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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. No, I have access to documents. I’m not sure if I actually visit people flavour-wise.


    So what (exactly) did your results show? Did it simply say Eenuh is the Queen?


    @DuD I have already revealed 3 out of 4 of my targets so far but I don't remember hearing anything from you. I like a good trade - who have been your targets so far?


    I only count two. When did you reveal the third?

  2. I was roleblocked by something huge, heavy and soft (insert joke). As such I have nothing to offer this day phase.


    I believe it's safe to assume this is ReZourceman.


    Sorry guys, I still have a lot of catching up to do. I’ve gone out more than usual the last few days (and it will be the case this weekend as well).


    But ehh.. I’ve found the Queen? I targeted Eenuh.


    vote: Eenuh


    As I have said before, I am not the Queen but a new character. Though it makes sense that I would appear as the Queen as I am Audrey Doppler (the name should give it away).


    Basically I look exactly like the Queen and I was taken in by Jonas Barnes because of my resemblance to the Queen/Princess. He trained me to act like the Queen as I would be used to replace her once she had been removed from the throne, so the Court could create a puppet government.


    Paraphrasing my role here as I know I am not allowed to copy it. But I am evil and I know the Court will not rest until all the allies of the Queen have been eradicated.


    Hm, this is a believable story. It would fit with Jonnas's modus operandi for the last game, but I wouldn't put it past him to pull a double bluff. I would like to know more about your exact findings, Sméagol.


    Okay, I'm back now from my hols and have mostly caught up.


    So just to clarify what happened on night 2, I targeted Flink. I was the one checking his papers. Nothing nefarious.


    I do have some other info. It seems that we have an intruder among us! Diageo, it appears that you do not have the necessary documentation. You do not have an invitation. Can you please explain why? Is it something to do with the masks? I for one am not wearing one, and I was definitely invited.


    I was also redirected last night by a mysterious voice. Then someone held a knife to my throat preventing me from reaching my new target. So a fairly eventful night for me.


    Now, this is another lead worth pursuing. Diageo, care to explain?


    Not sure why I'm worth a lynch @DuD ?


    I targeted Enuh, a suspicious woman who was following someone...seems like she checks out as a tracker.


    Is this an actual power investigation? I.e. can you confirm she's a tracker or is that merely your interpretation of your findings? Because I assume most of us would appear to be following people in the night.




    I have another creeping suspicion, but let's focus on the major leads first.

  3. Oh yes I've spoken to her! About half an hour after I found out i sent her the following...


    "Well you've certainly moved on pretty fucking quickly... So was all the bullshit about not being able to be in a relationship true or was it just some lie to get out of one with me?"


    Needless to say she wasn't impressed with this and sent some shit back about how she hadn't planned it but she met this guy and they just clicked. She then went on to try and make me out to be the bad guy with how I'd not given her the space she asked for and how it wasn't okay that I turned up at her house unexpectedly... A little more back story...


    It was her birthday about three weeks after we broke up and I had already gotten her a present as I ordered it from Hong Kong. At this stage things still looked like they may work out again so I wanted her to have it (also didn't really want it sitting on my desk acting as a constant reminder :heh: ). So I tried to arrange to meet up with her to give her the present (that was literally all I wanted to do) but she just kept telling me that she would have to look at her shifts and get back to me when she finished work. This went on for over a week with her constantly blowing me off and I started to realise that she didn't want to see me. I was fine with this but thought she could've had the decency to tell me.


    The night before I went to hers I asked her one last time and actually told her to tell me if she didn't want to see me and that if that was the case I would just leave her alone for good. Once again she spouted some bullshit about how she was constantly busy and working six days a week etc and that she'd text me the next day when she'd figured out when she had time. Roll onto the next day (last Tuesday) and all over Facebook she's going on about having a day off work and wanted to know if anyone wanted to do something fun. This made me very angry, it made me think that clearly she had no intention of meeting up with me and that saying she had no free time was bullshit. This was when I decided I would just take the present to hers, drop it off and then leave, that way it would be over. Honestly at this stage I had given up on us getting back together, all I wanted was some closure, something she'd never had the courtesy to give me and so on the bus to hers I decided to write a few things done in a letter to get them off my chest and try and speed up the process - give her a chance to finally tell me it's 100% over!


