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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Brenda Romero and her husband are combining Phoenix Wright with Puzzle and Dragons. The twist? It's a reboot of Steel Diver


    The mere fact that it mentioned Phoenix Wright on my first try is making me wary. This thing knows me!


    A group of game jammers are combining Zelda with Papo & Yo. The twist? It's indistinguishable from reality


    One more. I don't know what Papo & Yo is, but a Zelda indistinguishable from reality sounds sexy.


    Ubisoft Reflections are combining Doom with Gunstar Heroes. The twist? It's featuring Sony's new mascot, 'DildoSimon'


    This one just for 'DildoSimon'.

  2. To me this appears to be a more complex issue than simply blaming Islam or not. There are different levels to it, and we need to look at them separately.


    First of all, we can't simply blame all the things that have been linked to mentally disturbed murderers - we as gamers should know that more than anyone. Countless Muslims live perfectly good, moral lives, and tarnishing them with the brush of psychopaths has no place anywhere.


    On the other hand we can't ignore that, overall, Islam produces a higher level of religiously fuelled violence than any other religion today. It may have tenets of peace, but like with any other religion there are countless interpretations of often self-contradictory scriptures, and, compared to other religions today, a disproportionately high number of those are violent, aggressive and downright ruthless. Nobody would fear for his life for drawing a caricature of Jesus, Thor or Apollo.


    Still, that's on a completely different level than regular, everyday Muslims who go about their lives without ever as much as wanting to hurt anyone. We need to separate the debate between objective criticism of the organised religion of Islam and hateful prejudice of Muslims.

  3. I'm a fucking moron; I completely missed the sign-up period for courses next semester. (Granted, they normally remind us when it is, which they didn't this time, but it's still my responsibility.) Now I need to apply for an exemption, and I have no idea how relaxed they are about such things. If they reject my application I won't be able to attend any courses next semester and possibly none for an entire year (due to courses being offered on semester basis), which might fuck up my student grant and my apartment lease.


    So much potential shit simply for forgetting to sign up for courses. I could kick myself.

    So as a follow-up, it seems several students missed the sign-up period due to the reminders now being posted somewhere else - a fact which hadn't reached a number of us, either. This should hopefully mean they're more lenient with our cases.

  4. I do wonder why more of the muslim community don't speak out against this. I'm not saying that they support it, far from it, the vast vast majority condemn the extremists. But imagine if they were more vocal. Imagine if there was as much of a fuss about extremists as there was about the Danish cartoons. I'd say that extremists are the biggest threat to Islam. A huge public outcry from the muslim community would surely ostracise the extremists, and help to curtail the amount of muslims from being radicalised. It would also improve relations between muslims and non-muslims.




    I'm not entirely sure I agree. Are we really at the point where people need to come out and say they don't condone psychopathic murders? I do understand what you're saying, though, and it might improve relations. I just can't help but think we're moving into absurd territory when people need to actively distance themselves from such horrors.

  5. This may sound silly - but when does such an act become terrorism? Is it always terrorism? Is it because of the religious associations, or the extremity of the act? Is it because of the victim? Is this just a horrendous act, or is it terrorism?


    I was thinking the same thing.

  6. Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, EEVIL. :( Now what I came in here to post doesn't seem nearly as bad, but here goes:


    I'm a fucking moron; I completely missed the sign-up period for courses next semester. (Granted, they normally remind us when it is, which they didn't this time, but it's still my responsibility.) Now I need to apply for an exemption, and I have no idea how relaxed they are about such things. If they reject my application I won't be able to attend any courses next semester and possibly none for an entire year (due to courses being offered on semester basis), which might fuck up my student grant and my apartment lease.


    So much potential shit simply for forgetting to sign up for courses. I could kick myself.

  7. I feel for you, Moogs, I do. Couple of years ago, "we" decided to open up a bi-lingual section in the school.


    Long story short, the other two managers hired an American guy as homeroom teacher, a teacher who I had rejected a year previously due to his lack of teaching experience, ability and personality. I told them repeatedly that (a) hiring is MY job and (b) that this guy was going to be a disaster. Anyway, they decided to persevere with him getting worse and worse, more and more attitude-y and generally pissing everyone off, even to the point where his co-teacher resigned because she couldn't work with him. Oh, and he blackmailed the school into giving him a two-and-a-half hour lunch break.


    Eventually he goes completely off the rails, scares the shit out of the kids, screams at his co-teacher and threatened me.


    The school then throws it all into my lap because it's "Your responsibility". So I have to take the flak from the parents about this teacher, apologise for "the school" fucking up and generally be insulted by the other management. The lucky thing was, I saw this guy's meltdown coming a mile away, so the class was without a teacher for two days - I had hired his replacement three days before he went nuts.


    Did I get thanked? Did I get commended?


    Did I fuck. To this day I have not had any kind of apology, and now my contract negotiations are coming up. Guess who I'm going to fuck in the ass? YOU, YOU COCKS.


    Goodness, I've had a lot to drink tonight...


    My god, I don't know how you do it. I would've snapped a long time ago if I had been treated like you have been treated. My hat's off to you.

  8. EDIT: Danny's is pretty impressive! The Mexico one ruined your score though!


    Yeah, it really did screw up an otherwise awesome run. I'm a bit miffed at the bridge as well; I compared road layouts and everything, so I was utterly convinced I had the right one.


    I don't think using Google is cheating; it depends on how you want to play the game. If you just want to see how good you are at identifying your immediate surroundings, it's cool to try guessing your location without any assistance; I personally however find it much more exciting trying to pinpoint my exact location.

  9. Absolutely loved it. They just pulled everything off perfectly. The opening pulled you in instantly, and when it was finally revealed what Trenzalore was, I almost blurted out "Of course!" It made perfect sense and really helped build up the suspense. Involving Jenny, Strax and Vastra and putting their lives at stake likewise upped the tension and led straight to the fulfilment of the prophecy. The revelation of the Doctor's name was handled so well, and the content of his tomb really took the theme of the Doctor's dark past (which they've particularly touched upon with Smith's Doctor) to its logical and inevitable conclusion. As soon as they revealed it, I realised where it was going, and it just seemed like the perfect explanation for Clara's character: She's been with the Doctor throughout his entire life, and as such the "Clara is a manifestation of Doctor Who" theory actually turned out to be true in a sense while still making sense within the show. River's send-off was also done really well and was a truly satisfying end to the character.


    Now, here's something a bit weird: The idea of a person falling into a rift in time and being scattered into countless incarnations all throughout the ages is actually one that's been bouncing around in my head since I started watching Doctor Who. Now I need to come up with a new idea if I ever decide to write a Doctor Who/general time travel novel. :heh:


    Unlike many others, apparently, I loved the "Introducing John Hurt as The Doctor" text. :heh: It just really hammered home the twist, I felt. It also more or less confirmed the spoilers about the 50th anniversary I'd had the misfortune of stumbling upon. Now I simply cannot wait for autumn.


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