, yes; though I know for certain it wasn't due to a mishap since the mentions haven't appeared in my list of mentions. But no matter, it seems to be working again.

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