    So back to yesterday's exchanges. Like I said she tried to put blame on me, but as far as I'm concerned my impromptu visit was justified she also had a go at me about the letter, saying it was really fucking offensive and that I accused her of fabricating a mental illness. Now I'll admit that some of the things I wrote were a bit harsh but I would never accuse anyone of such a thing! She did apologise for how fast it was but then later in another text she said that she wasn't actually sorry because he makes her happy - so showing some class there :indeed:


    Some other things were said and then she just said that she shouldn't have to explain herself to my anyway, and if I'm going to continue trying to make her feel guilty when she has done nothing wrong then she'd like me to leave her alone.


    I told her not to worry and that I would definitely leave her alone and then sent her the longest most passive aggressive guilt trip of a text saying how everything I had done that she didn't like was a direct result of her actions. Whilst I didn't say it as such I basically said that everything was her fault. Funnily enough she never replied to this :heh:


    So that's the full story, yes I regret some of the things I did/said but everyone I have spoken to sad that I was pretty much justified in my actions (well apart from the ex...)


    Actually, scrap that I don't regret anything, she pushed me to everything I did, all I wanted was honesty and closure and she didn't once have the courtesy to provide me with this. I know I said earlier that I want her to be happy but you can scrap that as well, I hope her new relationship blows up in her face and she realises how much of an idiot she has been and that she's made a mistake, just so I can tell her to fuck off!


    /even longer essay




    Back indeed. Haven't really been around (apart from the odd post) for a couple of years now! I plan on staying though!




    Definitely grazed, badly! She was the first girl I've been in love with and it basically ended with my worst fear realised - that any relationship I get into the girls just gonna get bored of me and leave. That's why I've avoided them before now...




    I don't even want to know how you're gonna make me forget about her... I may come to the meet but it depends on funding, as things stand I wouldn't be able to afford it :(


    Jesus Fucking Christ, that's horrible. Good riddance, though I'm very sorry to hear she was your first love; that's a tough pill to swallow.

  4. But – and here is where it goes all sour – there is an increasing belief by people involved in this that it is a massive hoax perpetrated against the BBC, by a man playing up his own eccentricities for negotiation purposes, but at no point giving any real evidence that he had copies of the episodes in question.




    And even if it is all just a hoax, remember, those episodes were transmitted fifty years ago. However faint, distorted and diluted, those signals have travelled fifty light years from Earth now, passing all manner of solar systems. One of them may host sentient life with interstellar flight technology, and may have the skills to capture and enhance those signals. And a spacecraft might be currently heading towards us ready to drop them off.



  5. I've not really been paying attention for this day (back at work, looking at car stuff, tiredness), so I'll just post my thoughts in bullet points:


    - I targeted The Peeps, found out he's getting parts for a flying machine.

    - My initial instinct is that he has a separate win condition. My PM specifically mentions that he needs parts from other court members to "reach his goal". Sounds suspicious as fuck to me.

    - Not sure what's going on with ReZ or Tales being mafia. I put the vote on ReZ in the previous day, but I'm confused why we're now going for Tales and not ReZ, from what Rummy said yesterday.

    - I don't mind putting a vote on Tales, but I feel slightly uncomfortable putting it on as it'll be the deciding vote. I'll do it if we're certain he is mafia scum.

    - What's the deal on ReZ? We saying he's mafia now or not?


    I'm personally less suspicious of ReZ since all Rummy confirmed was that he's a roleblocker. Doesn't prove he's not mafia, of course, but there's not really anything substantial on him as far as I can see.

  6. You saw through my lie,

    For the nooseman am I ;

    upon the gallows have I spent many a day,

    I pass no judgement, I just did what she say....d


    she has fallen from grace now let her hang from the rope,

    Without her the rebels will surely lose hope


    So the claim of a thief was but mirrors and smoke?

    Good sir, do you think this charade is a joke?

    Though deception and lies are our fair trade and stock,

    I ask that ye no longer this Court will mock!

  7. Pressure? For what? There is nothing left for oneself to reveal! I cannot account for anything outside of my control - consider that others may but wish not to. Of course, by all means, feel free to lynch me - it'll reveal who I am and my truths in full.


    In case it might make you trip up and reveal a lie, for instance. Pressure votes are standard fare for bringing people to the thread.


    In any case I have no strong desire to lynch you since you do seem to be genuine. But one must follow all leads, no?


    At the moment Tales is becoming more interesting, because if he isn't outright avoiding the thread and the questions, he's being inactive.


    Also, while this day phase may soon be over, I wouldn't mind hearing from some of our other inactives; where are people like @Jon Dedede, @Mr\-Paul and @Sprout?


    Forgot to Change Vote: Tales.

  8. As I have said good sir, all I know is that I protect from roleblocks and redirects - I sent my target as you for night 2, even slightly before the moon took its place in the night sky. I have been told nothing re: my masterful magics since N1 - when I was told about the nefarious happenings re: Cube. It is possible somebody interfered with my ways and I was not told, but that is all that I can offer.


    I find it interesting how quick Dannyboy is to vote for me, considering I have literally given everything about me now.


    N1: Cube

    N2: Marcamillian

    N3: Flink


    My targets and my role have been made clear.


    It was a vote of pressure, which I find quite reasonable considering your info had been contradicted. The question remains what to gather from this contradiction as neither you nor Marc strike me as particularly suspicious at the moment. Marc, could you elaborate on what happened?


    I would also still like to hear from Tales regarding his curious claims.

  9. Was it Danny who fought you off? Did you know of this fight if so, @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane?


    Read the post above. :heh: No, I wasn't even aware of any fight until ReZ just mentioned it.


    I'd also like to hear more about this flying machine @The Peeps. What are you using it for? It is clearly a win condition.


    Really? To me it sounded more like pure flavour. Best clear it up, though.

  10. Interesting. I would but of course liketh to hear from both. Yet again I attempted to target Dannyeth of boy but was unable to due to a challenge of sword dance. I left with my life, but my face was but squirted. A fate I rarely relish.


    My very dear friend, sir ReZource of Man,

    But one thing there is which I guarantee can:

    This dancing of swords I knew nothing of -

    A lawyer is not all that physically tough!


    Confess, though, I must: Son, I am disappoint

    That once more thy trust in me's sadly disjoint;

    I wonder pourquoi thee suspectest me so?

    And, pray tell, how may one allayeth thy woe?

  11. As mentioned by another, I sought that not being used;

    More importantly sirs I've spotted a ruse.


    Young master Rummy claimed to look over me Night two,

    Despite my words I was stopped that night.

    Pray tell purveyor of Rum, quite what do you do,

    With your protective powers surely you would have put up a fight.


    Hang on, now, I thought you said you just didn't find anything?

  12. BBC Rumored To Have Found Huge Stash Of Thought-Lost Doctor Who




    For loyal fans of Doctor Who, Christmas — or whatever the equivalent is on Gallifrey — may have come early. A new rumor suggests that the BBC may have uncovered a significant stash of lost classic Doctor Who material, including episodes that haven’t been seen since they aired the first time, all those decades ago. The scuttlebutt is that this happy occurrence will be officially announced this fall, tying into the show’s 50th anniversary celebrations.


    Doctor Who’s early history has always been full of holes, as many episodes from the era of the first two Doctors (William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton) were taped over, destroyed, or simply lost. Some thought-lost eps have resurfaced in various places over the years, but there’s still tons of material missing. Now Bleeding Cool is reporting that two unnamed sources have confirmed to them that the BBC has recovered a big chunk of the missing material, and plans to release it sometime this fall.


    Apparently some of the rediscovered material was recovered from an African engineer who had been nabbing things for years for his private collection. No word whether the BBC tracked him down or if he had approached them. Either way, Bleeding Cool says the material is rumored to include a full run of the 1967 Evil of the Daleks serial, of which only the second of seven episodes had been previously unearthed. The material may even mean fans can finally see the full run of Hartnell’s episodes.


    If all this proves to be true, Who fans will have much to celebrate later this year. It will also add a bit more to the so-far underwhelming line-up of anniversary events. We’ve got the 50th anniversary special that brings back David Tennant, obviously, and a TV movie about the creation of the show. But so far it’s all seemed sort of lacking for a show that’s celebrating five freaking decades of life. Hopefully the rumors will prove to be true. What better way to celebrate the show’s long history than with revisiting parts of it thought lost forever?



  13. Can someone explain the issue against Tales? I'll gladly follow, simply as I think time comes that we need to start lynching. My suspicions are still heavily on ReZourceman from my previous claims, though. I may be mostly absent this weekend, with plans and animal crossing combined.


    Basically his claims have been a bit curious; he claimed to have forgotten to send targets the first two night, and now he claims to have been blocked in exactly the same manner, even flavour-wise, as someone else.


    As for me, I decided to protect Fierce_LiNk last night. I apologise for my riling yesterday, I both wished to not be killed but also get a better measure of you. Either you have me fooled, or you truly are against the Queen. Maybe we will all get ALONG one day.


    Oh, yeah, also, due to Cube's swapping, this should mean you actually protected Animal.

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